Friday, April 30, 2004

Today's song: "No Stone to Throw", Sierra
Today's mood: Weary but happy

The reason I picked that song
is because most of the people at work (think they) know who our thief is, after Jenna had her purse (with 2oo in cash in it) stolen. The problem is, this same person is now in the hospital because her diabetes are out of control.

And there's rumors going around she's faking her diabetes, that she is actually taking drugs when she says she's taking insulin, and so on. On the one hand, everything seems to fit, but there's still enough reasonable doubt. So on the other hand, I don't know enough and I don't like being swayed by minor mob mentality. My theme for life this year is to make my own decisions; even if they turn out to be the wrong ones, hey, at least I made them.

Best. Freaking. Quote. EVER
"Elmo knows where you live!" --The Simpsons, "(When) PBS Attacks"
There's just something about Elmo being evil that cracks me up. Ask Ginny and Des. That one thing with Elmo and Big Bird....heh heh heh.

Jeff (Sir Enji) would be pleased
Weird dream alert again.

I was back at my old house (which was a one story, but in the dream it had two stories in the back, for some reason). It was raining like crazy and as I stared out the upper back window, I saw the water level was literally lapping at the bottom edge of the upper window. Major floodage.

I looked at Mom and wondered if I would still have to go to work. I walk downstairs to the front door and --well, I never opened the door, but I can see through it. And there's this guy in the air with large leathery wings. He claps them together and the water is gone. I hear this battle scream from high up in the air, and the guy flies off to meet the other person, I guess.

I look out the back, lower window, noticing the backyard is now in its own personal little valley, with the rest of the neighboorhood high above it. I decide I'm going to do something before my house gets reflooded. Mom protests, but I go anyway.

I remember something about an old lady showing up and telling me I'm Castlevania's only hope and she and someone else (the first guy that was flying around?) are helping make my wings. A big ugly bat monster dives out of nowhere when she pulls the special cups (or plates or something, it doesn't make sense, just go with it) and breaks them. First guy panics, but old lady opens the trunk of her car to reveal more of the special cups. (Why she was parked in my driveway in the first place is beyond me.)

They put gloves on me. The gloves are--OK, this part is a little hard to describe, but I'll try--well, let's see. For the Digimon-familiar, imagine a metal version of Renamon's gloves, and the middle finger strap actually goes over all the fingers (sans thumb). For the rest of you, the gloves are like a combination of shackle and fingerless gloves; the part of the glove that goes over the hand extends out beyond the hand, and a strap runs under the fingers.

I grip the straps, and the old lady tells me to flap. O....kay.

Big ugly bat monster is back, so I flap. And these fiery wings explode out of the gloves, and I'm airborne (wheeeeeeeeeee! I LOVE flying dreams!). I easily send the bat monster flying off then I fly around for fun some more.

*happy sigh* Flying. (Never mind the fact I'm aerophobic (afraid of heights). And those glove-wing thingies just gave me a great idea for one of my "VV" characters. YAY!

OK, this is eerie...
I just looked at my verse for the day (Isaiah 4o:31), and it says, "...they shall mount up with wings as eagles..." I know it's symbolic, but still. (FYI, I tend to like that verse because of the mention of being able to rise above difficulties...and the wings, man, the WINGS! Even if they are symbolic. Heh.)

"Be nice to people that handle your food."

Thursday, April 29, 2004

"It’s been forty days and forty nights
Down the road of many trials
And I pray it’s only for a season
‘Cause in the wilderness and in the flood
You’re the one I’m thinking of
‘Cause I know You’ve brought me for a reason."
("Forty Days", Third Day)

Naw, I don't feel much like getting philosophical at this time of night. To tell the truth, I'm just about to drop. Work ran me ragged this morning, then ran me ragged again tonight.

Needless to say (and really, do I need to? Heh.), Debbie is in love with her Warrior Duster self. I've never seen a picture passed around so much. Or so much genuine, uncontained laughter. (I shall get Jamal to draw me a dustbunny, and adopt it, and call it mine, and keep it safe from Warrior Dusters, handheld vacuums, and other such dangers. (Would you believe that dustbunnies have actually been done? If the webcomic "Catharsis" doesn't ring a bell, then stand over there so that Debbie can proceed to whack you with her broom.)) I have a great lot of moments when I'm proud of my Jamsy, and would you look at that--D:WD used her Broom of DustBunny Doom (*has to take a moment to snicker outrageously into a pillow so as not to wake anyone*) to knock this one into one of the top ten, if not higher. *ist pleased*

Some random Manager in Training (MiT) named Patrick is actually our new manager for now. S'allright.

And Sara's letter would be done if I could just freaking wrap it up, heh. It's going on its merry little way with the bills tomorrow, though, so I need to hurry up.

Did you appreciate someone today?

Now if you'll excuse me, I need sleep. _._ -ZZzzzzz

...ah. I don't think that was supposed to crack. I blame my ancient mattress.

So I dreamed about tornadoes last night.
Mom'd be proud. I don't remember much, though.

Late afternoon, dark like most rain storms tend to be. I was out in this open field/parking lot. I look up and there's this perfect, very black F2, maaaybe an F3 (on a scale of 0 to 5, the Fuji scale or something like that) not more than a mile away.

In dreams you can't run. Not very fast. If you move at all. Somehow I made it to my car (which actually is a big no-no when dealing with tornadoes), and I gunned it, the thing looming closer but also suffering from inability-to-run-in-dreams.

Now I'm at someone's apartment; it's either my family's or my friends', I can't tell which. I look out the backyard window, and the weather is perfectly sunny and clear. Right. I keep wondering about the tornado, and what do you know? It shows up, a lot thicker, a lot faster, and a lot meaner. Someone just graduated to an F5.

Someone yells to shut the front door and the tornado races to meet us there. Jamal gets to it first, slams the door shut; little Andy Krippner starts fiddling with the three locks (a deadbolt, one of those ones that stretches across the door to the wall, and a sliding bolt); the door is just shaking intensely, like it's going to fly open at any minute, and me and whoever else was there just pile up against the door.

I think we survived. My alarm woke me too soon to tell.

I'll get back
to the "Today's (whatever)" in the next few days. I just haven't really though of anything yet.

I'll also be disappearing completely for a week in June. Going to Missouri. I don't know which week yet, but I'll try to find out. I know Debbie wants to know so she can schedule around it (yeah, we're down to two To Go people. Ew.).

I know the world really sucks but
compliment just one person today.
Say "thanks" and mean it.
Let just one person know today that you like having them around.
It could change their entire day and make the world just a little more bearable.

Love ya, my blog readers. Mean it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Been a while.
Well NYAH. Heh.

I haven't been up to that much. Just thinking a lot about moving out. Yeah, yeah, it's been said before. But I doubt I've ever had this much desire to actually go for it. Now if I could just get a little more so I can start looking into local apartments.

I love my family. Seriously. All the little tiny things that never really bothered me before are bugging me immensely now. It happens. So says Mom.

Crudmuffins. If I talk too much, Sara's almost finished letter will be obsolete. Hrhm.

Anyway(s), there's a lot of little factors that have me pinned till mid-June. And again, I really doubt that I'll have internet when I finally move out. At least, not for a good long while. But since I'm so good at disappearing off the Net/AIM for weeks at a time, no prob, right?

*dodges multitude of pointy objects, successfully grabs one random plushie that got thrown, and blows raspberry as she runs off*

You haven't really missed much,
to tell the truth. That'll almost be sad. Things are changing, and things are staying the same. Just not the same things. We're getting our next new manager, Steve or Stephen, in this week. (One-Week-Joe's last night was tonight. Looked like a boyband singer. Liked to work with as few people as possible, so I never really met him. He kept sending me home. >>) has finished up their FFX recap. Now if they'll just update their mailbag.

Heather's debating a comission for me on her two pet dogs--charcoal and pastel are my friends. Heh. But no, really. If I didn't have a job that required absolute cleanliness (anotherword(s), no crushed colored dust stuffed under my nails), I'd definitely be playing with the stuff more often. And branch out into more than just Pokémon, heh (got an idea for an Umbreon now).

"Vita Via" is bouncing around in my mind again. I'm pleased that it's a story idea that won't go away. I don't want to really show too much off, because that is what it'll become--showing off and sucking away desire. A weird person I be.

Debbie: Warrior Duster!
She lives, she LIVES! BWA HA HA--
*wilts under the artist's glare*
Ahem. Ah.
...dude, you have got to see this pic, seriously. I wish I could upload it but nooooooooo.... has totally killed my account with them, DeviantArt keeps telling me that someone did something naughty on my ISP so I'm banned, and so on and so forth. (A buddy recommended a site, but I can't remember it right now.)

My evil little minion (and yes, I said "minion", and I'll say it again MINION so there! *playful raspberry at Jamal*) exceeded my expectations. *giggles at dustbunnies being thwapped* He has done well. Quite well.

Yeeeeeeeeeesss.... then I shall use that power to take over the WO--what? Yes, you're still a minion, now scoot, I'm busy megalomanic-ranting and...

Beh. Fine, I promote you to a minor captain of the western grouping of evil minions. Now go throw a few off the ramparts (towers, banister railings, whathaveyou) to prove your evilness.

*blinks at the stares she's getting from everyone else* Um...yes? Can I help you?

Whoa, just got the best idea for the Umbreon pastel pic. Sooner or later I'll have to try that website my buddy told me about.

"Sleep now. Talk later."

Sunday, April 25, 2004

I need to wake up at 7am tomorrow morning
for a trainers' meeting, so I'll keep this short.

Scott Kurtz (of "PVP" fame and a Texan to boot *happy cheers*) made it in the 24 hour comic challenge. Almost. The poor guy.
He had all 24 strips drawn. Most lettered. But the scanner at the Lone Star there wasn't big enough and, although he adjusted accordingly, his brain was mush by 4am (I don't blame him). Letters went every which way and files were saved in the wrong places and in the wrong ways.

I believe that he had 12 finished in the proper, contest-rules-abiding way. Something like that.

Heh, I wonder how Jamal held out. I wonder if he got to see Scott.

I did art too, but nothing fancy. Or original. Or even 24 hour contest worthy. Just a pastel of Ampharos gathering lightning. It's 18" w by 24" h, so I too am having scanner problems. I really like how it turned out, but I have no idea how I'm going to scan it without killing the poor thing.

Sleep now. Post more later. Maybe. It's going to be a very long day tomorrow.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Again, off the pheremone end.

My thought
on our three new managers so far? Calvin's got a sense of humor (and his wife just had their first baby boy Weds, awwwwwww!). Joe is fresh out of MIT training, and although he has that boy band cuteness, he sorta annoys me. George (GM now, remember) has already taken a strong liking to me (it's sorta like James all over again, yay!, so yeah, I like him back) and is entrusting lots of stuff to me already. Sure, it means later hours at work (as if I didn't have plenty already, heh), but I feel important.

It's a shame I'll be leaving them for a full time job in the summer.

George has already got a trainers' meeting planned for Monday at 9am, urgh, but that's so he can get to know everyone. And our thief is back--and one of the servers at work is being blamed and it's a shame because I really looked up to her, and now... The stories are just too strange to be fake and mweh...
And--and--well, dangit, I was about to write something else and I forgot!

24 Hours of Drawing Goodness
Turns out there's about 6o different comic shops all over the country gearing up for the major contest tomorrow. Jamal's going, and I know the guy that does "PVP" is going to be at the same store. Coolios. ^^
I'd go but I really don't want to. I don't think I'd ever be up for such a competition.
The first time I ever heard about any of these contests was back at the "Mayberry Melonpool" site; the artist had taken it upon himself to do a single person 24 hour, and did a total indulgence of his "Gilligan's Island" parody.

*yawn* Going now. Work. Sleep. Goooooooood.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I give up. All the webcomic artists have gone off the pheremone end. Heh.

The night before last
I dreamed I got all this mail--well, two pieces, anyway--and one was greenish and from Sara. The other was really huge and ridiculous looking and also green, but my dreamsense told me it was Michael's wedding invitation.

I kid you not when I say I got his wedding invitation yesterday. And it was larger than most letters or invitation one sends out. Instead of being green, it was purple with irridescent sparkles on the glitter (SHINY!). I wonder if...*looks to Sara* I guess I'm just afraid of writing too long a letter or something important will come up and I will have already mailed off the letter and--but I could always right more, heh. And I still need to send you those stickers. ^^;

And then last night
truly was Shannon and Greg's last night. Jenna had called me at home to tell me the guys didn't expect me to work on such a slow shift; the catch for being released was that I would have to come up and see them.
Couldn't keep me away, heh.

I got Shannon a Superman action figure. His eyes (which are usually half lidded all the time) just about flew out of his head, he looked so pleased. (He's a big Superman freak.)

I got Greg a Wish Bear Care Bear. Long story short, one of my digs at Greg was that he was so wimpy, he cried on a teddy bear in the managers' office every day. So I actually got him one to cry on. And it's Wish Bear, which means he'll wish I was working for him over there.

Gin so clever. >.< ^^;

I'm still waiting for my emotional blubbering. I teared up pretty bad on the way home from my morning shift, but nothing else. Maybe I'm getting used to this. And like Shannon said, "This isn't goodbye forever, it's just see ya later."


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Well, look at that!
Random "Mystery Science Thater" reference! Glee!

Ever since Shannon's been preparing to leave, he's been a lot of fun to hang around. I've been bolder in my teasing as a result, but he's responded to it rather well, versus "You're fired, out!" like I thought. (I kinda wish either I had been bolder sooner or he easier to approach. But then I guess I would be missing him a lot more than I am.)

So I was plowing through my shift yesterday, but since it was pretty slow, I was in "pretty slow" mode myself. Half the time the phone rang, it was a server or Shannon who answered it (oops, heh). Pride dangling over a pit, I sorta joked around by saying, "Hey, Shannon, I know it seems like you're doing my job a lot today, but thanks."
"I don't mind. You've done so much for me already."

Awwww. *sniffle*

(Musta been that compliment I gave to Brian (our Area Director) about Shannon. Heh.)

Speaking of Brian, he's coming to the store today. Crap. Gotta look good. Crap crap crap. Heh, Brian's not really all that bad. But he's a freaking Area Director, and those I never feel comfortable kidding with.

*glares at rainy day* For crying out loud, this is the countless day in a row! It's not freaking England, it's TEXAS! apologies, BBaka, DanL, and everyone else. =^^= It's gonna get frigging hot soon enough, and then I'll want these days badly. Ah wells.

Had another one of those bizarre "three weeks late for school and no homework done" dreams. And someone close to me kept getting possessed by a demon. *shrug?*

"Through life, you carry two buckets: one of water, one of gasoline. Each day is like a massive fireball, and it's your choice which bucket you will use this day."

Monday, April 19, 2004

Today's mood: Unpredictable
Today's song: "All Star"

You know, the webcomics I read are just getting worse. There must be something going around. As always, I don't condone or engage blah blah blah awwww, poor pretty boy Lexx. He's going to be in some big-(rear) trouble.

Even though it's Shannon and Greg's last day,
I still haven't quite come to grips with it. As a result, I really didn't get them anything. I felt moved to get something when Ron left because, yeah, the big guy's helped me through a lot of family problems (and that's why I was understandably upset when he got transferred), but these two are great managers. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sounds awful, huh?
Like an excuse?
Partly shyness, too. I never know how to shop for managers--I'm afraid I'd get something that'd indirectly cause a problem (don't try to understand my line of thinking, just go with it. ^_~).

Guaranteed tears today, then? Eh, we'll see. Probably a handful--I got misty eyed at the trainers' meeting.

Guaranteed frustration today? Well, we're going to have a new GM. I only saw him once for a few minutes, which is not a long enough time to make an impression at all. What I do know is that both George (GM) and Calvin (new manager) are in their positions for the first time; George is a GM for the first time ever, Calvin's a new manager, and Shannon's dream of getting his own store to shape and mold has finally come true. So everyone's happy, right?

*stares at the rainyness outside* Sure.

Weird dream alert
A lot happened, but I don't remember much. One part I do remember is freaking out about it raining (got me why). Another part was Mom coming up to me and telling me that this one server I used to have a crush on a looooooong time ago was dead from an overdose and no one came to the funeral. Ooookay.
Ack, I just remembered another part and I lost it again. Wah!

Make of today what you will. Just don't make it a waste.

Love ya all, my loyal Blogs!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Today's mood: A whole range of unpleasant emotions because I'm having another fight with my brother on the subject of church.
Today's song: "How You Remind Me", NickelBack

And I am not responsible nor do I yet endorse such actions as those the It's Walky! crew are involved in. Just FYI. ^_~
(And yes, of course I mean about the aliens coming back. *snerk*)

Nonsensical Brain Dump
Well, prompted by the mildly bizarre dream I had last night, I went and did a quick search on Ron Perlman (of "Hellboy" fame at the moment). Face wise, he looks like a cross between Chuck Norris and Mac, this manager I used to have four years ago.

I thought his voice sounded familiar, though! And what do you know? He played Clayface/Matt Hagen in the 90s animated series of Batman (and Hagen's character sorta looks like Perlman). Incidentally, the Clayface episodes were among the (imo) creepiest and most nightmare-inducing episodes I had seen (sans for one other eppie--the one where Croc got his heart literally ripped out during a fan retelling--but that's not important). That one scene where the two guys forcefeed all that makeup or whatever it is to Hagen--makes me ill just thinking about it. And Perlman's voice was deliciously evil for the part.

*shudders* Crap, now I'm going to have nightmares on that tonight.

Anyways, the dream:
at first, it started out as me playing this first person type of video game. I was in some rundown looking castle courtyard, complete with vines everywhere. There's a dry fountain in the middle of the courtyard, and this monolith with the image of a multiheaded demon is engraved in it. Except there's no heads--just impressions of where the heads should be.

Short Disclaimer: stuff expressed in dreams do not reflect the views of wide awake Ginny. Nor can you flame me if characters act outside their natural nature. It's a DREAM.

I smile affectionately at the monolith, knowing who it's symbolic of, and pick up this green skull object sitting on the fountain. Still in video game format, I keep fitting the skull into the impressions, and keep taking the skull out, all complete with stomach-churning squelching effects (yay, color AND sound effects!).

I'm not sure if the skull is put into the right impression, but I know one of the gates to the courtyard drops, and there's a whole mess of people coming, bent on destroying the demon. I either save or jump in time or something, because now I'm in the present, some big city, and I'm Liz. From "Hellboy".

Yeah, got me. Except I never get to go flamey-poof in this dream. Dangit.

Seems the mayor likes HB sooooo much, he's giving the guy a chance to have prime seats to a major baseball game, complete with anything he wants (which includes the mayor's approval on underage drugs, drinking, and smoking, green, blue, and red bags respectively). HB looks moderately amused and he and the agents are showing up at the prime seats (which, incidentally, are allllllllllllll the way in the back. Thanks, mayor.). Me/Liz jogs up breathlessly and starts talking about the demon monolith.

HB gets upset, Liz realizes she did bad and starts apologizing, but the big guy storms off to the bathroom to get...sick. Oo; Repressed dark childhood? Liz offers him a handtowel, but he refuses, saying it belongs to the mom she stole it from. Oops.

Next thing I know, everyone (sans HB, but plus bad guys) is on a bus, and it's running off to somewhere it shouldn't. Liz spots a raised brick line in the road and knows the bus will crash, so she gets out and runs ahead of the bus. Right, dreams always make sense. >_> The brick thing turns into a train track, the bus hits it, and Liz is flung into a tree, breaking her back instantly. The bad guys filter out of the bus and rush over to Liz to help her.

Cue HB galloping out of nowhere and smacking the bad guys around for being near Liz. They keep telling him they're trying to help her, but he won't hear any of it. Last bad guy out of the way, he pokes Liz' shoulder and--

My alarm goes off. Joy.

Right. Analyze THAT. Heh. ^^

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I know this seems a tad extreme, but
Jamal, where aaaaaaaaaare you?!
*keeps cellphone in non-silent state within handreach and frantically (and fruitlessly) searchs for your e-mail*
Four days going on five and I haven't heard anything from you. Do something that'll let me know you're still out there and alive.

*wilts guiltily under the glare of many many AIMers* Oops?
Well, I'm trying to fix that right now. In fact, I've got Des, Ginny, and Jeff all talking to me. But...*mopes*

Shannon and Greg's last day is on Monday. Mom and I are getting along better. Life moves on.


Ah, I should go pay proper attention to my AIMers now. *wanders off*

Probably the crack whore child of
swinger parents, your neglected upbringing has
affected your state of mind and logic.

Take The Pokemopolis Pokemon Personality Test.

Everybody wants to use you.... but you are no man's toy!

Take The Pokemopolis Pokemon Supporting Character Personality Test.
Created by The Dodgemasters

Sheesh, dead on and yet so far far away.
(Expect a new link soon, mwu ha ha ha.)

OK, you know what?
I am really really REALLY bored. I want to spend time with my favorite person, but I haven't the faintest idea of where he is...

Today's mood: reserved
Today's song: "Real Emotion" (FFX-2); "Back in His Arms", Mark Schultz

Matthew 26:39.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Today's mood: sleepy
Today's songs: "1ooo Words" (FFX-2); "Defining Moment", NewSong
Today's comic: What I Learned Today! for all you spazzoids that are spider-haters, -phobics, -dislikers, and -generally-
Today's quiz:
Which Survivor of the Impending Nuclear Apocalypse Are You?
A Rum and Monkey joint.

If I said I understood that quiz, I would be lying.

"You're unique...just like everyone else."
I've got a rant that's tumbling about in my head and has been for several days now, but I'm still more asleep than awake. You know, that part of a rainyish looking morning where you keep stretching, yawning, and maybe scratching behind an ear.
*scritch scritch*
Ack, NO! Can'tfallasleepcan'tfallasleepcan'tfallasleep....darnit. I've got my major, "ha, there's no way you're getting cut from your evening shift today" double. And then I spend another half day up at the store tomorrow.

This happens every spring; t's just been too pretty to work outside lately (incidentally, this would also happen during college classes, and though I didn't skip much, I did skip once or twice). Somehow, I just don't mind giving up my shifts as much, but I need to keep the money coming in if I am seriously thinking about moving out. Which means getting a new, full time job. Maybe one where I can't give up my shifts as easily and the money I would make from day to day wouldn't be such a gamble (it's all based on how much extra the customer is willing to leave).

There's another rant building up there, but I don't really want to write about it.

So, changing the subject completely,
remember my 27 unique monsters? Well, 28 is trying to come into existence. White tiger (and the only reason it isn't a lion is because lions aren't as artsy appealing to me), gold eyes, nice sharp claws, but uber kawaiiness. And a personality that wants to be anything but uber kawaiiness; kinda like Rondo (the creature), just not as bad. This little tiger can tolerate being cute if it gets him/her something out of it.

In which case, that little trait has instantly made the tiger a male. ^_~

I'm going to play FFX-2 one more time
just because not all of the DressSpheres are mastered yet (including that annoying, frapping Gun Mage (think Blue Mage) one). And this time around, I'll join up with New Yevon and let the Ronsos go to war. I'm so evil. ^^;

"Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."

Added at 4 in the afternoon
I thought Mom raised me to be an independant, self -reliant person who isn't swayed by thoughtless or inconsiderate fashions. why the HELL is she exercising her "parental right" to control my life?
"You can't be friends with so-and-so."
"You shouldn't be dating so-and-so."
"You should be working at this store, not that one."
Followed up with, "You're not capable of taking care of yourself. I'm doing this for you. It's in your best interest."

I love my mom. Seriously. Would not trade her for the world. But I'm tired of being kept in plastic--I want to go out, live, screw up, and learn from my screw ups. You don't learn through vicariousness. Sure, God commanded us to honor our parents, but not to the extent that what they say is the final word. God is my final word. When I do something, I want to worry about what God thinks, not what Mom thinks.

It's getting to where I'm almost ready to just cut and run, if even and only for a day.

*sighs miserably*

Thursday, April 15, 2004


*lopsided, barely contained grin* I beat FFX-2 tonight. With 1oo%.

Other blurbling
I went shopping already for my dress for a wedding I'm going to next month. No, I will not make a habit of this. No, I will not take a picture of myself in the dress. No, I will not listen to you whine and plead.

Met George, my new GM, today. Quiet, tall, father-chubby, child-eagerness man.

There's a few other things I really wanted to write about, but I've been behind all day today and I still have yet to sit down and do my devotion. Oo; There's only 2o minutes left in this day, so I'm going to run off and do that now.

*runs off, chanting, "I beat it, I beat it, hee!"*

Today's mood: Rundown
Today's songs: "I Will Be Here for You", Michael W. Smith; "Turn", Paul Colman Trio
Today's quiz:

--Man, it took so long to look for a quiz that I'll have to come back later to add to this. Musings on the puppetry career and all. ^^

EDIT: And the quiz isn't even working now! BAH! *giggle*

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Well, I found the link
to the Tamers RPG I helped have a hand in over--get this--two years ago. O_o; Devidramon and Mina were both excellent writers, but I have to admit, I also eagerly looked for the parts I wrote as well. Shameful as it is, I simply looooooove reading what I wrote--my parts were easier for me to read, somehow. And everyone just about stuck within the characters' personalities, so it's very believable as far as a sequel goes. Too bad it'll never happen.

And ooo ooo ooooo!
I just got back from doing my puppet ministry with the kidses tonight. Theo (my dog puppet) was pretending to be a super hero, what with the flexing of the muscle and the dramatic announcement of self and whatnot.

*insert own dramatic announcement of self*
Several of the parents pulled me aside afterwords and told me that I had a gift for puppetry. Whether I do or not--*shrug* All I know is that I seriously looooooove doing puppets. Bringing them to live, giving them moving and speaking quirks. I never realized how much I missed being involved in Caraway St. (the puppet ministry I was involved at my old congregration). I had done Caraway St. for 3 years and quit because I was suffering burnout--at least, that's what I thought. Being a part of FW Friends sorta rekindled my love for doing puppets.

Shelia (one of the other ministry ladies) promised to bring me some material from some of the professional traveling puppet ministries *barely stifled, excited squeal* on Sunday. The only aspect that's making me shy away is the whole traveling part--I get homesick pretty easily. It's one of those cases to see if the desire outweighs the comfort of normal life. If I did go with it...well, I don't really know what would happen. I do know that it won't be one of those types of things that makes a 6 digit income--then again, who needs a life like that?

Pray time. This is exciting, but also requires a lot of thought. And I don't think it's any concidence that this is sorta thwacking into the other little "dilemma" going on at work right now.

"Nothing says 'We'll miss you" like a cake shaped like boobs."
Well, today during the trainers' meeting I was at I found out that they stepped Shannon and Greg's transfers up. They'll be gone by next week.

*quietly whimpers sadly in one corner*

There was a lot of talk about managers--seems like it'll be a revolving door of them for the next two months. Not good. I'm not good about sudden and continous change. I get cranky because I don't want to get attached and then I get upset because I got attached. (*growls darkly* Stupid human emotions. Heh. ^_~) So it's going to be a very bumpy summer. Not pleasant at all. I've got to start thinking about whether I'm going to stick with Brinker or move on to a new company. Or to see if God's got me slotted for puppeteering (which, if that does happen, probably won't be that big of a deal. Apparentally, the Christian colleges around here really do provide classes for such things. Who knew?).

Anyways, that little quote? That would be courtesy of Heather, our bartender (who, incidentally, is also being transferred along with Brad, which means I'll be the 2nd "oldest" employee there. Mweh.). Coupled with the binder that Misty brought entitled "The Top 1oo Lovemaking Techniques", you can be assured that today's shift quickly went from PG to XXX.

And that's all I am going to say about it.

At least, if I went for a life in the traveling puppet ministry, I wouldn't be exposed to such evil influences, heh.

OK, this post is long enough. Did you make it this far? Have a cookie! ^_^

Today's mood: Pressed for time
Today's song(s): "My Place in This World", Michael W. Smith; "All You Wanted", Michelle Branch; "Another Inspiration (ChronoCross Remix)", Scott Peeples
Today's quiz: -Error- No Information Found.

I highly recommend
clicking on that link and listening to "Another Inspiration". It's techno-y instrumental, as I am well aware that several of you know (seeing as how I beat you over the head constantly with the link. *points to it on the link list*). But really, Scott Peeples is exceptional at what he does; I have a CD burned with all his fanmade stuff (and seeing as how it's fanmade and people want you to download and burn it, then it's perfectly legal so there. :p ....methinks.)

Also, Ginny's running out of online quizzes to take. That means one of two things--I start redoing the quizzes from the early days of this blog (easily about a year ago) or you guys could find me quizzes. Or make 'em. Or whatever. Because nothing says personality like filling your blog with nothing but online personality quiz results. Heh.

And plus, it'd make Ginny really really happy. Because Ginny just loooooooooves taking online quizzes for some reason. Heh again.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday,
while I was on online sabbatical, I actually went back and watched Digimon Season 3 again. More like devoured it. Once I started, I couldn't stop. Out of all four seasons (and I saw very little of S4, really), nothing compares to S3. There's only one episode I missed in S3, the one where possessed Jeri is strangling her little stepbrother (and incidentally, it's the same episode where Rika's broken heart shirt gets replaced with a full heart--if they exposited about Rika's family, I missed it. Boo.).

I forgot about how dark it got toward the end, though (like the strangling of the little sibling, among other things). Which is exactly why we'll never see a sequel to it (never mind the fact that the Digimon team no longer does Digimon). If any of my OBers can find the link to the Digimon Tamers 2 RPG/fic that we made, I'd love ya forever. Or until I got bored and wandered elsewhere. We did an excellent job on doing the followup, it's just a shame that we never saw an end to it (all hail Devidramon in all his prolific greatness--I wonder where he is nowadays).

I also rediscovered all 27 of my Rookies at the bottom of a dusty drawer after watching S3. Methinks I was at the height of creativity at the time of making all those--my final count for unique characters came out to...let's see, 27x6, plus 5x13...227 monsters. Dang. If I ever had the time or motivation, I'd actually draw all of them and just have them on display. The problem with being an artist--'cuse me, concept drawer--that likes to show off, though? Eh, I don't think that people would pay too terribly much attention to Mons anymore, Digi, Poké, or otherwise.

But they still deserve to be drawn. They just look that nifty. I'll pull it off. Somehow.


You exist for a reason.
You're here for a reason.
Now go out and define that reason.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Today's mood: Indulgent
Today's song: "God Is Not A Secret", Newsboys and TobyMac
Today's quiz (and I went through several before I actually found one that worked, ergh):

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

Miss me?
Yeah, this post'll be a "What I Did for Summer Vacation" thing, except not. ^^

I actually was able to stay offline, though the very last 3 hours were really annoying. I was actually going to try to stay up till midnight on Easter Sunday, but fortunately, fell asleep. And woke up super early (for the umpteenth time, got me what's going on). I spent all the extra time catching up on my webcomics and just barely made it to work on time--missing a week's worth for 2o+ comics is...well, it takes awhile. Plus, added their most recent FFX recap, which was almost 3 times as long as a normal one. But amusing nonetheless.

I was off from work for 5 shifts and going back yesterday was--well, it felt like I'd been gone for quite a while. I just learned a trainers' meeting is coming up, and I didn't even hear anything about it on Friday.

Let's see, what else...
No waxing philosophically today. I'm just bringing y'all up to speed.

--A guy from my old church is getting married next month and this will be the first wedding that I'm going to because I know the bride/groom (there's few things more annoying then being taken to a wedding for a relative of a friend of a parent--or for my own relatives. I've been to two of those already.).

--RJ's friend Chris shared this with me and I recommend the trailer. Still in Japanese but very nifty looking.

--Got "The Lion King 1 1/2" the other day. Cute and funny. I've suddenly developed an aversion to singing animals. ^_6 My review? "This is destroying my childhood movie, you know!" (You have to have seen the first movie for this one to make sense. Then again, everything gets thwapped out of context soooo....) I highly recommend a rent, at least. I definitely liked it.

--I made it for Lent, yay! First time ever. What trips me out is how, whenever I brought it up, people acted as though I was dredging up some dusty old rule from way back when. Not true. It's about as dark, dusty, and demanding as a New Year's Resolution (which, incidentally, is a lot harder to keep and I doubt I'll pull one of those off). And no, I don't know if the Catholics orginated it. All I know is that I'm not a Catholic and I gave up something for Lent anyway and--well, anyways, it's all in good fun.

Anything else? Well, I can't seem to thing of anything at the moment. If I do, I'll be back. Schedule's still whacked out (moreso this week), so AIM is not really planned into it--if you really need to talk to me, I highly recommend email or snail mail or phone.

Off to work! Behave!

Friday, April 02, 2004

Today's mood: -undecided-
Today's song: "For Future Generations", 4Him

"Aren't you coming to learn to carry, Fiver?" asked Hazel at length. "It's not too difficult once you get the hang of it."
"I'll have nothing to do with it," answered Fiver in a low voice. "Dogs--you're like dogs carrying sticks."
"Fiver! Are you trying to make me angry? I'm not going to get angry because you call me stupid names. But you're letting the others do all the work."
"I'm the one who ought to get angry," said Fiver. "But I'm no good at it, that's the trouble. Why should they listen to me? Half of them think I'm mad. You're to blame, Hazel, because you know I'm not and still you won't listen."
"So you don't like this warren any better even now? Well, I think you are wrong. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Why shouldn't you make a mistake, like everyone else? Hawkbit was wrong in the heather and you're wrong now."
"Those are rabbits down there, trotting along like a lot of squirrels with nuts. How can that be right?"
"Well, I'd say they've copied a good idea from the squirrels and that makes them better rabbits."
"Do you suppose the man, whoever he is, puts the roots out there because he has a kind heart? What's he up to?"
(--Richard Adams, Watership Down)

Holy week (Palm Sunday, Maundy (sp?) Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday) is coming up, and I think it is a good time for me to fast. But not the food kind. When I visited James a few weeks back, he told me that a fast indicated abstaining from a habit and filling that time with meditation with the Lord instead. So, along with my first Lent resolution (which has been going well and I do believe I'll make it for the first time ever, yay!), I've decided to take a week off from the Internet.

I know, I know, for the most of you that haven't really seen me that much anyway, it's no biggie. You'd be surprised how much time I actually do spend online, just not on AIM; for some reason, I've been feeling acutely self-concious as of late, and I just...I don't know, I don't feel as if I'd make a good conversationalist.

So the plan is no internet at all. No webcomics, no blogging, no AIM, nothing. The whole point of Lent is to be able to examine oneself and one's sin in relation to the cost Christ paid on Good Friday (diclaimer: this is not a conversion post, merely an informational one), and I don't feel that I've been doing as well as I should have. If much at all.

Trust me--this isn't an off-the-cuff deal. It's been a spiritually trying time (and for those of you who think you're solely responsible, know this--there's more than one of you out there. *lopsided, but loving grin* But that doesn't mean you're allowed to freak out or be upset now. That's my job. :p) the last two weeks. I feel sort of tender--like I could burst into tears at any moment or scream at the top of my lungs and not be done for at least an hour. I'm hoping by fasting like this, I can re-something or other myself back to being on the level again.

Or it could just be some weird little Ginny thing. ^^

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Today's mood: Sleepless
Today's song: -tba-

"What is popular is not always right. What is right is not always popular."

Ok, even though I managed to sleep an hour later than the last two days,
I'm still up very early. I still have that sick at heart feeling, and I don't know why (maybe I should quit eating these gummi bears then, heh

I plowed across my morning routine of reading the webcomics I've got listed and, after being led a merrily little chase, found this. I don't normally read "Elf Life", so I don't have an opinion one way or the other just yet. I can understand why people are upset, and a little less so the justification for "Elf Life". As for which side I agree with? I've not quite gotten to that point of being a webcomic person, if I ever do. (Peh.) So I don't really have a side I'm jumping to.

That's it for me today, unless I find something else to talk about later.

"One more thing--!"
For the love of everything holy, pure, or Auron-related, do NOT go to today. But then, are you going to listen to me? On the day that today is? Noooooo...
Now pardon me, I have to go burn my eyes out.