Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The world is depressing

So about a month ago, one of my co-workers had her purse stolen. In response to this, the store generated a questionaire, helping to gather information to bring the guilty party to justice. I filled it out, turned it in, and didn't think much of it.

Till today. Home Office calls up and asks to speak to me. Turns out they felt I was the guilty party.

I am not. Fucking. Kidding.

Understandably, I'm pretty upset with the company. After a long talk, they decided to declare me innocent, but, even though I'm trying really hard not to take this personally, I'm still extremely upset.

Apparentally, I got red-flagged because I talked far too intelligently on my form. *rolls her eyes* I despise the ignorance level of this world.

Then, THEN, as if the world hadn't picked on me enough, I come over to my parents' house for some comforting company and find out that my uncle died.

*heavy sigh* I'm not angry with God, mind. I'm just angry with the people in this world. Or the world. Or just angry.

....someone please stop the's no good when they start taking people I know.... (not that it ever was good...)

Hi, Miss Sara. *waves shyly* I've missed you, too. Without your address, I have no way to get ahold of you. Take my email address--I'm online each Sunday. GinZilla19-(at)-aol-(dot)-com. No - or ().

*no ninja girl poof--cue the somber trudge off stage*