Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Song of the Day
He's the sunlight in my sky, He is the moon that shines at night
He's the rainbow over me, the river running to the sea
The music and the poetry, the beauty that my eyes can see
Still His love means so much more to me

He's my Savior and everything within me
Wants to tell the world it's true
He's my Savior if you could open your heart
You would know Him, too

He's the fire in my soul, He melts my heart
And makes me whole
He's the air upon my breath
The gentle touch of holiness
Just for me He gave His life and
In that moment paid the price
For all I've ever done and that is why

He's my Savior and everything within me
Wants to tell the world it's true
He's my Savior the moment you open up your heart
You will know Him, too

I can take you there but I can't cross the line
It's my deepest prayer that this will be your time

I will vow, yeah
I will vow, yeah

Just for me He gave His life and in that moment paid the price
For all I've ever done and that is why

He's my Savior my best friend
He's my Savior He's my Savior, He saved me
He's my Savior and everything within me wants to
Tell the world it's true
He's my Savior the moment that you open up your heart
You will know Him too
~~Jaci Valesquez, He's My Savior

One of my new favorite songs. It just sounds so gorgeous.

Pulled this from my messageboard:

Arianrhod is the Celtic goddess of the full moon
(or the 'silver wheel'), of reincarnation, and
of the Wheel of the Year. You are mysterious
and serene, yet you can be stubborn and even

What Celtic Goddess are You? (With pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


Monday, September 29, 2003

The Stomachache of Happiness
I have about 8 minutes before I start in on the Superman commission again, so onward with the mindless blurge.

blurge: n., a nonsensical Ginnyesque word affectionately meaning garbage, junk, or directionless pratter.

Ron was the guest manager today. I was so freaking happy. I knew he would be in the store today, but I tried to keep myself from riding on the hope that he would be the morning manager.
But sure enough, as I am driving up to the store, his golden Ford is sitting out from.
Cue the Stomachache of Happiness.

Maybe later I'll go into all the funny situations that happened today because he was here, but for some reason, I'd rather focus on the S.o.H. I concede that I have intense social anxiety. Mom admits she was worried about me when I was younger. I see myself in my little brother Edward, who must be going through the same upset I am (without the same tramatic childhood I had, thank God, and I mean that).

I felt disillusioned when I saw Ron gabbing with the other managers. I guess when someone goes away, they are supposed to stay away. That feeling battled with my happiness of seeing him. And I knew I just didn't want to have to say goodbye again. I made it through the shift just fine--felt like old times again. I also drove home just fine. I'm not upset, just...I feel dull.

When I was thinking about this on the drive home, my mind turned to other people that I care deeply for. And then my thoughts turned to love. Last night, I was telling Flora how my cousin was being married next month.
"I'm never getting married," I added.
"Why not?" Flora asked.
"I just...I can't."
Flora tried to change the subject, but I pushed the matter. "Every time there is a wedding, all the family comes hunting me down, asking me when I'm getting married. This leaves me with two feelings: one, they are insensitively nosey, and two, I am less valuable for being single."
(Now I understand why all those people complain to Dear Abby about that.)
"Ginny," Flora pointed out, "the right one is out there."
"You know," I told her, "I wish life had a player's guide to it. One of those things that tells you who you are supposed to get for your team when you do certain actions. Or just what to expect in general."
"Life doesn't have one of those! If I do happen to find one, I'll send it your way after buying me a copy."
"Please do!"

I was talking to Shaun at the same time, but...I dunno, he seemed quiet. I had that funny little Stomachache of Happiness again. Like something was wrong. I was with the people I cared about, but for some reason...


Time's up. I need to go now.
Shameless speak of Ron and the Artist's Guide to the Human Body (aka "Nudie Book!!!") to be added in a while. ^_^

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Well, remember those dreams I've been having that continued to involve someone getting married? Well, I just got told that my cousin Karen (who is a sweet, brown haired cousin on my dad's side) is getting married. No, I didn't know!
Predicting dream? Doubt it. Interesting, though.

Karen's getting married next month in WI. That's far too far for my parents, and I doubt I'd be able to take the time out to go, either. *sags a little* Well, in that case, I guess I shouldn't expect too big of a crowd when I get married.

Pfft. 'Cuse me. If I get married. Still got plenty of maturing to do.


JamJam, Jamalamal, Maulo, Maulzilla.
Or just Jamal.
Bwa ha! Now I'm writing about you. What awful awful things can I share here, on the net, with thousands upon thousands able to read?
Well, you did whine about not being on this blog.

BTW, Jams, I found your card box and a few of your cards. And your Godzilla game and card are safe with us, too, so worry not. Today was great fun (my brothers wanted to emphasize that), and we can't wait for next weekend.

And taken out of context, that last sentence could sound so wrong. >_>

And they say that a hero will save us
I'm not going to stand here and wait
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles
Watch as they all fly away.

I've suddenly gotten a grand idea for a large scale chalk pastel Auron project. Ooooo...

Y'know, I'm going to have a high and mighty fit pretty soon here if my scanner doesn't start working again. It decided to go on the fritz early yesterday afternoon, and this naturally has me in a state of consternation because I need to be able to scan my comics in!

Oh well, at least I'm being far too distracted by my commission right now to care enough. Superman is shaping up quite nicely; right now, I have his arms, with muscles defined, and most of his cape. I also have part of the moon in the background, but it needs super major work done to it right now. I'm still not sure how I will do the background just yet, but we'll get there.

The image so far is impressing me, and if I can be impressed, then I know Shannon will be, too. By the time I finish it, I may not want to give it up. X-D

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Strange, that...
You know, last night, I was rolling in happiness. I was also planning to sleep in this morning and I didn't. I woke up far too early.
I don't even remember my dream, but I remember this much.
I'm upset...about something.

And I found a place I hadn't been
I breathed the scents of must
And I looked around in wonder
At the mold and at the dust.

Mold can't be without water
Running down forever there
The rains spring up, fall down
Damps the mold and damps the hair.

What funny ache is this, then?
What dust mold grows in size?
Flame forgotten, flame reborn
Burns the mold and burns the eyes.

And I found a place I hadn't been
And my heart aches once more
And I looked around in wonder
At the mold and at the core

Of the lost problem? Perhaps.
Faces hide behind glass walls
Covered by the mist of time
Empty mold and empty halls.

I...don't know what brought that on. It's not even that great, but I feel a little better for writing it. Mweh.

I've heard from the rumor mill that OB is just getting worse. I've been gone for almost a month now. And I don't miss it. I miss the old OB. But you can't go back. To go back is to regress, to back up, instead of progressing and getting better. I as I am now would not fit there, anyway.

Damnéd Wounds of Time
Ouch, I feel like I opened up an emotional wound. This is really hurting. But I don't want to let myself be dragged down by my own guilt and shame.
...what happened to the happiness I had less than 12 hours ago?
Hurting is a part of getting better, of maturing. So I'm growing. But what is making me grow? What is hurting me?
Something is not right. And I don't know what it is. That's the worst of it.

Friday, September 26, 2003

It's a beautiful thing
Today, BB sent me the Auron/"Hero" music video. I am frickin' beside myself, I love it so much! *gush gush and more gush*

~2 hours later~
Where was I? Oh yes, heh.
Shannon brought me the Superman pics today, so I'm going to be insanely busy this weekend, what with catching up on my comic, making BB's well-deserved logo, and doing Shannon's commission (for which I am getting paid, GLEE!!!!).

*stares in fascination at the "Hero" music video* I'm never getting tired of this one, lol. I wish I knew how to make music videos...I am so happily jealous of BB now! X3

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Something about Kevyn (a server up a work) and altitude tests. Beyond that, I don't know. I feel exhausted...

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Last Night's Dream
It was a weird doozy.

There was this wedding for--I think--my female cousin, and she was blonde, young, but rather snobby to me. She was one of those arrogant types of people. Anyways, we're all rushing around to get ready for the wedding ceremony that very day, and I'm told at the last minute that I'm supposed to be this really important job that involved wearing a dress and train too (a second bride? why?). Except my tiara thingy is too big for my head--my cousin wails that I'm ruining the wedding--and then the tiara is missing.

Well, the wedding goes through. I go home, only to find my house is both bare and full of junk. I go into the bathroom, which is both a normal size and obivously big enough to hope several family members, one of whom reminds me I need to go to school. I set my stuff down, stare at the bathtub, which is filled with water, books, and has pondskaters scurrying along the surface of the water. I mental sense a young boy, one of my relatives, and that he is a vampire.

Now I have all my homework. Gaw, I got back from the wedding in time for the end of the 6 weeks. I was gone that long?! Thanks a lot, snobby cousin! I remember the math and history, decide to get back to it in a minute, and take care of English. So I pull out my algebra book. And the book turns into a television show.

It shows my cousin again, who has a black eye now, and a bloody line beneath each eye. She's swimming to the top of the lake and moves to kiss someone--I'm guessing her husband.

Shift back to the vampire boy. He seems nice enough, and is talking to this girl he likes. But when she leaves, someone else shows up, someone that upsets the vampire boy enough to show his true nature, then disappear to the town's river.

View of cousin, her husband, and a friend. The husband draws away from the cousin, and she pouts, wondering if it's the blood. She gets up and stalks off into the woods...
...where vampire boy has just teleported himself. A big hairy creature jumps up at attention, and the boy turns him into a giant treasure box.


Oh yes, there's also questions on a sheet of paper to understand the book/show (like we did back in 5th grade). Stuff like, "How come the boy can turn them into treasure boxes?" "If he vowed to cleanse the town and he had the river, why didn't he do it? (mental sensed answer had something to do with staying either on the east side of the river or away from the east side, where the sun rose)"

Very weird...

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Speaking of Shannon...
...he commisioned me to do a 2'x3' picture of Superman. O.o
The guy's a Superman freak. I remember this one time he wore glasses to work and I told him he looked like Clark Kent. Tickled him to no end.
Freak. X3

And one more thing...
"I Need You" was stuck in my head all day today. I actually kept singing the chorus. I tried to chase it out of my head by singing the Hymn of the Fayth in the storage room, but no luck.
At least it's a pretty song, so no biggie. LOL.

Final Fantasy: Survivor
I'm still proud of myself. And it's only getting better. I've gotten a few people to help me with a few things, so my little--what is the word?--brain baby--no--well, if you know what I mean, go you.--so my little whatever it is is being taken care of. Yay!

Last Night's Dream
Well, I don't remember much, except there was a tornado in it.
And then I was at some sort of hotel apartment, and my own room was huge and there were all these small pools and waterslides built into the brick patio just outside my room. Shannon was there, O_o;;;, and I kept Looking at him, because I got the mental sense that this was the honeymoon room I was staying at and he had no business being there. Plus, I think I was dressed indecently, or something.
Then he's conferring with someone else, and it turns out they are supposed to make sure I stay in my room, because I'm really important and I'm in danger...
O_O;;; ?_?

Quizzy Goodness!

Which Lion King Character Are You?

Created by CrazyCoasterCo.

Odd. I remember taking this quiz a long time ago, and getting Young Simba. Ah well. ^.^

The Finding Nemo Character Selector Created by Dory

Awww...I wanted Gill (he's awesome!). On a different Finding Nemo quiz, I got Marlin. >_<

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, September 22, 2003

Who started it, anyway?
Des: Okay, back.
Ginny: YAY!
Ginny:*throws flowers about*
Des: What kind of flowers?
Ginny: um...ones you like?
Ginny: (that was weak, lol)
Des: What kind do I like?
Ginny:ones that designate your godliness as a Legend of Zelda Lore Master?
Ginny: what would you call those? O.o
Des: lol
Ginny: really?
Des: -_-
Ginny: first time I've heard of lol flowers
Des: I do actually have a favorite flower.
Ginny: ooo?
Des: It should be easy to figure out. Think about it for a bit.
Ginny: nope, can't think of anything
Des: What color do I always use?
Ginny: all I can think of is...wait, green...
Ginny: ivy...?
Ginny: um. um. um....?
Des: -_-
Des: ALWAYS use. I don't use green that often.
Ginny: ergh?
Ginny: Blue?
Des: ...
Ginny: *hides*
Ginny: lol
Des: What am I using right now?
Ginny: black
Des: o_O
Ginny: that's what it looks like
Des: It shows up as black for you?
Ginny: yups
Des: This is black. This is purple.
Ginny: I see black n black
Ginny: brb
Des: Do you have AIM set to only display one font/color?
Ginny: nooooo
Des: Strange. You can't see any different between those two?
Des: *difference
Ginny: very barely
Des: Looks to be clearly purple to me. My brother can't says it's not purple, that it's more black than purple.
Ginny: still extremely hard to tell
Des: How about this?
Ginny: ok, yes
Ginny: that I can tell
Des: You people are color blind. :-P
Ginny: this must be what you were using
Des: Yeah, that's it.
Ginny:or this one
Ginny: weido
Ginny: *weirdo :-P
Ginny: ok, purple
Ginny: lilac?
Ginny: you're a LILAC BOY? Ooooo!
Des: No. >_>
Ginny: no? ?_?
Des: No.
Ginny: what else is purple?
Des: If I told you, it wouldn't be guessing, now would it?
Ginny: O_O
Ginny: *does that AC shock face*
Ginny: grrr
Ginny: I can't think!!!
Des: lol
Ginny: *air drums to Otherworld, keeps thinking*
Des: Want a hint?
Ginny: yesh!
Ginny:*gets Wakka to put you in headlock*
Ginny: ready!
Des: They aren't blue.
Ginny: ._.
Ginny: *tells Wakka to take Desbreko to the Executioner with the Really Huge Shiny Sword*
Ginny: another hint would be really good, now, wouldn't it?
Ginny: :-P
Des: I can't believe you're not getting this, lol.
Ginny: *Wakka presents your still attached head to the E.w.t.R.H.S.S.*
Ginny: I won't lose my head over this,
Ginny: *groan*
Ginny: but you might. ^.^
Des: I think it's too late.
Ginny: ?_?
Ginny: I'm clueless
Des: Come on... What's another name for the color purple?
Ginny: *does that AC shock face again*
Ginny: OFF WITH HIS--violets?
Des: Amazing! :-P
Ginny: --HEAD!
Ginny: *chop*
Des: x_X
Ginny: E.w.t.R.H.S.S., aka Auron: Oops.
Ginny: ok, um, that's right
Ginny: we were strewing violets around you because of your return
Ginny: except
Ginny: you're sorta dead now O.o
Des: How nice...
Ginny:well, you started it!
Ginny:: :-
Ginny: :-P
Des: No I didn't! You're the one that started tossing flowers in the first place!
Ginny: *reattaches your head*
Ginny: well, if you didn't go around in a black purple font, this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place!
Ginny: ...or is that second place?
Ginny: or pre-first place?
Ginny: @_@
Des: It's the Ginny-is-overly-violent-with-the-chopping-off-of-heads place. >_>
Ginny: is that the first one?
Ginny: I don't think it should be.

Turn Up the Radio
This morning was very unusual.
See, when I drive to work, I take CDs with me, because the radio usually plays rather eh songs or nonstop commercials.
This morning, I turned the car on, and began to dig through my CDs. Well, I had left the radio on for some reason (probably because I ejected the CD the night before, which automatically leads to the radio playing), and it was playing.

First up was "For the Children of the World" by Amy Grant. If you know the recent community project I've undertaken the past few weeks, you can understand that I was actually crying by the second verse.
Once the song ended, I smiled, thanked God, then reached for my CD case again.
"Shackles" by MaryMary started to belt out right then, and I couldn't help but listen.
That was followed by "I Need You" by Leann Rimes and "I'm Not Ashamed" by the Newboys.
I was really moved this morning. It was simply incredible, and not, as some of you might believe, just luck.
God spoke to me, and I listened.

I'm Not Ashamed
I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.

What are we sneaking around for?
Who are we trying to please?

Shrugging off sin,
Apologizing like we're spreading some kind of disease.
I'm saying, "No way.
No way."

I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.

This one says it's a lost cause-
Save your testimonies for church time.
The other ones state
You'd better wait
Until you do a little market research.
I'm saying, "No way.
No way."

I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.

I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.

I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.
(Of Jesus Christ)

I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.
(To speak the name)

I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.
(Jesus Christ)

I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.
(Speak His name. Speak His Name)

I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.

Ginny's not ashamed.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

No, I have no idea how the FF:S Link got a orange star instead of a black one like everyone else. Go fig. O.o

*playing with Template*

Friday, September 19, 2003


Tonight's Inspiring Song

Most live a lifetime and never see
The soul of tomorrow in someone's eyes
Some give up on all of their dreams
One second before they materialize

But love broke through walls of stone
It was You, You alone

You crack the sky like broken glass
You rescued me when my chance had passed
Sometimes things aren't as hard as we may think
Because all we need is just a touch of faith

Some never ever turn a key to the door
Of their heart's desires
Too afraid to fall somewhere in between
Tomorrow's fears and the pressure's fire

Your love broke through walls of stone
It was You, it was You alone

You crack the sky like broken glass
You rescued me when my chance had passed
Sometimes things aren't as hard as we may think
Because all we need is just a touch of faith

Your touch pushed back the clouds just like the sun
Your hand pulled me out of the hardest time
That I've ever known, that I ever knew
Oh Lord, that was all because I met You

Your love broke through walls of stone
It was You, it was You alone

You crack the sky like broken glass
You rescued me when my chance had passed
Sometimes things aren't as hard as we may think
Because all we need is just a touch of faith

(Joy Williams, Touch of Faith)

This is one of my favorites. You gotta listen to the music, at least--very inspiring.

I didn't feel much like blogging this one, but I'm still forcing myself to, nonetheless.

I was at ToastMasters again. A little background info--ToastMasters is a speech "club", and the more speeches you give, the higher your standing.
Anyways, I dreamt I was back at the club, giving my CTM speech (CTM means you have given ten speeches). IRL, I had already given my CTM, but I never sent my papers in, so my CTM isn't official.
I dreamt that my good friend from my other church, Gundy, was there (he was the one who got me into TM in the first place), and there was a LOT of teenagers there, too. I tried to start my speech, but kept stumbling over the first few words. Finally, I just told everyone I'd try again tomorrow--it had something to do with dance steps (?).

I miss Gundy...
I'm sorry, Gundy...sorry I let you down.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

You are Windows XP.  Under your bright and cheerful exterior is a strong and stable personality.  You have a tendency to do more than what is asked or even desired.
Which OS are You?

Final Fantasy: Survivor is almost here!
Well, now that the technical problems are finally laid to rest, it is only a matter of time. Monday, in fact, will be the very first day that I finally get this show on the road (a little more maintenance on the site, now that I know all my URLs).

Take a look at the (rather plain) teaser and get ready to bookmark.
Final Fantasy: Survivor

He has a point
"But don't you find it boring to wear only two colors?"

"Not at all. I find it liberating. I believe my life has value, and I don't want to waste it thinking about clothing," Malcolm said. "I don't want to think about what I will wear in the morning. Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports."

"Dr. Malcolm," Hammond explained, "is a man of strong opinions."

"And mad as a hatter," Malcolm said cheerfully. "But you must admit, these are nontrivial issues. We live in a world of frightful givens. It is given that you will behave like this, given that you will care about that. No one thinks about the givens. Isn't it amazing? In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought."

(Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park)

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Song for the Night
I've heard this by famous Christian artists, so it goes great as a God song. But it also doubles for-- *ducks random things being thrown at her*
Sooooooorriiieee! LOL!

I don't need a lot of things
I can get by with nothing
Of all the blessings life can bring
I've always needed something
But I've got all I want
When it comes to loving you
You're my only reason
You're my only truth

I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you

You're the hope that moves me
To courage again
You're the love that rescues me
When the cold winds, rage
And it's so amazing
'Cause that's just how you are
And I can't turn back now
'Cause you've brought me too far

I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do

I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do
I need you
I need you

- Leanne Rimes

Thanks, special person, and thanks, God. I'm starting to feel like I have a purpose again. Slowly, but surely. *gently, happy sigh*

Are you normal?
Try this.
Think of a number between 1 and 1o.
Multiply that by 9.
If you get a two digit number, add the two digits together.
Subtract 5.
Match your new number with a letter of the alphabet (1=a, 2=b, 3=c, etc).
Think of a Country that starts with your letter.
Now take the last letter of the country's name; think of an animal whose name starts with that letter.
Take the last letter of the animal's name now; think of a fruit that starts with that letter.

Did you get a kangaroo eating an orange in Denmark? Oddly enough, 98% of people will say this.
I, however, ended up with a koala eating an apple in Denmark. So one third of my brain is still like the rest of y'all's. ^_~

Quote of the Week
"I'm not close-minded. You're just wrong." ~~Bucky, Get Fuzzy

I'm incredibly excited. This is the first time a comic of mine is actually going through--even if the characters aren't mine.

Coming soon. Like, by the end of this week. Link as soon as it is up and running.

AIM stuff
Yeah, well, thanks to Mom walking in on a bit of a situation late last night, coupled with me falling ill this afternoon, I wasn't able to be on. And I won't be able to be on AIM for a while now. Mom thinks I'm getting far too caught up in internet people and not paying enough attention to the real world.
Email me, you guys. I'll get back to AIM ASAP, but...please email me.

Real World News
Got my evaluation from work today. Shannon gave me a near perfect, saying that it would have been a perfect if he gave perfects--which he doesn't. He also said that all the management team agreed on my rating and wanted to let me know that my opinion on servers/managers is highly respected, because it is an opinion that is unbiased, honest to the point of blunt, and mostly correct.
I feel confident now (I did when they first made me a trainer, and now, I feel moreso).
Honestly, I do. And Shannon tossed in another raise for me ^_______^ which makes me quite happy.
(So much for transferring to Rockwall. >_>)

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

There was something taking over everyone, possessing them. I remember running, and there was this older guy--I couldn't tell if he was on my side or not, because first he took me to the leader of the possessed people. Then, when I'm running again, he's running with me, telling me how to break the possession, and we have another girl with us--sorta reminded me of BBaka.
Anyways, we three start building this fire and the guy tells us we need to paint our faces white and make a face with the black paint like this: O_O The possessed people break into the room we are in, and both the guy and the girl have paint on and the fire's roaring. I don't, so the girl pulls me close and smushes her face against mine, so paint rubs off on me. We three then scream, "WAKE UP!" and the possessed people just pause, confused.
It must have worked. I was in the last room again, and I saw one of my co-workers, Falley (6' 5", over 2oo lbs, BIG guy, such a teddy bear, lol). He points to the swimming pool in the room. "Neat."
Yeah, never mind the small sharks in it. >_>

Then I have this dream that I am watching the Men in Black cartoon again. K and J are on this beach approaching some sort of alien which isn't moving. K comments on the alien being one of those exosuits with a tiny alien in the head. (In the cartoon, there was a good kind and a bad kind.) J doesn't think too highly of the alien, pointing to the shoulder mounted laser gun. Then K steps forward to look at the alien and J freaks, thinking the alien is attacking K; J leaps forward to threaten the alien and it falls forward into the ocean, catching K with its gun. K's head floats above the water as he struggles to swim against the heavy alien suit. J screams, and --this next part is strangely funny--does this dramatic, "K! NOOOOO!" It wasn't the words so much as how overdramatic the animation was. It just made me laugh.

Then a commercial followed that I don't remember.

My brain's a regular television. >_> Given that I haven't watched one in a few weeks, that is weeeeeeird.

Monday, September 15, 2003

The Gospel of Shaun, the forgotten book of the Bible

DaiKari21: and in the 9th month of the 2003'rd year, it was said that a chatroom should be made
DaiKari21: and Shaun said
draKehho: lol
DaiKari21: let there be a chat room
DaiKari21: and it was so
draKehho: And Shaun was pleased
DaiKari21: and Shaun saw that it was good
draKehho: and stripped down
draKehho: COUGH
draKehho: I mean--
draKehho: *dies*
DaiKari21: and in the 11th our of the afternoon, Shaun saw fit to invite his friend Ginny
DaiKari21: and it was so
draKehho: sorry, ain't never letting you live shirtlessness down ^_~
DaiKari21: and also in the 11th hour of the day, Shaun saw fit to invite his friend Flora
DaiKari21: and it was so
DaiKari21: and Shaun saw that it was good
draKehho: and he--no, wait.
draKehho: *giggle*
DaiKari21: O_O

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Ya know, after all I've heard, you think Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom woulda done a better job of floating my boat. As it were, their characters were both rather undesirables.
Zombie Monkeys
Condoms To Go
And a Rolling (Jiggly)Puff
are the order of the day, lol.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Blue Link
You're Blue Link, and
your passion is delving into the many secret-
filled dungeons. You don't care for Rupees or
fighting--you're content just to be able to
explore, solve puzzles and find secrets, and
the Roc's Cape compliments this perfectly,
letting you explore areas you wouldn't
otherwise be able to reach. You're the loner
and slowpoke of the group, which means you
don't get along with Red Link at all. On the
other hand, however, Purple Link loves tagging
along to collect all the Rupees you

What Color Link are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, September 13, 2003


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

I don't like that answer.

I'm more like Cerberus--I like to make a lot of noise, and despite having all the abilities, I can't do something until I'm told to. But when I'm performing said task, you can rarely find anyone better.

But then Cerberus isn't a god, is he? Well pfft. I've always like Cerberus, because I've always preferred the mythical creatures to the mythical humans.

I don't recall much, but it was one of those dreams where I was at this amusement park and the dinosaurs were loose again. This time, it was all about the T-Rex.

I remember escaping from the apartments (?). I remember people I knew standing in line for something--on a wooden stairway, like at Six Flags--and I was riding on a pteradactyl. Silly as that sounds, I was flying in my dream--I always love those kind.

And then the T-Rex burst out from the forest and snapped at the dactyl. My dad was in the line and he was racing up to catch me--something I wouldn't have associated with him. Not to say that he wouldn't do that, it just seems...uncharacteristic.

I remember I was being (lovingly) teased about being a virgin at work again yesterday. I was talking to the servers about my art nature of staring at people to study them, and the subject turned to this one book I got for my birthday.

The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist

I know you can tell where this is going already.

So one of the older matron servers pretends to condemn me, then asks if I have any favorites.

"I used to change my brothers' diapers--I know what it looks like!" I shot back. "...although..." (and I'm being perfectly honest here, this next part was pure artist talking) "...there is this one guy that is a very good model in there."

I talk about how everything's in black and white, showing highlights and shadows well. I talk about how all the models aren't perfect models, which is good.

Then I make a Freudian Slip.

"Going back to the one guy--he's my favorite 'cause he's just so well proportioned."

The minute those words slipped out I realized what I said and...well, died of embarrassment, lol. The servers were cracking up for minutes on end.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

All sorts of good stuff
Let's see...best way to write this (because I feel lazy right now):

Ginny: OOO! Funny story!
Ginny: today was strangely quiet again
Ginny: well, Heather, our bartender, wanted someone to run to Starbucks
Ginny: so everyone starts pitching in their order
Ginny: I have only been to Starbucks once, but Heather kept telling me to get something anyway
Ginny: I agree.
Ginny: Famous last words. >_>
Ginny: Later, after I had downed my nice Mocha something or other, I was literally bouncing off the walls.
Shaun: LOL
Shaun: you
Ginny: Chad, my manager, took one look at me, then shouted: "All right, who let Ginny have caffeine?!?!?!"
Shaun: You're a light weight like me!
Shaun: LOL
Ginny: OOOO, and Ron came to the store today!
Shaun: O.o!
Shaun: yay!
Ginny: I was walking to ToGo, and someone shouted, "Chad, Ron's here!"
Ginny: I wanted to see, and, yeah, sure enough.
Ginny: And the bugger swept me into this massive bear hug. He did that to everyone.
Ginny: That's not normal Ron behavior. He must really miss us. O.o
Shaun: aww
Ginny: We miss him, I know that much. ^_;
Ginny: so those are my s--wait, one more story
Ginny: apparentally, someone filled the shake machine way too full last night
Ginny: so Chad kept offering the servers shake shots
Ginny: normally, that is a write-up offense
Ginny: but he was desperate to get the extra out
Ginny: I ended up having a Chocolate Dr. Pepper
Ginny: (as if I didn't already have enough caffiene, lol)
Shaun: LOL

There we go. Simplified. I am happy. ^^ And lazy. Did I mention that? ^_^

Don't remember much. But some guy got blown to bloody bits with a rocket being shoved down his throat at a fair. Memory dump--reminds me of two shows Dad was watching yesterday.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Last night's dream
I don't remember much about it except this:
Shaun was speaking to me. He said, "No matter how many canyons I put up, you still use rope and climb across."
I get what that means...but that sounds like something I would say, not Shaun.

Monday, September 08, 2003

You are a unicorn
Elegant, graceful and strong. Unicorns possess an inner power that is without equal in the world. They could stare down even a dragon with their calm deep eyes, yet their nature is restless and they are always on the move. Going where they want to, for they symbolize freedom and mystery.
Visit the pixie forest at chasing the sunset, and see what species YOU are.

Last Night's Dream
I dreamt I was at this large theater and I saw Ron there. He was talking to some other people and I just waited for him to walk by, then hugged him. Being shorter, I sorta hugged his stomach.
"I've missed you," I told him.
"Yeah, I missed you too," he replied, sounding sorta embarrassed, but patting my head. Normally I hate that, but ...well, I still do. XP

I miss him. T-T

VideoGame Recaps.com
Looooooove this site!!! Heh, I've played most of these games, and I must say, the cynical sarcasm they place in their recaps of each game is simply hilarious! (well, despite language and innuendos). Such as:

"A sad little piano solo plays as we fade in on a sunset. There's a pile of weapons on a little hill. There's a ball and a sword, and it looks like the sword is sticking into the ball. I don't think that's good for the ball. There's also a fancy rod, which undoubtedly belongs to the studly hero. Yeah right."

"Then we have our first FMV of the game. [Tidus] suddenly looks Japanese. As in very, very different from his normal gameplay look. Whoops, game designers. I mean, don't get all politically correct on me, people. I'm not saying he shouldn't look Asian, I'm just saying they should have matched up the character designs between regular gameplay and FMVs. For the love of God, they have the technology!" (This was one of Ginny's big complaints, too.)

"A giant tidal wave approaches the city, and red robe guy looks like he's toasting it with his big ol' sake jug. This all has significance. Deep and powerful significance. Okay, I tried to make it all sound cool and epic. Leave me alone."

"[Tidus] falls on his [butt], and Auron sticks a sword in his face. "Take it," he says. Those last two sentences could sound very dirty taken out of context. ..."A gift from Jecht," Auron explains. "My old man?" [Tidus] asks. "No, the other Jecht. The one that hasn't been mentioned ten times already," Auron replies. Oh wait, that was me.

I guess it's handy that Auron just happened to be carrying around this sword that Jecht gave him for ten years. I wonder if it got annoying at some point. I mean, Auron obviously had his own sword to carry around and stuff. I guess he put it the same place that the other 50 extra weapons are stored in RPGs."

"Auron just looks down at him, big sphere of Sin in the background, contemplating whether or not he should step on [Tidus'] hands. At least that's what I would be contemplating." (Amen, Jeanne.)

And there's plenty plenty more. That was just the first page and a half of the FFX recap (there are several other Final Fantasy games, a Zelda one, and a few other random ones), with the best moments yanked out by me. Jeanne is a frickin' riot in these things, and I was seriously gasping for air by page 2, I was laughing so hard. (She also likes Auron, although she rips on him like she does all the other characters. It's all good, though.)

Today's Job Quote
"If it walks, say hi to it. If it talks, upsell it. If it doesn't move, tell it to get to work!"

Friday, September 05, 2003

Today was gross
Let's see, I pulled...7oo + 8oo....COR! I did $15oo in sales all by my lonesome in ToGos today. O_o
Well, not really on my own. The servers were more than happy to help out. They kept telling me it was because of all the times I've ever helped them out.
I still got frustrated, though. I wasn't quite sure who was doing what, because I was being run around in circles (I failed to set down what needed to be done and who would do it...bad me). I know I made a few mistakes this morning, some big, some tiny. I even had to go into the walkin freezer at one point and just breathe, I was so upset.
I remember having a hard time breathing during the evening shift. It was slower during the night, but there was this funny pain in my chest and I just couldn't breathe at all for a few seconds. That scares me.
I fell short $11 on my morning till and another $5 this evening. My feet hurt. I walked with only $8 in the positive, tip-wise...and this was (supposed to be) my big money making shift, too. ;_;

Oy vey. What a day. I hope I can do a better job of it next week. It doesn't help when it's dead all week, and then all the business hits at once on one day. -_-;

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Ginny's Been Busy
(Gack! I wrote "busty" twice before I was able to correctly type "busy". O_O)

Anyways, my newest comic I'm working on. *ignores comments of "Here we go again."* I've got major support for this one already, and...well, take a peek at a few images.


Heh, I feel goooooood. ^________^ First the Children's Ministry and now this. *glee!* And now I feel tired, so if you'll please excuse me...=)


What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

O....k. Doing that whole "wish I belonged" thing again, I take it. O_o;

(FYI, I couldn't stand the movie. I know, I know, I'm evil now.)

Quote for the Day
"Breaking the sound barrier was just so...so...it was just so orgasmic!" ~~Kelly Roberts, Chili's server

Quote for the Day: Part II
"Fries! Fries! YAAAAaaayy. ...I'm getting excited about fries."
*stares for a moment*
"See, this is what happens when you don't have a sex life." ~~Ginny Lyn, >_>

And now you see what kind of place I work in. :D

Dream Spatters
I only remember bits and pieces, but what I do remember is beyond weird.

--for some reason I am sick and in a hospital gown. My friends try to help me by either taking blood or giving it, I'm not sure which, and it makes me deathly sick. I remember this orderly yelling at my friends. I felt bad for them.
--I was young Auron and something about marriage (gag, again)
--There was a community contest going on at work. I was standing outside of Chili's in the parking lot with my loose change jar and I just released something and was trying to catch it again. Something valuable fell out, as well as a torn piece from a ronin Auron pic I got off the Net. Some old guy told me not to bother catching it again, because it was free now. (whatever "it" was)

See? Weird. *makes note not to eat Hi-C gummies before bedtime again*

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Seen on the Notes Whiteboard at work:
AM Manager: Debbie
PM Manager: Shannon
Vacation: Chad
Institution: Greg

Bwa ha ha ha. *evil grin* Someone's got a sense of humor.

Children's Ministry
It was my first night to be involved in my new church's children's ministry and I loved it. I got to play a dog puppet and the kids got the biggest kick out of Theo (the name of the dog). I also known some of the songs and motions to them.
*grin* I feel like I belong again. It's a good feeling.

Back Again
And Des, I'm going to play listener for you tonight, whether you like it or not. :p :)
I'm not worried about you anymore, but I do wanna help you, bud.

Wedding Nightmare
OK, show of hands--how many people did I just freak out with that title? Mmm? Heh, thought so.
Anyways, no, I'm not getting married. Thank God, and I mean that after the nightmare I had on it last night. Though...the end left me with something to think about. >.<

So all I remember really is this:
I was getting married to Ricky. Now, all I remember about Ricky was going to middle school with him (which is actually a dream mistake--IRL, I only went to 4th and 5th grade with him) and that, although he was my friend, he was really annoying (his nickname used to be "Screech"). So here I am about to go off to the church and I remember his...essence?...shining with a genuine "I'll be good, I'm better now" sort of shine.

Then I wake up, wonder, and drift back off to sleep.

I'm being asked to get married, except this time it's--get this--a demon ghost. And despite his reputation, he's actually doing everything he can to make me feel happy. So the attention's great, his devotion to me is warming, and I guess I get caught off guard when he asks me to marry him. O_o I instantly feel regret for agreeing, but say nothing.
Day of the wedding, and he offers to drive me to church. I turn it down, telling him I'll take my blue scooter. (?!?) I remember going on the MixMaster with the scooter and falling asleep while driving, but I make it to the church ok. The whole way up there, all I can think about is how many people will be there, how much money was spent, and it's a sort of rationalization that I just can't back out of the marriage.

I get to the church and the front hall looks like the hall of my old house, except the kitchen is removed and there are a set of stairs in place of the kitchen leading down to the ground level of the church. I stare at all the people waiting down there, and I see my immediate family smiling at me. I also dream-sense the ghost for a moment. I try to rationalize it once more, "he's been so good to me, he's so kind, I'll never meet anyone as nice as this ever again," but I know something's missing. I find my mom and pull her to one side.

"What's wrong, Ginny?"
"If I called off the wedding right now, there'd be a lot of people mad."
"Yes, there would." She crosses her arms. She knows what's coming.
I use my rationalization again. Mom stops me and says, "You're missing something."
"I am?"
Mom says, "You aren't in love with him, are you?"
And this funny ache just hits right in the middle of my heart--Mom scores a bullseye. It's worse as I picture exactly who I wanted to marry. What's even worse about that is that...I guess...he's the one I want IRL, too. (Sorry, I'm never telling any of you, unless you're the guy and by some wild chance I do marry you some day.)

Mom sighs real patiently. "You need to do what you need to do, Ginny."
And my alarm goes off.

Eh, I think this dream was just another one of those memory dumps. I was talking to a customer yesterday, and she was telling me about her marriage, how her mom wanted a big fancy one and the customer managed to get away with a tiny one. Yeah, memory dump, that's all.
*growls* Great, it'll be sticking with me all day now. >.>