Saturday, July 31, 2004

Desbreko: I think you're paranoid
Ginny: It's only because I've been hanging around you. :p


...I still miss my Jamzy. *curls up with her tiger plushie* I'm making the most of my time, though! ...ah, sorta? Heh. ^^ Found a new mb and am arguing with the members about Kakashi's eye. And man, once I got RJ talking, he wouldn't shut up about "Naruto". But that's good--I've needed someone to talk to about it. ^_^

And today was a very ugly day at work, so much so that I had to go to Debbie and tell her as much. I can't wait to get out of that store.

Not only did I break my previous post record,
this little blog is also one year old this month. Woocha!
And 19 days to my birthday. Erhm...whee?

Concerning my 6 page homework:
all that's left to do of page one is lettering. Not too difficult. And I've already read up on page two. Seems like I'll be cramming a lot into one page this time around, but I'll pull it off. I always do. ^^

Something I discovered, initially with FF:S, and again here with Avatar is that, when I have the story written out in book form first, it's easier to go back and supply the pictures. I've always been that kid that had a pretty hefty imagination for my books, which is why I've always loved the fantasy books--my brain had an absolute blast whenever I pictured dramatic fights, chase scenes, or just really awesome looking creatures. I betcha Tiffany Ross ("Alien Dice") figured that out a long time ago, heh.

As long as I stay a few written steps ahead of my drawing, I should be just fine. Which means when I finish these six pages, I need to get to writing again.

I had the weirdest dream
that my cousin's wife died and I ended up marrying him. Ugh. Stupid "Everybody Loves Raymond". ><; What's even worse, he was the cousin my family originally wanted me to marry in an arranged marriage. Fortunately, he found someone for him.
I'm not saying arranged marriage is bad, but where the stuffing did they pull that idea from?! It's not a part of the culture I grew up in.

Seize the day. Or at least bearhug it.

Friday, July 30, 2004

You can thank Desbreko for the therapy bills you'll be paying later

The Gun Mage/Sharingan crossover. That's not the only thing "crossing over"--poor Kakashi!

In case you're wondering, Tsunade (chibi lady head in lower right) is one of three Legendary Sannin (extremely powerful ninja--Jiraiya's one, too), but she has a bad obsession with gambling and almost always loses (hence the title "Legendary Sucker" title). Thus, the reason for the crossover, heh. Hey, at least Naruto got out of it in aces!

D00D! VV007-age!1!!
Broke 3oo posts! A new record has been set! ^_^

On vacation and other thoughts, aka "OK, acceptance is what step again?"
Yeah, so when I went on vacation to Missouri, I got a chance to clear my head from the daily humdrum. Got a chance to actually think about stuff, instead of glancing over it in my head. When that happens, you either appreciate some things more or figure out that they are only hurting you to have them around.
I discovered, partly to my relief, but mostly to my delight, that I appreciate those that are closest to me, especially Jamal. ^^;
*makes a face* I also got some ugliness centered on certain people at work--it's not that I don't like them, it's just that being around them is definitely not good for me. And knowing that I don't have to tolerate it is even better.

Just checking
Yes, "Naruto"-craze is still going strong around here. I just found out there's a movie coming out next month (in Japan, bleeeh) that explains Kakashi's past and all I can say is, it's about freaking time. Heh.
I've also gotten ahead of the anime with the manga (oopsa, spoilers), but it doesn't seem to be too far ahead. The manga gets quite graphic, however. In the forced sexual sense. >> Makes me a little sick to my stomach to hear about that.

With any kind of luck, I'll have page 1 of my six page homework done tonight. Woocha! If I pull that off, I can treat myself to "Naruto" from the beginning again, heh. ^____________^

I woke up
to the sound of an airplane flying overhead. I wonder if that meant anything.
Have fun, loves! I miss you.

And man, but did I ever go on a doodling spree last night! It was all Kakashi =^^;= and a little Akamaru. Akamaru is so cyuuuuuuuute (well, an ugly kind of cute)--he's a puppy partner to another ninja in training, but the guy's name escapes me at the moment. And his little barks are adorable (translation: I can imitate them perfectly, heh).

And I have tonight off! O.o Shock and horror, and WHEEEEEEE! I can catch up on Link's Awakening one more! Time to partaaaaaaay!

*looks to the sky* Mwee...

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Another fruitful afternoon
spent looking at AMVs.
There was a really nice one centering around Naruto being recognized as a person set to Hoobastank's "The Reason", but I still have yet to find one that matched the level of awe I had for the Trigun "How You Remind Me" video. Ah well.

Getting closer
to the time when I move out. I'll be on AIM a bit more for the next few days, but if I seem out of it, that's just 'cause my lovable half's on vacation. *hugs her favorite little plushie*

Work Update
No one's happy. And they scheduled me for a Sunday. That's like a sign of the Apocalypse or a really good way to piss me off. Quite grumpy about that. The manager-that-shall-not-be-named caught me in the middle of throwing a fit about that to another server, and he instantly apologized and is now finding a way to get me out of that shift.
Man. If I had done that with my old management team, I would've been in trouble. Mwee hee.

*runs off to find other means of fun and destruction before she has to go back to work*
Just like little Lady Angol Moa. ^_~

Love the rain.
It's weird for it to be 73 in the summer around here, so the weather feels gorgeous right now. I can actually get mesmerized watching a good storm. So I was mesmerized last night, then I got to see bolt lightning--none of that cheap cop-out sheet stuff, but actual, streaking across the darkened sky, white-purple-blue-glowing bolt lightning. Always loved the long as I don't get hit by it. :X

That's a first
"Naruto"'s been bringing around a lot of firsts: first anime I've seen subbed, first anime I've seen before it's dubbed and showing around here, first I've seen where I read ahead of the series then went back to see how it pulled off a certain section of the manga, and first I've seen before most other people.

That last one's the fun one. But that last one's also very annoying.

"Wow, I've never heard of it, but I see my friends doing this that and the other with it, so it must be good." That's where I'm normally at--actually, I usually catch up a year or two after everyone else, when a good series is nearly done. :p But I'm on the flip side, and it's reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaally bizzare. And slightly annoying.

I demand that "Naruto" be brought over so I can finally form my own opinion on sub vs. dub (I'm already leaning toward sub since I "grew up" on it, but I also want to see how the English version does). Plus, there are a lot of us peoples (not just me, lol) that are running around going, "OMG YOU MUST SEE NOW!!!1!! YOU WON"T BE DISAPPOINTED!11!!!!"

You won't. I promise. Now if they'll just bring it over.

"If the world can't supply you with a reason to be great, then demand it of yourself."

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Tis a good day
I want a Blasphemy plushie now. Dude, if I got ahold of all the plushies I wanted, I would have absolutely no room in my room for me, heh.

Poor Froggy... I've gotten attached to them now, ever since Jamal started playing one in EQ. ^^

No, I don't know why "What I Learn Today"'s link isn't working. XP

I also applaud GPF for defining a character as a Christian and the problems that go with it. Too many people tend to skip over that part of a character's personality (re: characterization), regardless of religion, for fear of offending someone. And I, for one, am just glad that someone isn't using the tired and completely unfair (though not always undeserved (and boy, do I ever sense a rant off of that one)) cliché of Christians being a bunch of evil, narrowminded backstabbers (this story arc just started, so I pray Darlington won't go that route--thus, the "no religion, no mad fans" bit, I guess, heh). *bounces off soapbox*

I stopped by a GameStop today and--YAY! I found the elusive Link's Awakening!! After almost 2 years, I've got it back in my grubby little paws. This one's the DX version (I had the original), which means the colors are organized, some graphics have been updated, and correct me if I'm wrong, O Zelda Lore Master Des, but isn't there a dungeon that allows you to double your defense or offense?

I also got ahold of Oracle of Ages, re-completing my Oracle games, also after 2 long years. All hail link cable codes. And the salesperson tossed in a Zelda shirt for free ("So you're a Zelda superfan, huh? Here ya go."). Black all over, with 8-bit Link on the front holding his sword up in that classic, "Tada, I got a new item!" pose. Simply inscribed with "Sword Play".
Classic. Awesome. Mine.
(Ah, also the first game-related piece of clothing I've ever had. I'm scared now.)

I've completely caught up on Naruto and am ravenously awaiting the next episode, which should be coming out next week. So far, a brand new villian who totally kicks people's [butts] by literally just looking at them, another villian who's come back to strong-arm the competition (very bad pun, if you know why said villian's back, heh), and a very unwilling hero are the focus.

I need to do a random little shpeil on sub vs. dub one of these days. I still need to do that dissertation on society's definition of a perfect world, and I'll get to them. Sooner or later.

Almost broke the 3oo post record. Nearly there! ^_~

Tanoshiku sugosu.

And Father forgive me for being a little Japanese fangirl. -_-; No shame! ^_^

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Most Recent Naruto Opening Theme

We are Fighting Dreamers
takami wo mezashite (heading for the top)
Fighting dreamers
narifurikamawazu (without a care for our appearance)
Fighting dreamers
shinjirugamama ni (for what we believe in)
Oli oli O1i* oh-! (*yes, the l33t's on purpose! Oo)
Just go my waaaaaaay!

Extremely catchy song. Hasn't left my brain the last two days. I'ma gonna learn the Japanese part so I can sing it in full instead of just humming during those parts, lol.

Remember what's behind you and tackle what's in front of you. Have a memorable day. ^^

I made it through the ugly shift. Walked away with twice what I would have made in ToGos (including the hourly wage). Despite all my (though true yet slightly whiny) whining about having to close tonight and open tomorrow, everyone was really nice to me. Debbie cut me an hour earlier than I was supposed to be, another server bought me dinner, and the customers were a real delight. I'm happy. Worn out, but happy.

As far as working goes, I know now that I can work an eight-hour shift, no problem. I actually felt more awake tonight than I had in days; must've been the challenge of a shift I've never done before. Hopefully, that isn't a one-time thing.

Now if you'll excuse me, the letters are blurring, my eyes are burning a little (you know, when you've been forcing them open too long?), and my jaw's about to dislocate, I've yawned so much.

Work tomorrow (actually, later today), go to a party tomorrow night to see kids I used to babysit for, years ago. This is going to be so much fun. ^^ And though I always take the Sabbath day seriously, I'm definitely going to fulfill the "Day of Rest" part of it, heh. Or at least take it easy on Sunday.

Sleep, my dears, and never take it for granted. ^^

Thursday, July 22, 2004

All right,
that dissertation on the societal definition of a perfect world is going to be put on hold, partly because I forgot half of what I was going to say :p and partly because time isn't really on my side at the moment. The next three days (including today) are going to be scary.

Today's a double with a meeting with our new area director thrown in.
Tomorrow's an ugly double (I'll get back home about 1:3oam, I've been told), and I have to be back up to work at 1o:3o the next morning. And with any kind of luck, I can stay awake long enough to go to a party Sat night to see some old friends I haven't seen in four years. I really really really seriously and absolutely with all my heart want to go so I better be awake.

Mom better not give me any stuff this time about wanting to take an hour nap Sunday. I will so be earning it.

Rest every chance you get. And save a sheep for me.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

"Only 71 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds left..."
Man, Naruto #82 had an intense scene during a fight between Kakashi and a certain someone. It wasn't just the fight, but the way it was presented, both artistically and metaphorically.
And someone needs to explain why Kakashi, who isn't an Uchiha, has the Sharigan, since only Uchihas can possess it.

Only 8 more posts
till I break my old blogging record.

The BuzzAwards are out
These Awards are given to various webcomics.
"Alien Dice" won Outstanding Writing, Outstanding Dramatic Story, and Outstanding SciFi Comic.
"Konsekai: Swordwaltzer" won Outstanding Use of Color and Outstanding Fantasy Comic.

It's going to be a great day.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

on what a "perfect world" means coming up later this week.

MORE Naruto?!?
#79 was freaking AWESOME! Works cannot describe fully.
I was disappointed in Gaara's true form. Oh well.

I'm Sakura!!

Haruno Sakura

If I were a "Naruto" character, I'd be Sakura!

Who would you be?
Take the Naruto personality test!!

More Naruto Goodness (#75)
The Orochimaru fight is awesome and I like how it's shaping up, if not ending.
And that's Gaara's true form? That's it? Seriously, the kid was more terrifying when he was hiding in his gourd during the Exam. I'm hoping there's more to it, 'cause I want to see Gaara go all out.
Almost caught up. Hee.

Saw Dodgeball
*a Chuck Norris thumbs-up* Sweet, amusing, and a lot more fun than the commercials let on. For once, I was pleasantly deceived by advertising.

The day has ended well.
I'm blessed, loved, and all that good stuff. Things'll work out--they always do.
*gently thwaps Des*
I love you guys, all of you. ^_^

Monday, July 19, 2004

And that's why you don't go to work upset
Yeah, so as you can tell, I hit a pocket of depression or something early this morning. Weird. Went to work with that pocket of depression. Had all these little things that were bugging me, building up behind the pocket of depression, but I figured I was just being overly negative or selfish or whatnot.

I felt bad about snapping at Eric, and he snarled right back. And usually, when I'm upset about stuff, I throw myself into my work. Well, this time I did just the opposite and screwed up big time. On regulars.

All those little things that had been building up behind the pocket of depression? It all burst like a dam, and I was crying. How embarrassing. How humiliating. (Especially when Calvin thought I was just bawling over messing up an order. That was part of it, but not the big part of it.)

And yet, bawling like that (well, it was more of a "sniffle, sniffle, sniiiiiiiiiiff" *big fat hot tear drop* "sniffle, I'm f-*sniff*-fine.") was actually the best thing I did. All my servers were instantly offering to help me out any way they could, even the ones that I thought I was annoying to.

Then one of the servers showed up with a yellow Care Bear thingy, the one with the smiling sun on it's stomach. "Here," she said. I asked what was up.

"Weeeeeeeell," Calvin said, all the servers clustering around him, "you're our little ray of sunshine and happiness and it really sucks to see you upset like that over one little ToGo order."
"But it wasn't--"
Calvin winked. "Yeah, I know. All the moving out and the new job and the mom and all that, I know. But anyways, we care about you because you care about us."
I just about bawled again. -_-; ^^;;

On the subject of gals and guys
Later on during the shift, Eric and Austin were talking about the annoying qualities that females have.
"They're manipulative, they lie, they screw with your head, and they do it on purpose!" Austin griped (he had just broke up with his girlfriend).
I listened with amusement to the two of them complain, then asked if I could put my two cents in about guys. They agreed.
"Let's see, you're immature, naive, and --"
"Honest! We're honest, at least!" Austin interjected.
"Yeah, but not always tactfully," I insisted.
Austin nodded. "I'll give ya that."

So, yeah, the day's gotten a LOT better. ^_^

You ever have one of those days when you just want to hide in a corner and close your eyes, persisting in the childhood belief that if you can't see them, they can't see you? Yeah...
I've been as happy as ever with life, but I get the feeling I've been making a few bad decisions over the course of the last few days. I know for sure I disappointed one person (I have to work with her today and she's almost as bad as a certain family member about making me feel miserable for not deciding to go her way), I'm about to disappoint another one by tomorrow (I have to work instead of going to a convention), and...
*blows a big raspberry*
Hate it hate it hate it.

Sometime this week, I'm moving up my availability (sooner than later, I hope), and getting out of my current job. I barely work 3o hours a week, but I'm drained by the end of each, and it's because of that -bad word- schedule they keep handing me. I'm not happy at all about Friday's double, because I'm not going to be worth anything on Sat, I'll be so exhausted.

So much I want and need to do, not enough energy or self esteem to get there. (I'm sorry, but Mom and I keep getting into minor fights, and I'm just so tired of it.)

Good day or bad day? I'll know once I see how much I get chewed out again today.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Another sign of the Apocalypse
Dave Barry is a novelist.
Heck, I didn't know until I got that and a few other books plus one free tonight. The salesperson directed me to Barry's "Tricky Business" and I thought, sure, why not. The guy's funny.

Well, as of this moment, I can't put the freaking book down. Barry's ability to make characterization, albeit unsavory characterization, is perversely fascinating. It's like reading a comedic version of Stephen King. With the same amount and type of foul language.

Admittedly, I was shocked to see Dave put such wording into his book. Then again, it works with his non-heroic, less-than-appealing, exceedingly realistic and faulty human characters. Man, given the type of stuff they force us to read in English classes sometimes, this'd fit right along with those novels. I almost wish they would make students read stuff like this, since English teachers seem to have absolute fits about characters and symbols and the such.

Heaven forgive me, I'm turning into an English something-nor-odder. Completely against my will, mind you.

Now if you'll excuse me, my book awaits. ^^ (And then I'll get back to Naruto, Avatar, and other such temporary spasms of entertainment. Hee.)

Friday, July 16, 2004

Well now,
I found the genuis behind Naruto's music, Toshiro Masuda. Between him and the guys that did the music for both FFX and FFX-2, I'm becoming highly appreciative of the music ability of the Japanese people.

I like almost all the music, but personally (if you can find them), I recommend "The Raising Fighting Spirit", "Sadness and Sorrow", "Need to be Strong" (HIGHLY recommended), "Bad Situation", "Strong and Strike", and "Orochimaru's Theme" (especially at 1:25).

And if you STILL haven't hit Overclocked Remixes yet, (shame on you!), then at least try Dragon's Prayer, the Blackened Desire, The Final Summoning, and anything Zelda related.
You people will be taught to appreciate music. I desire it. Heh.

And in Other News,
15 more posts will break my old record of 299 posts from my last blog, "And in Other News". Shouldn't be too hard. ^_^

Who says
cute things can't be evil?
*devious grin* I somehow feel vindicated, heh.

I had a seriously messed up dream last night where I was in this class of kids, and Gaara was one of them. The class turns out to be my servers and we start a session at work, then start heading out toward a large field.
Somewhere along the way, I get seriously irritated with all the servers and suddenly, I'm Gaara, and not only that, but flipping out and trying to turn into true Gaara.
I remember giant plants that looked like a cross between yellow roses and the plant from "Little Shop of Horrors"--each had a double tongue with thorny bulbs on the end of them. I've gone beserk and start flinging myself at a fence in order to either get away or get at the plants, I'm not sure which.
And then I turn nice.
No no no...Gaara isn't supposed to be nice!

Speaking of which, I should be getting to his true form soon enough--I'm almost out of episodes to watch. T-T Debating if I want to invest in the manga--some of the best characterizations come out of the voices and the music.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Naruto #65
I woulda gotten farther, but I need to go to work in a few minutes.
Most shows or comics tend to dwindle in story, but not this one--it just keeps getting better. RJ's buddy Chris promises that I get to see the "true Gaara", just not yet. And the Hyuuga clan secret--man, how unfair is that? And why didn't Hinata use that secret in her match against Neji? Because it isn't in her nature. *sigh*

Why oh why oh WHY do I have to go just as the Sasuke vs Gaara match has to start?! So unfair... I'll watch several more tonight before I go to bed. The list we have goes up to 83 (and a new one each week), so I'm getting there. Dangit, someone license and bring this series over already!!!

Worktime. Whee.

There'll be more non-Naruto posts soon; just bear with me as I go through this latest...well, not obsession, but I can't think of another word. ^^;

"Don't let your mistakes go to waste."

Naruto #69
Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, things just took a complete twist. And what a delicious twist it is. I got to see part of true Gaara--such a freaky eye and arm. Sasuke came back too, but the fight between him and Gaara wasn't as good as I had hoped--rather sluggish. They're gonna get another round together, so I'm looking forward to that.

Then there's Pokkun. The unholy summonings (and one or two friendly ones). And the return of Orochimaru! Such an evil character. (BTW, whoever animated the giant three headed snake either really screwed up or was really lazy--orochis are eight headed snakes.) The weird part about rainbows representing snakes was messed up and totally unexpected. Prolly one of the few tiny gripes I have about this show.

The music is just as great as ever--"Orochimaru's Theme" with the female vocal is ever EVER so creepy. *shivers*

I'd keep watching, but
1. I need my sleep, and
2. my eyes are hurting again, so bweh.

Sleep good--tomorrow's Friday!

I finally get a Friday night off. Once I get my new job, that's one of the things I'm looking forward to--no more double shifts.

Naruto #58
Geez, Gaara is uber creepy. And the character he ends up being the most like not only makes sense, but it's also shocking.
He's nothing like that character, though; and I swear, if they try to kill off Gaara and give him some sort of sappy sweet, "Awww, so sorry, love you all!" type of death, I'll stop watching.
Some guys are just meant to be evil all the way through.

Speaking of anime,
saw a bit of "Sgt. Frog" last night. Cwazyness. I personally prefer the manga myself, but Pvt. Tamama was so KAWAII! *squeals* Eh...except when he drank too much soda. >> *giggles slightly, then tries to look serious again*

And Desbreko, I want a copy of that chatroom from the other night, please.

Have a non-double day, since I have to! ^_^

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Naruto #57
"You can choose the way you live, and choose the way you die. But never forget to protect those who are important to you. Those you accept, believe, and love from deep within your heart." ~~Hokage-sama

Aaaaaaaaaand it looks like the first brainstorming session for the RPG is under way. Des is our secretary, so go bug him about the details, k? ^^;

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

More proof that math is EVIL
drakehho19: Math. Is. Evil.
Dan C Lucking: Math is not just Evil, it's Evil incarnate.. in subject form..
drakehho19: Again, DITTO expresses my fullest appreciation of your statement
Dan C Lucking: heh
Dan C Lucking: maybe I should write a thesis on that subject. I could get through uni after all..
drakehho19: I agree
drakehho19: I would read it
drakehho19: And then buy many copies
drakehho19: and then give them to everyone
Dan C Lucking: cool. It's a success already!
drakehho19: especially my math teacher friend
drakehho19: and then and then and then--
drakehho19: lol. Just trying to spread the truth
Dan C Lucking: we could incorporate the gospel
drakehho19: there ya go
drakehho19: and the LORD did say, "Go ye and multiply!"
drakehho19: but the Devil declared, "Take thou the derivative and worry not about the remainder.
Dan C Lucking: "Mathematics clearly proves that Jesus couldn't have fed 5,000 with a few bits of bread and a fish"
Dan C Lucking: "Most people think this means the Bible lies"
Dan C Lucking: "I say it means: MATHS IS EVIL!!!!"

Math is evil. Enough said.

Wouldja look at that!
I've been hit by the "Change the Blog Template!" urge again, and I like this new look. Prettiful.
I've also gone and editted the links.
As far as the comic links go, bolded links update every day,, normal links update a few times a week, and italicized links update sporatically.

Let me know if the font size is too small and I'll see about making it bigger again, like it was in the "Sand dollar mode".

"You're not a failure until you quit trying."

Oh, looooooook, it's the return of
complaining about work. Whee hee.

Management's been dropping all ToGo people down to minimum wage. Considering that I normally make nearly twice that, you can understand why I'm thankful they haven't touched my hourly yet, but also sore that management is being stupid. Or maybe it's the home company's fault. Home company's been real stupid about a lot of things, lately; they keep cutting away stuff that benefits the servers while raising prices and the like in order to rake in more profits. It's disgusting and I am really tired of it.

Since management hasn't touched my hourly yet, they've decided to manipulate my schedule instead. Cutting me as soon as possible. Switching me into a lower paying station. This, that, and the other.

Management's also been having difficulty listening when it comes to schedules again. There's nothing quite like working two doubles in a row, closing after midnight on the second double, and turning right back around to open early on the third day. I told management I wouldn't mind where they stuck me too much, so long as they didn't kill me in the process. Well, they aren't listening, so I do mind. A lot.

I was really hoping I could hold out at my current job long enough to get my birthday off, but I'm seriously tired of all this. You'll excuse me now whilst I go change my availability date on my application to "NOW".

No, not the band. I'm just saying I had a really freaky-scary dream last night; don't remember it, but it was plenty freaky, I know that much.
And yay! I actually sleep through the night for once without waking up. Which means I won't be as tired today.

I wonder if sleep deprivation has anything to do with eyes hurting.

Oh, right, Double Dash!
Fun. Uber tuber fun. Especially the DK Mountain. (I've only played multi-player mode and wanna test out co-op mode.)
My favorite character is Baby Bowser, just because I love having him in back and taunting the other players. Or me taunting. Or...well, you know what I mean!
So cute.
So maliciously cute.
(And yeah, the same could be said for Sgt. Frog.)

It's stuck in my brain, but that's ok, I like it
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

Life has definitely changed over the past year. Or at least the way I used to approach it.

Make today a great day.

Monday, July 12, 2004

And somewhere, a Moogle rejoices
YES! Desbreko has been added to the large horde of people who declare that Auron not only kicks [butt], he's also a totally awesome bad-[butt]. And Des appreciates Auron's story, as well, which makes him that much more ...some sort of complimentary word. I'm used to smacking Des around with thwappage or...*sighs archivally* Mod Rod. How I miss thee.

As for Seymour--*pauses and looks down at the little tiny plushie See-more that's obviously trying to sneak past without being seen*
*The plushie stares in amethystic terror.* just can't resist them when they're chibi.
*See-more breathes a tiny plushie sigh of relief and begins to glide past Ginny.*
*Ginny suddenly lunges out and punts the plushie across the hallway, where he smacks into the front window. A tiny plushie groan later, the blue haired Moogle kicker slides slowly down the window and falls to the ground.*
Cute or not, people who kick Moogles should be kicked too. ^^

*dodges away from Jamal, giggling innocently* OK, I seriously need that RPG to start, whatever and whenever it may be.

Off to work!

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Archival goodness

Lyn pauses a moment, then tilts her head up toward Seymour.
"Well, goodness, look what you started," she murmurs.
"Yes, isn't it...grand?" he maliciously purrs back. "So easy to manipulate. Soon, these mindless puppets will--"
Every head snaps in his direction.
"'Mindless puppets'?" Enji repeats.
With one arm still around Lyn, Seymour casually brushs imaginary dust from his robe. Examining his nails, he smiles, his eyes narrowing in superiority. "Oh, didn't you know?" Collecting Lyn back in both arms, he speaks: "A belated present, my love. I offer the world to you! And every noisy little inhabitant on it."
"Aw crap," Enji mutters behind them, "I don't remember signing up for this."

*growls happily to self* Yeah, definitely ready to RP again. And I DEFINITELY need to get to bed.
...just a few more minutes...talking to Des and Ginny...

The Legend LIVES
Dunno if I've said much about Matt, but he's this newbie at work who looks like a short version of Jamal. Long story short, he seems to think I made Jamal up because I wanted to ask Matt out, but I didn't because he was too short.

Since both Matt dared me to bring "Jamal" and a lot of the other servers have been bugging me incessantly to bring him over, I did so tonight (*hugs her Jamzi plush* Thank you, love!). The majority of the staff has changed since he was last there and he was a new face for them. Jenna, Austin, and Greg (*cheers* added bonus!) were pleased to see him again, and everyone else liked him.

Matt seemed disoriented and he was the only one that didn't visit us at our table. As we walked out, he teased, "Y'know, I still don't believe you."
"Right, I'm just a random guy you paid to play me," Jamal commented to me later.

Good times, good times. I have a feeling I'm gonna get an earful tomorrow, heh. ^^

Feeling awfully sleepy (good, maybe I'll make it through the night without waking up >>), so I'll pick up Naruto-ness again later.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Don't leave your heart unspoken.

Hajimari dake yume mite okiru.
-I wake up after seeing only the beginning of my dream.

Naruto #55 and perverted hermits. *snicker*
Stupid, goofy looking Lee. Such a likeable character (and no, that isn't a spoiler--he's still very much alive, just like everyone that is, unless they aren't. Heh.).
And I can't wait to see Gaara get his--but not before I see this "true Gaara". (Then again, the newest title screen promises some sort of tragic childhood thingy. Just greeeeeeat. I want to despise him.)

Just in case you forgot,
Ginny loves "". I stumbled upon a remix of "Auron's Theme" and "FFX Main Theme". Would have been on my gorgeous list, but the remixer unfortunately used the midi version of "Auron's Theme", which has a constant sour note in there. Other than that, gleeee!
So "A Guardian's Sending" lands on my almost-completely-awesome list. Yes, I'm making this up as I go along. :p Live with it. ^^

And I preordered "Alien Dice" at Keenspot. It's going to show up around my birthday, because they had to push it back. Hey, 'tis all good!

Well, now I found more remixes in the Wind Waker section that are defined as gorgeous. This means Ginny's gonna be burning today instead of sleeping like she had planned after work. >> Ah well, need new stuff to listen to in the car anyway. ^^ Some of my best inspiration comes from the music I listen to.

Friday, July 09, 2004

'"Now that we've trimmed away the fat, we can go forward at full spee--" [Seymour] stopped, being interrupted by a moogle yanking on one of his long hair tendrils. "Hah.. how... adorable," he said, kicking it away.'

Just been reading over "FFS-2" and decided to post after giggling over the image of Seymour Guado getting his hair pulled by a Moogle. Too funny. Almost want to draw that.

Meanwhile--Jamal, Desbreko, MistressBaka, and whoever else this'll concern (re: whoever's interested): some of us are brewing a new idea for an RPG that'll involve a public "blog" for everyone to post in. Drop Desbreko an AIM message at "Desbreko145" for comments and questions and all that jazz, 'cause it's all his fault. (Previous experience begs me not to take the reigns again.)

Then again, I would have to plan the seed of the idea in his head in the first place. I...uh...*points at Jamal frantically* Your fault! He gave me the idea to have the idea and--
ow. Brain hurts.

^^; Love ya, love.

Now, on a scale of 1 to 1o...

Ginny: *eye twitches, just once*
Ginny: Death is too good for you, you know that? :-P
Desbreko: You remember that little paint drawing? ;-)
Ginny: yes, yes I do.
(Side Note: The Paint image was made by me during a "naked photo" thread on a messageboard I once visited. =^^=)
Ginny: I--how much would you pay for me?
Desbreko: You mean how much would I sell you for?
Ginny: yeah, I guess. >>
Desbreko: No less than the world. ^_^
Ginny: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Ginny: wait, how much would you sell the world for?
Desbreko: <_< ... >_>
Ginny: AH HA!

*snerk* My past caught up to me, lol. Now if you'll excuse me, I don't want to give a certain someone any ideas. ^_~

Ginny's Webcomicness
Well, now Desbrekkers is trying to get me to go again on the FF:S comic. Prob is, if I start now, I'll get caught by the "no computer or net" thing in a few months. And I need to find some way to fetch all those pages back--that's where my ultimate downfall came from. The server refused to recognize me in the end. And the guy that hosted the server or whatnot never returned my emails. Blah.

"Vita Via" is in stasis, but now "Avatar" (another type of "Survivor" story) is going full gear. Basic story is that everyone has a power of some sort, and there's a bad guy out to get the ultimate one.

So one of the challenges is for each character to discover what his/her power is. Jamzi (name under debate, also 'tis adorable little tiger critter that appeared here a few weeks ago) is ready to show off his power. 'Course, being a typical guy, *dodges away from all her guy friends* he's more interested in showing off and being impressive than actually taking the time to figure out what his power is. (Love, I told you I based him on you--not copied you exactly.
Then again....^_^)

It's only rough sketched for now, but here's the transcript (try to picture it, lol):
Jamzi: *holds his paws out* You're afraid of that? HA! Now to show you what I can do.
Jamzi narrows eyes. Concentrates.
Fantastic explosion. Smoke blows away to reveal...
...a large, colorful jungle flower.
Jamzi's eye twitches ever so slightly.

Gryf, Rondo, and others point and laugh uncontrollably at the flower. Jamzi looks blank.
Shoulders droop.

Jamzi: *dull* A flower? *clenches fists, getting angry* A flower?!
Flower droops. Jamzi's in full rage, all teeth showing.
Jamzi: *roaring* Who the HELL would be afraid of flowers!?! They aren't even intimidating!
Jamzi hisses to self. Behind him, the flower closes up. A squirrel on a nearby tree watches.
Jamzi clenches his fists again, baring teeth. The closed flower begins to swell.

Jamzi: I am going to kill the idiot who--
The flower explodes in a burst of sharp thorns.
Jamzi stares at the now-petalless flower. On the tree, the squirrel, just barely missed by the thorns, is frozen in shock.
The squirrel runs off, squealing, leaving behind a thorn-outline. Jamzi grins at the flower, which tilts toward him.

Jamzi: Now that's a cool trick.

Yes, Jamzi is unharmed by the thorns. No, I don't know how. I'll plothole it later. I've already got an idea for the first 4 or 5 challenges, so perhaps I should try a rotational comic thingy: "FF:S", "Avatar", and "Vita Via".

*snorts lovingly* Right. As if I had the time.

At least I can try, no? ^^

Work like you don't need the money,
Fight like you're always winning,
Dance like nobody's watching,
And love like you've never been hurt.

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. --Louis Sachar

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Naruto Spurt
I just got done with #48 and I'm on my way to #49, but I just had to say something:
holy [CRAP], was that ever gorgeous animation!!! I thought what they had going was good, but gee whiz, this stuff was movie theater worthy.
And Lee is actually a really great guy, despite how goofy he looks.

Now to find out if he survives his match with Gaara.

Things you'll never hear Ginny say
Hoobastank's "The Reason" and Linkin Park's "Breaking the Habit".
Hooray for MTV? I saw these two music videos up at work this morning and liked them (Linkin Park's mostly because it had a heavy anime influence; the song was eh-eh).

If you'll excuse me now, I'm still rather frazzled over my rant from this morning. I can make myself pretty upset over things I feel strongly about and, yeah, I feel extremely passionate about my stance on that issue.

"I'm not a perfect person..."

That tournament
I had been talking to some of you about? Took third place. Woulda been second, but I ran out of time. :p And first place dude had some serious deckage going on. *curses Wigglytuff's Do The Wave* Meanwhile, I've already got plans to retweak my deck, for it needs to be faster. I wish I didn't have to work Sats., because the major tourneys are then, but then again, I make really good money on Sats., so it's a hard choice.

I've been dead set on finding "Alien Dice". Durnit, I'm not having any luck: local stores don't have it in stock, Keenswag (Keenspot's store) isn't loading for me, and only has Alien Dice #2 (weh? it's coming out already?!). But I'm gonna get it, one way or another (and I seriously hope it's in color, because that's where the beauty of Syke's art lies).
I was pleasantly surprised to find "RPG World". Forgot how much I love that one. One of my favorite lines is:

Eikre: Galgarioun is Cherry's butt?! That is gonna be the coolest boss fight ever!

And the "Times are tough" guy is great (more so when he meets the "There are many guards at the castle" guy).

Today's 8-Bit Theatre is also amusing.

And now for a dose of uglyness
OK, I'm going to warn you right now: I'm not a political person and I don't normally like to voice my opinions about taboo issues, but if I don't say something somewhere, this'll spurt out where I don't want it to and cause a lot more ugliness than needs be.

If you are startled by that little warning, then I suggest you stop reading today's entry and go about your business.

So I'm at work yesterday, watching the FOX news channel. They were talking about Kerry and his choice for VP, Edwards. I thought, "All righty, this should be interesting."
The image switched to a lot of people waving signs that screamed "Make Abortion Legal!"

(I warned you, you know.)

Now, I don't know the full story, because I just about lost it right there. So I'm not completely and fully ready to comdemn Kerry/Edwards. It looks as if they are proposing an ammendment to the abortion bill Bush made. I need to know what kind of ammendment.

Look, I know that there are extreme cases in which abortion is a painful but only choice, ie: the mother or child or both will die in childbirth. Being careless is quite different. People that only want rampant sex but not children need to quit fucking around. I despise people like that.

(Seriously, I warned you.)

I mean, my glorious and loving Father in Heaven, get fixed or something. (Which, personally, I think would be a great ammendment--a limit to how many abortions one person can have, and after that, their reproductive organs are rendered useless.) In my religion, sex is a gift from God to married couples in which they can express their ultimate love for each other. It's not meant for five minutes of pleasure and that's it. I can't imagine why a person would freely go from one person to the next doing that, either; that would cause some serious mental problems for me.

Why do I feel so strongly? Is it just a Christian thing?
Well, yes, it's a Christian thing, but to me, it's a Ginny thing first.

I never could imagine why my biological father left me when I was little. It turns out that almost my entire family abandoned my mom when she was pregnant with me. Everyone around my mom told her to get an abortion or to be kicked out of the family. I can never fully express to my mother how grateful I am for her taking my side (my uncle, too--he supported my mom and even bought toy trucks for me, hee hee).

I loved my grandparents; when I found out they were the very first to tell my mom to get an abortion or else, I was heartbroken. Our relationship was pretty strained after that and I'm not sure if I really could ever fully forgive them. As for my biological father, he walked out because I was born. His only attachment to me is DNA; I have no love for the man and I could die quite happily without ever seeing him.

...hang on just a sec, I'm sorta getting blurry-eyed...

I think one of the most pointless arguments in favor of abortion is, "It's my body, I can do what I want!" To which science has proved otherwise--at the moment of conception, when two parts become one, there is a brand new mixture DNA. If technology can go in and pick out only the woman's DNA, sure, she can have that. But it can't. And therefore, that tiny life is not her body. I firmly believe that every life begins at conception, because at that moment, a soul becomes tangible.

I'm sorry, but abortion is murder. (And if you don't believe me, take a look at images from a partial birth abortion sometime. It's disgusting what humans have come up with.)

So my first thought on seeing that clip on FOX was, "Well, sure, we'll keep our men from being killed over there, because we're too busy killing them off over here." I still need the full story. Meanwhile, Kerry and Edwards are treading dangerously thin ice, indeed.

Try to have a good day.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

From the VGR Mailbag:
"Please calm down. You're scaring children and small animals." ~LC
"Hell with children and small animals, you're scaring the [stuff] out of me." ~AG

My letter got in too, one on a dissertation discussing the differences between "devoted" and "rabid". Gleeness! ^^

Meanwhile, I'm about to go to work and I'm looking over at the floor where my brother is just sacked out. Lucky butt. Since I'm always going somewhere in the morning, I don't get to sleep in like everyone else. That's why Ginny gets both quietly and dangerously pissed off when people wake her up too early on the few random days she gets to sleep in. *eyeballs her other brother darkly*

That does it. I'm making a list of things that I'm looking forward to when I move out. And to be fair, I guess a list of things I'll miss to counter it. Which one's gonna be longer, hmmmmmm?

#1 Looking--No being woken up when I don't want to be.
#1 Miss--No internet for a while.

A bit of gushy here:
sometimes it's hard to stand up on your own and take the entire world on (believe me, I've tried, and, great Auron, it ain't easy). Let someone believe in you today. Be able to lean on someone and release being in control of the world (preaching to the choir here ^^)., trying to be deep and meaningful but I have to run to work before I can fully think that out (think that little spurt was more for me than anyone).

Heh, ok, just have an inspiring day, then!

Monday, July 05, 2004

Another (short) spurt about "Naruto"
Episode #44 finished.
Well, I'm finally figuring out why I like this anime so much. Yes, the music is awesome, the animation is gorgeous, and the story's quite good, but there's more.

At the heart of all of it is an underlying theme of self-worth (#18 and #19 especially). Given that that is a theme I carry with me in my own personal musings, it's a wonder that it's taken me this long to figure it out. ^_~

Now if they'd just dub it and bring it over here.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Naruto Quiz Overload

You Are Naruto.

Which Naruto Student Are You?

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by

Gai is cool, but....

Naruto Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Wah! T-T (Stronger than Kakashi my tail!)

Ino is defined as my rival. Stupid pig girl. ;p

If you can't tell, I just sat through another 8 eps of Naruto. Onto the third exam; at least it isn't as gruesome as the second one was. ^^

Saturday, July 03, 2004

"That's the first time someone passed with a blank exam paper."
Well, I couldn't get anywhere with that one Naruto ep that keeps freezing, so I had to --*gasp shock horror (which it is)*-- skip the rest of the ep. And I despise having to miss out on any part of an episode. Forunately, I do believe I have that very same section, manga wise, in a Shonen Jump I picked up a month or two ago.

So I'm on the Chuunin Second Exam. I know it's supposed to be all extreme and stuff, what with training to be ninjas and facing potential death situations in the field, but do the examiners (or plot writers, for that matter) really expect the students to kill each other just to pass? Apparentally so--one team got devoured by large leeches. And they didn't just happen to fall into the nest, oh no; another team purposely planted a trap to lure the first team in. room for error here.

I haven't really had any complaints about Naruto besides that. The music is still beyond awesome and if I could get ahold of the soundtrack for it, I would. The way they combine traditional Japanese instruments with techno and electric guitar is just... Well, let's just say this little music-lover is happy.

Naruto #29 with creepy Naga-esque dude continues tomorrow. I've never seen no-emotion Sasuke so incredibly freaked out and terrified before. Kind of scary.

And that's the mark of a good anime/comic/story: when you come to "know" the characters as well as your own friends. ^^

*wonders if she could learn Naruto's Seduction Transformation Technique* Heee! I'd use it whenever I don't get my way. ;p

While I was wrapping up #28
I stumbled across the Trigun and FFX AMVs I had picked up last year. That was a lot of fun and
MISTRESS BAKA!!! That was still the most outrageously awesomest AMV of Auron I have ever seen (she made it for my b-day last year, and that, among others of hers, can be found here, under the Music Video link; shameless promoting, darlin', but you deserve it. ^_~ Seriously, you do--you have a talent for it.).

I'm missing my Trigun "Five Second Song". Someone's gonna hurt for this.

Happy Early American Independence Day! Happy Belated Free Comic Day! And um...Ginny needs to go to bed now. *POOF!*

Friday, July 02, 2004

Quote of the Day
"The Inspiration Fairy and I don't get along very well." ~Sara

Decent, at work, runnerups
Me to my manger:
"I don't have to do that, you're not the boss of me!"

Two of the servers during the busy rush:
"I want my tables' food!"
"Hey, I want a smaller [butt], but it ain't happening either."

Me and one of my old managers guest managing:
Me: What are you doing here tonight?
Greg: Well, your store called and said they needed the best manager they could get to fill in.
Me: And yet we somehow still ended up with you.

I'm so mean to Greg. ^^ Hey, you're only the hardest on the ones you love the most.

And a trip down Memory Lane
What wings are you?
Colorful Wings

What Kind of Wings are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

That's how this blog got its name.

Also, I was reading through my archives
(complete with my own angsty moments back then, ugh) and found this:

-July 29, 2oo3-
"Ya know, all of three weeks ago, I swore off love. Said it wasn't for me. And yet...

Four different guys, four different personalities, four different stages of crush-ness.
One helps me to laugh without malice, and to grow my faith.
One helps me to see my and others' faults and to accept them.
One helps me to see faults and laugh hysterically at them.
One helps me to realize my talent potential and push it farther. (Present Day Ginny says that this one is Jamal--just has to be.)
Two are giddy silly little crushes--just those "we're just friends" type. One is a very good friendship. One is a very deep friendship. At least, I'd consider so.
What I didn't tell [Heather] was what one of those guys had said [after the big e-marriage tease].
"Why e-married?" he AIMed me. "Why not get married in real life, mmm?"
I thought he was still joking around, so I said, "LOL not yet!"
"Ah, but you'll be mine one day...just you watch."
I got a little nervous. "Heh, won't be any time soon--I'm not emotionally mature enough."
"Some day, then."
(Present day Ginny sidenote: Y'know, I still can't remember which guy this was to this day, but I'd love to find out.)
It's funny--I never really cared about that much, only a few times--when I felt I meant the world to someone else. And it's funny--but those few times, I really cared about myself and I was very happy. Not fake happy--but knowing I meant something to someone else... *watches train of though run around in a circle* It was a genuine happiness.

I guess I tried to swear off love because I was afraid of the ever impending, unavoidable fall.
Ah well, crushes are just crushes 'n' nothing more. Right?"

Heehee. *bearhugs Jamal* Ginny knows better now. =^_~=

Reading the Archives, Part II
Looks like Jamal and I had gone on our first date somewhere around the weekend of Sept. 14 or thereabouts. And you were right, loves, it was Pirates of The Caribbean.

And then there was this *giggles at Des*
Des: .... You're the one that started tossing flowers in the first place!
Ginny: *reattaches your head*
Ginny: well, if you didn't go around in a black purple font, this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place!
Ginny: ...or is that second place?
Ginny: or pre-first place?
Ginny: @_@
Des: It's the Ginny-is-overly-violent-with-the-chopping-off-of-heads place. >_>
Ginny: is that the first one?
Ginny: I don't think it should be.

I'm laughing myself silly looking over these archives. And remembering other stuff along with it. I found the last appearance of Ron ;_; and the first appearance of Debbie ^_^ in there, too!

Archival Thing Part III
There was a "share info about yourself" test I took back in Nov. One good chunk was especially funny:

Have you ever--
(83) Hurt yourself? Stupid wall shouldn't have been there in the FIRST place...
(86) Had sex? No.
(90) Gone skinny dipping? oh GAW no!
(94) Played strip poker? See #90
(99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? Nooo...I only get tipsy. ^_~
(102) Pulled an all-nighter? WHEE! SUGAAAAAAH! LOL!
(103) If yes, what is your record? All night? ^^;
(104) Gone one day without food? Yes.
(105) Talked on the phone all night? No. Phone evil. Suck my life out. >_>
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first? They're called BROTHERS. Gaw, where is your mind?
(107) Slept all day? Never made it that far.
(108) Killed someone? WHAT?
(109) Made out with a stranger? Hayell, no.
(110) Had sex with a stranger? Did you not just see my answer to #109?!
(111) Thought you're going crazy? ring ring I swear I heard that phone ring didn't you I know it did ring ring ring ring see there it goes again ring ring ring chili's garland chili's garland ring ring EE HEE EHEE!
(112) Kissed the same sex? Mom, "sisters", female relatives.
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex? What the STUFF are you trying to drive at?....
(118) Masturbated? What the HECK?!?! These questions are getting out of hand!
(119) Masturbated with something other then your hand? *points to #118*....
(122) Had sex? Didn't you already ask this?
(123) With more then 1 person? EVIL QUESTIONAIRE RIGHT HERE PEOPLE!
(124) Threesome? I made a joke about one once.
(126) Whip cream? Mmm...yummy! Wait, you mean the sexual thing again? GEEZ! NO!
(127) Bondage? *pulls out Big Metal Bat of Evil Questionaire Destruction*
(128) Whipped/gotten whipped? *beats Questionaire with BMBoEQD*
(129) Blindfolded? Pin the Tail on the Donkey, yes, but I know you're still dirty minded, so no.
(130) Tied someone up/been tied up? You think by now this Questionaire would have gotten the hint. >_>

OK, no more. I think. I hope. Wonderful wonderful archives. ^^

You-Know-Who / Tom Marvolo Riddle
You are Tom Marvolo Riddle. You are the type of
person who would go for power to be the best
among the others. You are also intelligent
person. You do care for your followers and
reward them, which shows goodness in you. You
should be more friendly to others and open
yourself out a bit.

Harry Potter Personality Quiz (anime pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Destined to rule evil, semi-evil, and psuedo-evil minions. I LOVE it! XD

You know what?
Sometimes it's a real pain the -bad word- to be an artist. Like right now. I want so terribly much to go back to studying anime styles (everything I do has a slight hint of those), but at the same time, I want my own style. I don't want people to dismiss my work as just another anime knockoff.
But anime's just so pretty...
I'd love to do both, but one's going to take precedence and impact the other heavily, so you see where this is getting annoying. >.<

2 months left
and if all goes well, I move out into my own place and have a new job. But no internet for a while. Aww... T-T

It's Friday!
Pounce on the weekend.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

You represent... kindness.
You represent... kindness.
You're a very gentle, kind, and caring individual.
You truely care about people and are generally
well-liked. Though sometimes you may be
perceived as weak, you truely have a strong
heart and a good desire to help others.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

If you discovered right now
that you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?

I don't think I'd change too terribly much about my daily routine. I like to live without regret. Y'know, settle problems as they come. And yet, nowhere does that seem more difficult with the people you're closest to. People that you aren't terribly attached to are people you aren't terribly concerned with, making an admission of guilt/stupidity/shameful or shameless actions easier. The people you love are the people you trust with the more tender part of your personage; they know you a lot better and the fear is, if they want to hurt you, they know exactly how to do it. But because they are close, they also know why they don't want to hurt you.

Sometimes, if not a lot of the time, I'm actually terrified of letting people get close to me for the reason I just stated: I'm afraid of getting hurt. And then I get more scared because, for some reason, I'm more afraid of me hurting someone. I'll even lie awake at night wondering if I did do something wrong to someone--and I never talk to anyone about it because I'm always afraid I'm making a big deal out of nothing. Sometimes it's nothing, sometimes it's a major something. It's worse when I find out I did do something wrong, but it's too late to do anything to fix it.

So what am I saying with all this? Not quite sure, but hey, if I do something to upset you, let me know. I don't mind if you have a different opinion from me, just don't squish mine in the process of sharing yours. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or sad or mad, especially not at sweet little me. ^.^ Seriously, though, if you feel I need to be brought down a peg or if there's something you really think I need to hear, say it. Regret leads to anxiety and I'm a worrywart enough as it is.

If you only had 24 hours left to live, don't make them the busiest and most stressful ones. Like I always say, live every day as if it were your last, because you never know when it might just be.

No regrets. See you tomorrow. ^-^

I beat it!!!
I beat "Insaniquarium" today! I rock! I am awesome! I AM--
--completely at a loss as to what to play now. Oo;

I found my TCG niche
methinks. I shall plan for the local tourney coming up and find out. I'll either pwn or crawl to my room, curled up in a fetal position. How exciting! ^^

I hope it's the first--my TCG ego needs some serious healing after a pretty painful trouncing I got in a match a week ago with my little brother. Xp It's getting better, though--I just totally wailed on him just now with my new deck and I am pleased.

*Grinch-esque evil grin curls up face* I'm ready.

Quote of the Something-n-Other
So everyone else likes the whole "With great power comes great responsibility" line. Personally, I went with S2's new one:

"Sometimes, in order to do what is right, you have to give up that which you want most."

Sometimes you have to give up a life's dream just to take your spot in the grand scheme of everything. The worst times are when there's a few seconds that decide for the rest of your time which you're going with. The feeling of, "Oh if I only had two more seconds, I could have done both." The misery of regret or the tragedy of a loss of passion. No clear winners either way.

Ah, that's the other thing. The other part of S2 that really made an impact (besides all the really awesome special effects) was Peter's constant little problem. No matter how hard or often he tried to do the right thing, there was always something overshadowing what he did, telling him he wasn't good enough. The burning building scene is the best example of this. It works because we've all felt the boost of esteem when we do something for someone else, no matter how little, and then something else happens to make us realize our little good deed was only a drop of water on a raging fire. Maybe a thin plume of steam to show where the drop was right before it dissolved completely, if we're lucky.

It's the despair of feeling powerless to change the world. Wondering (very "Its a Wonderful Life" like) if there's really any point to existing. Other people have been there. I know I have. I've even had a few times when I would just sit on my bed at night, hugging my pillow or maybe a plushie and glare out at the moon or a few stars. And (yes, this'll sound crazy, but remember, mesa ist religious, so dealeth :p) I'd mentally be yelling at God or arguing with Him; all He'd say back to me at those times is, "Everything's going to be ok." Then I'd just sit there, shedding hot silent tears--ya know, the kind that make you feel like your heart's about to break because it just hurts so much--being angry at God because no, everything does not feel like it's ok. The world's not fair and how dare You sit up there and tell me it's going to be ok--You don't know what I've been through, and what it's like down here! I'd ignore Him, try to just drown myself in the emotion because, hey, if I don't have the power to do what I want to help the world, then screw it.

And He still would step past all that and tell me, "It's going to be fine. Let Me take care of it."

There'd be more tears. I didn't want to believe it's that easy. I didn't want to let go of the awful feeling or to relinquish the control. I still wanted to make someone understand just how unfair the world is being, but then I would remember that God knows what we went through because He went through it and He knows just how we feel. I believe there's a plan and a reason for everything in life, even if we can't comprehend it right away. Sometimes we get the benefit of hindsight. Then again, we might die without knowing why some stuff "happened to us". And there's some things that only a deity can do.

(And yes, my self-control-freak still has problems to this day with that. ^^)

Whoa. Didn't mean to go all spiritual there. O.o; *grins at Dan, sees the email coming already*

And--well, damn it! I just went through a deep pyscho-something-or-other thought process because of one little line from a movie. A movie that's getting raves all over the freaking place because critics eat that intellectual stuff all up.

*whines comically* God, it's not faiiiiiiiiiiiir...

OK, I still don't feel as much sympathy for Peter as I was supposed to. But you know what?

Go Spidey.

Nothing like being off from work for a week
to make one bubbly and energetic and perky and all that fun stuff. *bounces off walls happily*

Just saw
"Spiderman 2". Opening day. *grin* And daaaaaaaaang but that is one of the longest--no, the longest line--I have ever been in for a movie. Worse than "LotR".

Personally, I just went for the action, I guess, because the beginning dragged. It got good when Doc Oc showed up and there were all those gorgeous eye candy shots. *gush gush gush* Simply amazing. And out of all dem buggers, Octavias (sp?) was definitely my favorite. I wasn't as sympathetic to Peter as the movie was leading me to believe I should be and Mary Jane (or is it just Kirsten Dunst?!) screams too much.

Nah, it's Kirsten's fault. Jamal and I had a nice deep intellect--*snort, cough, choke, stifled giggle*--ectual discussion about that ("Jurassic Park", "Jumanji", etc etc). Plus, we've already planned out what number 3's gonna be about (I'm waiting to see if we're right). And oh yes, be on the lookout for my high school English teacher's favorite literary metaphor--the hero as a Christ figure. Mr. Gear would be so proud.


Oh my word, I've become a freakin' English major. Oo; Please just shoot me now.

I forgot to get a present for Jenna's birthday. Crap. ><

I have to start looking for apartments again. Double crap. >.<

And I have two doubles and a long shift ahead of me over the next three days. Not to mention the holiday on Sunday--which, don't get me wrong, is nice to celebrate. But not when you're invited to a family's house and the family fights the entire time.

Crappity crap crap. Xp

Six Flags and the zoo were flooded. And Alaska's hitting the 8os for their temps right now.
And I'm rambling on aimlessly. I need sleep. But that means going to work. Whyyyyyyyyyy?

Beh, sleep good. ^^