Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Shoreben was "born" about Sunday night. He's a minor character for Avatar, the local exposition guy, if you will.
I'm also playing with an idea that, although it seems too much like Digimon, it's a likeable idea (from an artist's standpoint, anyway). Basically, the characters that last longer in the story will get less cute forms as they aquire more talents. (Played with Rondo's firebolt form, decided it was too much like Jamal's Acheron, and went back to the drawing board, heh.) I like the idea.

"I'm in a bad mood right now. If you want to fight me, I won't hold back."
--Sasuke, "Naruto: Ep.1o9"

Everyone's been there. You're listening to or watching a good friend say or do something completely out of their nature, something they wouldn't normally do. While they seem blissfully unaware of it, you just want to grab them by the shoulders, shake them a few times, and cry out, "What the HELL are you thinking?!"

Don't kill the messenger.

When a person is caught doing something embarrassing or wrong, the first reaction is to panic. The second is to shift the focus in order to regroup his/her thoughts. Meaning that s/he finds someone else to blame for what just transpired. Sometimes, the person at fault will own up to the mistake. In rare cases, s/he will own up, but not care about the consequences of the mistake.

In care you're wondering, no, this little rant has little connection to "N:1o9--The Sound's Invitation"; that episode just happened to have a similar theme to what I've been thinking on lately.

I've always liked the idea of free will, even if it made me wince to watch someone (metaphorically) ram his/her head into a brick wall constantly just for them to prove they had free will. And trying to tell someone they are doing something wrong--ugh. Most people today (me included) will make a grumpy joke about it when told they are in err. If they catch themselves doing the same act again, they look to the first person that told them of the screwup, and make a followup joke, such as: "Oh, that's right, so-and-so told me I wasn't supposed to do it this way, so I better not."

Ugh again.

For me, I've had to watch a very good friend make a very stupid mistake recently (even after constant jocular warnings that he was goofing up) and because of the action, I had to call him out on it (re: tell on him). Now, we're nothing more than two people that work together. And that hurts. A lot.

Everyone who knows what happened (a very small number, so don't feel bad that you don't know) keeps assuring me that it wasn't my fault, that I warned him, and that he made his choice.

Insert shaking of shoulders and crying of WHY?! here.

I guess that's a truth of life: you have a right to choose your friends, as do they. Just because you want someone as a friend, doesn't always mean they can be your friend. And so on and so on an-- *sigh* I just want it back to the way it was before the trouble happened, and not deal with the trouble.

I don't want to cause problems for people--I just want to go back to being the glue between the pages. The hidden person that keeps everyone else going.

Thanks, "Bendo"-kun!
What Does Your Inner Anime Character Look Like? (For Girls) by Rose Lover
User Name
Fav. Colors
Fav. Anime Show
What you look like
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Strength
In a survival situation, you:Do what is necessary
Your hidden talent is:Adaptability
Your gift is:Ability to acquire wealth
In groups, you:Act as host/ess
Your best quality is:Your compassion
Your weakness is:Your coldness
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

"9th Elsewhere" is up, as well as a jewel I just discovered: "Inverloch".
Most noteable about the second (besides the animated series look it has, I LOVE that look!) is that (and this'll really only bother Jamal and myself, now that I think about it) one of the main characters in Volume I looks like my character "Jamzy", but is actually named Acheron.

I kid you not.

Looks like our little brainchilds ran into each other some time ago. That's all right--"Avatar" is growing ever stronger in my mind, story and character wise, so I'm going to go right ahead and draw it out. "Jamzy" isn't the only character in "Avatar".


Watch your mind, your heart, and your tongue, lest you regret.
And stay warm.
Have a great day. ^_^

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Can someone stop the world, please? I'd like to get off.
Well (dang), I did a less than honorable thing today.

Remember that incident up at work? The one that I still won't/can't really talk about? Well, the incident got another person suspended. Said person was back to work today for the first time. The problem is, in order to remain anonymous, I have to play dumb to knowledge of the person's suspension. I think I overdid it today.

See, there's this one girl at work that was on vacation last week and came back. I told her about the person being suspended, and now she's bent on finding out why. Which is bad. I shouldn't have said anything.

Meh...I'm a screwed up little creature. I wish all this was a distant memory.

The one thing I'll miss about my current job is the friends I've made. Especially Maria and Steve--they've both been awesome, almost like I've known them for a very long time now, instead of just a few weeks.

Um, in other news, a friend at work told me about a set of apartments for only $4oo a month. I'm getting a look at them as soon as I can.

Let every word and every action be something you won't regret. (Or at least develop some backwards hindsight.)

Monday, November 22, 2004

QuoteTastic: (All Hail Ben-kun)

Legoboy1: I went to a cast party this weekend! :D
Legoboy1: And I went through most of it with a cow on my head. ^_^
dra kehho 19: I--excusemewhat?
Legoboy1: Ah, I do so enjoy befuddling people.
dra kehho 19: cow?
dra kehho 19: COW?
Legoboy1: Yes.
Legoboy1: His name is Moo.
dra kehho 19: moo.
dra kehho 19: MOO?
Legoboy1: Yep.
dra kehho 19: AUUUUUUUU--*Boo Brain explodes*
dra kehho 19: (dang, that's twice in one night)
Legoboy1: Excellent...
dra kehho 19: *head thumps on desk*
Legoboy1: *collects the leftovers for diabolical experiments*

In other news, I'm cranky, ticked off, upset, and all sorts of manners of negative emotions. Terrah.

Enjoy what you have, because you never know when you might regret taking it for granted.

"That's what you get for reproducing."
Messed around with the webcomics links. "9E/9thElsewhere" is on the way to the list, as soon as I find it again.

And if you have not been reading Sluggy Freelance and it's most recent storyline, shame on you. It's the classic "Demon comes to steal Torg's Soul every Halloween" arc, but this year, it's finally coming to a close. Almost as good as the "Bun-Bun: Eater of Holidays" arc.

Meanwhile: is it just me, or are Pixar and Dreamworks major copycats of each other?
Toy Story--Small Soldiers
A Bug's Life--Ants
Finding Nemo--Shark Tale

(Oh, sorry, that last one is a different company called "Blue Skies". Wait...doesn't Dreamworks have blue skies in their logo...? *conspiracy theory!*)

But seriously, am I the only person that keeps seeing this? It's like one of the companies gets an idea, then the other company gets wind of it and makes the opposite target audience version of the movie (Pixar gets the kiddie group, Dreamworks takes the adults). To be honest, I prefer the Pixar movies. *shrugs* Though the Dreamworks ones tend to be more "true to life", as movies can possible get.

Does this mean I'm downing on Dreamworks? Heavens, no! C'mon, Shrek 2! 'Nough said. Though, to be honest, I was worried that DWs was getting to be a one trick pony with the Shrek series. I've seen the future, though, and it's...

...psycotic penguins?

Dude, seriously. DWs may be worrying that others think it's a copycat company, so it's making its own ideas. The penguins are from Madagascar. The movie, I mean. It looks like it could be funny. And leaning toward the kid audience this time around. Or everyone. See, that's why Shrek hit it off so well--the movie encompassed an incredibly large and receptive audience. DWs knows this and I'll bet they're trying to find that magic formula again. Best of luck to them. Honestly.

Wow, that was a fun rant. ^_^

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Almost Happy New Year
It's the last week of the Christian church year. Then Advent, which marks the beginning of the new year, begins next Sunday and will continue until Christmas itself.

In other news, I was quietly declared a hero(ine) at work today. Seems this incident I've been tangled up in allowed me to fix something that had needed fixing for a long time. A lot of associates are happy as a result, and yet they'll never know it was my doing. I won't tell (no matter how much my ego yearns to) because there's no reason to. Closure on the whole matter will begin by the end of this week.

I didn't and still don't like being in the middle of it, though.

Now Playing: FFViii. Going old-skool. I never played this Final Fantasy, but I've finally got around to. Junctioning bugs the crap out of me.

Be a hero. Be yourself.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Whose butt is this?! (Part I)

On a topic completely unrelated to work (and how many cry out, "FINALLY!"), I've been doing some research for my comics, especially Avatar. I updated Era's model, which now looks like a bizarre cross between a badger, a lizard, and a jackalope, but still a lot less anime-ish that he used to be. (Sidenote: Era used to be female, and no, I have nothing against the anime style. Just want my own style.)

Looking up random info for improving my own stories is fun. Anyways (anyway), I also did a little research into personalities, and, though I hold no stock by it in my own personal life, I found that looking into horoscope definitions helps to build characters (if that makes any sense). It's actually a little freaky how close to the real thing people are defined in their sign groups. Naturally, I looked at "my sign" for tonight, the proud Leo. Lemme sum up what I read:

--Leos enjoy the pleasures of life, and get just as much fun out of helping others enjoy the same pleasures.
--Leos are sunny, energetic, egotistic, sometimes to the point of overbearing; even so, Leos also tend to take the easy way out if they can.
--Leos are stubborn to the point of obsession. They like being the center of attention and have difficulty being a team player. They make great leaders...if they so choose.
--Variety is essential and boredom their bane. Arts, theater, and religion are best suited to them.

Creepily accurate. I still don't hold stock by horoscopes or star readings, though. :p I personally have no need for fortune telling, and since it'll happen one way or another, why does it matter to know? I trust my God enough to take care of the future, regardless of where I am in it.

Whoops, religious tangent there. *innocent smile* Anyways again (or anyway *ducks away from things being thrown at her* --force of habit!), I think these things'll give me a starting place to define my characters. I can't have them all the same--how boring would that be?

I could write a story about the incident at work, it's taken so many unexpected twists and turns. But it's not time, not yet. It may never be time.

I am Ginny, hear me rawr.


'Bout to leave for work, and I feel quite emotionally ill about what happened yesterday. Which confuses me, since I did nothing wrong. When I woke up just now from my nightmare about me being a little girl that was kidnapped by this one crazy guy, and me also playing a cop trying to save the little girl....it was weird, but I realized why yesterday is bothering me so much.

I also know that there's just some information people (even you, beloved) should never be burdened with, no matter how much I want to scream about it. I've spent most of my life stuffing my feelings of being upset inside (thus the upset stomach I've developed all my life, XP) and although I've gotten better about talking more about being upset these days, this particular incident is something I have to stuff inside--if only for now. And I don't want to.

I just want to forget the whole thing ever happened.

Adonai, Father in Heaven, I feel so sick. Please protect and carry me through today.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Howy CWAP!
Yes, the computer works. Sorta.

Anyway, letting everyone know I'm alive. There's a lot of crap going on in my job life at the moment, so I'm flitting in and out. Wish I could share and drama queen the stuffing out of it, but until it's resolved....eh. Just know that it really really sucks--and I hope that none of you has to go through it.

Headline of the Day:
I miss my quiet, simple, innocent Chili's.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Heaping Handfuls of Profuse Apologies
In short, beloved, I'm really really really sorry!
My computer died last night, and it's barely alive right now, so it looks like I'm going to be without a computer a lot sooner than I thought (Mom refuses to buy RJ another one).

Sunday, November 14, 2004

"It's been forty days and forty nights
Down the road of many trials
And I pray it's only for a season
'Cause in the wilderness and in the flood
You're the one I'm thinking of
And I know You've brought me for a reason..."
(~Third Day)

So the week wrapped up pretty nicely, work wise. I thank God for blessing me with, not only commission, but a heaping handful of it (can you say $1oo?), AND for adding an unexpected bonus of an ego boost.

See, my commission comes from catching others' mistakes, and this week, I caught (in addition to many others) "Mr. Sunshine" (remember him, beloved?). Suffice it to say, his snarky attitude has been curbed remarkably now, though he's got that silent p.o.'ed look going on.

Not only that, my older co-workers told me I set a record for n00bness; most beginners don't make the money I made this week until they've been certified for 2 months (I've only been certified for two weeks). So it's a beautiful thing.

Only one day off this week, and then the holiday rush starts.


Don't get me wrong, I like the togetherness of Thanksgiving, and the REAL reason behind ChrisTmas (and the first jerk that teases about it being the gifts is getting a well-deserved whack), but the negative side of the holidays lays thick, especially in retail. I always work a lot more (this year, 5o-6o hour work weeks, yay overtime), and though there's too much too do, I also feel very lonely, because I can't be home with my loved ones like my customers can. (Again and again, beloved, please be patient with me then--I'll be quite scarce, from what they're telling me at work.)

I trust You with everything...may I please move out now? Or grant me patience till it's time. Grant me wisdom not to mess myself up financially, to see that it's smarter to wait. Or something.

Stay warm, stay vivacious. And have a good day.

Friday, November 12, 2004

I take comfort in His love,
and in his, too.

One mother to life, and one to death. Sounds like a soap opera? (General Hospital, in all truth heh.) Actually, no. Two co-workers--one is due to give birth in a few days. The other had a miscarriage.

I visited my old job on a complete whim today during lunch. I've learned that those complete whims are far from and that Someone knows more than He's telling (well, duurrrr, but still, in this case it woulda bee--). When I was pulling into the parking lot, I recognized a car that was parked there. Unwillingly to believe it, I walking and sure enough--

--oh Sara happy day--

--IT WAS RON! Ronronronron! That lovely, cranky, by the book, make you work for his approval and yet feel so proud of yourself when you earn it Ron. The manager that first interviewed me for my job at Chili's, the one that was like a second dad because he was always there at the worst times and knew just what to say, the one that dreamed of being a General Manager someday.

He's a GM now. At his home Chili's. It's his dream come true. And he's asked me to consider coming back. *hugs her Rondo plushie happily* Like he has to ask me twice. I told him, after I get Fry's through the holiday rush (overtime, whee/ugh), I'd most likely come back. (Right now, I'm actually so excited that I'm shaking as I write this.)

*peers upward* How does that go....divine intervention? And yet You persist in teaching (or trying to, heh) me patience. Forgive me, Father, for ever doubting that You had it under control the whole time.

(And beloved, that was you in the first sentence. Just FYI. ^_~)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black?
Y'know, last night I nearly lost my temper with two of my co-workers. Why? Because they simply would not stop complaining about their job! I mean, you think I'm bad? You have to hear them to believe it. That's part of the reason I'm drained all the time these days--not because of the *gasp*, oh noes, standing still for 8 hours! (although that in itself is more boring than this short attentioned span person c--Oooo, shiny!), but because I'm trying to be a positive influence on them, and they're dragging me down with them (1o to 1, what can I do?).

Everyone wants to quit in my department. Everyone isn't making enough money. Everyone is either bragging or whining about their commission, or slinging mud about their co-workers. Stressing and depressing. XP

Another Day, another Deathcourse
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal = *evil contented cackle* I am pleased (well, except for the stupid hacker concept, but eh). If you've played the first two and liked them, this one'll be right up your alley. As for me, I am beyond content. (Now if I could just get more play time--it's been almost 24 hours since I last played (heh heh heeeeeeeeeeeeh...).)

Now for today's deep thought:

Monday, November 08, 2004

O Lord,
forgive this child for denying You when I should have been acknowledging You.
Thank You for the peace of mind You have sent me.
Continue to love me and to make me aware of that love.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The reflections of Love. That which puzzles the world.

(...Ginny rambles, but Ginny needed this post. Thank you.)

Well drat...
You know how you set out to do certain things on certain days, and then it doesn't work out the way you plan? Yeah, that was today. The bank, laundry, groceries, and other choice items still wait. Blurg.

Tomorrow, I get to talk to one of my co-workers online. This'll be a new experience for me.

And tonight's QUOTEWORTHY, courtesy of Ben-kun:
Legoboy1: You know what I think is especially cool about my job?
dra kehho 19: do tell
Legoboy1: I can say: "I work for the government."
Legoboy1: :-P
dra kehho 19: oh BAH. I'm se-cur-ity, so THERE. *grin*
Legoboy1: But, do you work for the government?
dra kehho 19: thank God, no

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Divine Patience, Divine Patience, Divine Patience...
I'll just keep repeating that to myself. ^_^;

Today. Was. SCARY. Technically, we're supposed to have 4 people on during Saturdays, because it is super busy. For five hours, we had two. TWO. And for one hour, I was completely by myself. Was forced to go to lunch late. And today was a long shift. >_>

At first, I was miserable with everyone yelling at me. Then it got to the point where I was, "Hey, you know what? I don't have to take this crap, because I'm doing the best I can!" Very nearly yelled at a few people, but divine patience intervened, and people thankfully backed off before my temper frayed too much.

All in all, in the long run, I liked today, because it made me tougher. Very woo-cha. Grrrr, heh. >:)

Friday, November 05, 2004

But that's not FAIR!
Well, Fry's is back on thin ice again. Due to very unpleasant circumstances, they've got till next payday to fix their errors, or I'll be happily looking for some other place to work out (and loves, if that means a grocery store, so be it...).

Moving out has been pushed back, the bank won't refinance my entire car payment, just 2/3s of it (and only if I can cover the other 1/3 right now, eek), and I'm terrified to see how many ways they can tell me no if I try to go back to college. My little brother's pretty sick right now (1o1), and Mom's debating about taking him to the hospital. A tad overreacting, but even so, the little guy's awfully still and quiet.

Hey, I've got 4 new eppies of Naruto waiting for me and "Shrek 2" came out today. So see, life isn't all that bad--just unfair.

God and His love still exist. It's enough for this creature.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Promise me this'll be the last we hear about politics for a while,
at least of the presidential election sort.

To be honest, considering how many people told me they were going to vote for Kerry, I was surprised that Bush won. Then again, it's been a very tight race the whole time. And my world history teacher was proven wrong--she said that presidents who serve when a war breaks out usually don't get a second term.

*points to the title of this post and wanders off to play Spyro 4*

Father in Heaven, I know You're teaching me patience, but this is a bit too much.

Florida behaved this time. Now it's Ohioooooooooo that's been a pain in the (butt). (Fortunately, Shaun moved in the past year, so I can't blame him. ^_~) Mweh.

I awoke this morning to the heavy silence that preceeds and permeates falling snow.
No snow, not yet, but it's early. Stayed warmer down here a lot longer than it usually does.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Blog THAT!
(No reason for the title--I just always wanted to say that. ^^)

Yeah, so a LOT of people recognized who I was last night. Very awesome. There were also several nurses, a goth fairy, a goth princess, a devil, a few cats, a few racial insults (don't ask), Mimi from the "Drew Carrey Show", a couple of cross dressers, and Michael Jackson.

What creeps me out is that the guy that dressed as MJ was a dead ringer. A tall one, but a dead ringer nonetheless. And his constant, "Oh, tell your little brothers there's a party at my house later tonight" in the MJ falsetto didn't help. XD