Saturday, August 18, 2007

Stranger than fiction, all right

GinZilla19: OOOO, what's secret option C?
GDE Locke: Dress up as a woman and run around your neighborhood shouting I'm your transgender shemalefriend.

*pre-birthday ninja girl poof*

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Meanwhile, on the gaming front...
Seems that FFXII was just the beginning. Or middle, as it were. See, Ivalice was introduced as a locale back in Final Fantasy Tactics; my own personal introduction to it was in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (which, by the way, <3). I'm sure you've heard about Revenant Wings by this point (Nov, SQUEE!!!). But what about FFTA2: Sealed Grimoire? That is a direct sequel to FFTA. YAY! Sad part is, no release date yet. :(
AND, on top of all that, they are re-releasing FFT on the PSP, with Balthier as a chara. (I already have the original for PSOne, but found the story boring. Mayhaps Batears-inclusion will rally my attention better this time. ^_^)

So yeah, "triology". This totally shoots the classic "Square never makes a FF sequel" rule to hell.

Also currently in the process of obtaining a 1oo% on Okami.
Also got a 194 combo on DDRSuperNOVA last week. Would love to get the music on CDs sometime. If anyone's got any info on that....?

Also need to beat OdinSphere. You know, this always happens right as I about to finish a game--I just stop playing. Because I don't want it to end, perhaps. I'm on the Apocalypse chapter, though, so I NEED to finish it. ...after Okami. Hee.

*holly-wanded ninja fangirl poof*

Thursday, August 09, 2007

And I totally stole that from HERE

so this icon is NOT mine it belongs to lupinne I was just too lazy to go through the proper channnels to obtain this.
Sorry lupinne! ^^;

Doesn't that just beat all?

OK, so I don't know what Ginny Weasley's wand was made of, but check this:

Your Score: 12", Holly, Dragon

You scored 47 wisdom, 33 bravery, 15 emotional, and 16 martyrdom!

Holly is a powerful protective wood that good for use against evil, but it also represents dreams and fertility. Your dragon's heartstring core makes your wand very effective in hexes.

Link: The Harry Potter Wand Test written by sputnik on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Basically, I'm Ginny--the Bat-Bogey Hex girl. The baby maker of a great and well loved man. (inside joke thereabouts) And you know what I would looooove to say to that?

(Tiny voice: Cool!)
Louder voice: PFFFFFFFFTTTT!!!

I also unearthed the fact that Sean Bean got the role of the bad guy in "Goldeneye" only because Alan Rickman refused it. I don't know whether to be pleased or puzzled. See, that was the first movie I saw Sean Bean in--really liked that one, too. But another potential AR movie? Hrhm....

And I have FINALLY got my muse working upon my charas for October's 24HourComic competition. Now to storyboard the story out (oh redundancies ^_^) and....

*wizard drawing ninja girl POOF!*