Sunday, April 17, 2005

Post #393
Another week, another topic.

I finally got that transfer I had been chasing after since last summer. Now that I have a manager who has a grain of sense, it's going easier (the last one forbade any transfers of any kind--thus the trip to Retail Hell). Needless to say, all the managers are picking on me mercilessly. Except for Ron. The poor guy--he's just sulking or playing psuedo perky. The first is no fun, and the second's way too bizarre.

Brad Garrett just got added to my list of Top Ten Voice Actors. And I finally got over my hatred of Joey Wheeler and decided he's actually the best character in his series. Meanwhile, I learned my new management staff is comprised entirely of midgets--re: people shorter than me. And oh yes, Vita Via and Avatar are both getting a total revamp again, with a potential hybrid appearing amidst the reworkage. I've been stuffing too much, well, stuff into both and decided to start again with fewer characters (from 1o to 3--and it's working quite well). My muse and I are getting along better. *grin*

As for 89.7? Heh, I heard some straight up rap the other day. And hardcore rock just about every time I drive somewhere (my poor car shakes with tremendous bass). The surreal thing is, I've grown up on hymns and gentle ballads, so to have TobyMac quicktalking or Slipfoot shrieking into the microphone is just...different.
In the best kind of way. *huge grin*

Have a great seven days!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Because I love you, that's why
OK, just had to post after trying to do a little catch-up on all my online spots. I happened to venture to PvP right after VGR (hee, the shameless pleasures), and I have to say something:

Jamal, did you see that post Scott did on the "Daily Grind" bit? The one about his wife n buddy pushing him to his best? Incidentally, Mom and I were talking about you n your ability, so ha-ha, you're stuck. *grin* You're gonna be famous for sure one day, because everyone famous needs drive and sometimes that drive comes from letting someone else lean on you a bit (that's what Napoleon's wife was REALLY doing--metaphorically kicking his butt when he didn't feel like taking over the world anymore just because everyone made fun of his height).

So, yeah, what I'm saying is, your talent is way overdue for a showing off to the world and I'm gonna do everything in my power to help you get it there. However many metaphorical butt kicks it takes.
At least, until the dragon barrels out of the cave.
(Heck, even then.)

And that's a promise.

Nothing much to report on this end. Life's decent enough.
Had my first trainee walk out on me the other day, though. =/ Been a trainer for almost two years, and that's the first time it's ever happened.

Almost have Tactics Advance beaten--I just need new batteries.
Almost have Minish Cap beaten--I'm just letting Jamal borrow it right now.
Almost want to play Zero Mission--I just need to borrow it.
Almost want to get "God of War" (so ashamed, heh)--it's just so graphic in many ways

REALLY want to play WoW. Really need to stop watching everyone else play. *pout*

I drive nails/through Your bones
So I waited on this one couple the other day. The guy was wearing a Third Day shirt. It looked like those NBA shirts with the basketball player, but instead of the player, it was a musician holding up a guitar. I asked if the Third Day I knew was the Third Day he knew. Sure enough, it was. The three of us also talked about MercyMe, Audio Adrenaline, Newboys, and DCTalk. He then told me about a radio station I could listen to.
See, I was brought up on (what is currently) 94.9 FM. Lots of commercials and songs made for middle aged people drove me to CDs. I just started listening to 89.7 last night. No commercials yet. "Rock" with words-you-have-to-listen-to-or-you-miss-the-whole-point kind of thing. Plenty of bass, good helping of guitar. I wonder if they play TobyMac?

Aaaaaaaaaaaanywho, hope every one of you is well. See ya next week!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

(*Note: This post was supposed to be up last week, but Blogger burped.)


Covered by Your Love divine
Child of the Risen Lord.
To hear You say, "This one's mine"
My heart is spoken for.
(~Mercy Me)

Happy Easter!

To my online peeps who I was talking with from Oct-Now 'o4 on, you remember that Jamal was helping me push my movie gore tolerance limits to their max in preperation for "Passion of the Christ" (incidentally, I found my tolerance was a lot higher than I expected. Sad... But I finally got to see the "Kill Bill" movies!). And, the week before Easter (Weds., day before Maundy Thursday, methinks), I saw it.

Without restraint.


But in all seriousness, it's the closest I've ever felt to my heart breaking. To hear the story is one thing, but to have a visual reference to add life to the word, people, there isn't ever enough I can do in this life to live up to what happened in that movie. And to know that I don't have to, that since Jesus, in a sense, showed me up times infinity billion in the Deeds Department anyway, and that God loves me and I don't have to do stuff to earn my way in (since, like I said, Jesus beat me to it), well....

...knowing that made me cry all the harder.

Very deep.

(And for the record, I heard 1oo% of the movie. I only saw 98% of it. Heh, my tolerance is still wanting. ^_^)