Dream Spatters
I only remember bits and pieces, but what I do remember is beyond weird.
--for some reason I am sick and in a hospital gown. My friends try to help me by either taking blood or giving it, I'm not sure which, and it makes me deathly sick. I remember this orderly yelling at my friends. I felt bad for them.
--I was young Auron and something about marriage (gag, again)
--There was a community contest going on at work. I was standing outside of Chili's in the parking lot with my loose change jar and I just released something and was trying to catch it again. Something valuable fell out, as well as a torn piece from a ronin Auron pic I got off the Net. Some old guy told me not to bother catching it again, because it was free now. (whatever "it" was)
See? Weird. *makes note not to eat Hi-C gummies before bedtime again*
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