Sunday, March 18, 2007

Beloved, if you haven't seen this already,
you need to.

Did I mention a wet Mako?
"The ocean says yes."

I'm still working on that YuGiOh link. Looks like youtube is still taking them, because there are three new eppies up. *shrugs* So much for copyrighting.

*satisfied ninja girl poof*

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I officially love Dave Barry
From his list of "25 things it took me 5o+ years to learn":

"A person who is nice to you, but rude to a waiter, is not a nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.)"

And there you have it, people. So be nice.

*polite ninja girl poof*

(Short post--just editted the template here on the blog to take down broken links and update new ones.)

Say Hello to my Mookie (aka Happy 4.5 week of Lent)
He will dominate your handheld Nintendo WiFi come April 4th.

So YuGiOh Abridged and Naruto Abridged (both fan made "recaps" on said animes with hilarious voice-overs) were sorta forced to move off of due to potential copyright infringement. We have found the new sites and now watch whilst we await with trepedation that they may be moved again.

in the meantime: "Oh God! don't you DARE turn emo!"
--that's for "N.A."--
and this one's for "Y.A." (<3 LittleKuriboh)

By the way, Mario will be in the latest Kingdom Hearts game. I am officially scared. "God of War II" will be coming out soon. I also might have to just break down and eventually buy a PS3, because the next Ratchet and Clank game will be on it, as well as FF13 and this really interesting looking Star Wars game that involves you being Darth Vader's apprentice. Now, I'm not a Star Wars fan at all, but I am quite intrigued by the concept.

*sigh* Frickin' next gen consoles.

Being the total nerd-artist that I am, I have decided that almost all Pokemon (save for special cases like Ditto and Mewtwo, etc) have three stages of evolution, and I have set out creating forms for one- and two-stagers (since, with every generation, older monsters get more forms). I've already ripped through the first two generations, but I'm starting to run out of ideas. Even this mini-art project reminds me forcefully about how much I desire both a computer with a scanner and Photoshop.

*another sigh* I want a computer. With 'Net and scanner and photoshop. My muse pleads for one. Ah well, just one more year for my car to be paid off, and then, hopefully, I can do so.

Otre zen zat, have a great day! * ninja girl POOF*

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy 3.5th Week of Lent!

By request, prompted partly by Pastor's sermon today but also found in the dusty parts of my older blogs (who knew? not me!):

The Ten Commandments in Cajun... (Keeps it REAL Simple)

1. God is number one... and das' All.
2. Don't pray to nuttin' or nobody... jus' God.
3. Don't cuss nobody... 'specially da Good Lord.
4. When it be Sunday... pass yo'self by God's House.
5. Yo mama an' yo daddy dun did it all... lissen to dem.
6. Killin' duck an' fish, das' OK... people - No!
7. God done give you a wife... sleep wit' jus' her.
8. Don't take nobody's boat... or nuttin' else.
9. Don't go wantin' somebody's stuff.
10. Stop lyin'... yo tongue gonna fall out yo mouf!

We also had our first Matins service today--apparentally, Matins is one of seven daily services monks used back in medieval times. Everything in the service is either sung or chanted (woot for Looterans! ^_^), but surprisingly, service was shorted than usual. *is Holy-zapped* Heh. Well, shorter because, since there were seven of these each day, they would have to be. Right? I got to hit my super high note today during the choir performance. Double woot.

I also think I learned that there's three kind of Christians: the wrong kind, the fun kind, and the means-well-but-doesn't-get-it kind. And because it's a sinful world, none of these are the right kind (I sure as Mookie (the Piplup) am not).

The wrong kind is the kind the world usually sees--the holier than thou, "racist", "brainwashed", most commonly seen on the news, and the one that most jokes are made on. Of course, the problem is, non-Christians see them and think the wrong kind is the norm.

The fun kind includes my Elder Jeff. He plays Magic the Gathering. His wife commented that he was up till 2 am the other night playing some first person shooter game (she admitted to enjoying Diablo). Quite frankly, if I needed a mentor, he'd definitely be one, because he has a lot of Bible knowledge, a solid faith, and a wicked sense of strategy (we talked about my Saproling deck today--turns out it's pretty close to a NetDeck that's out there).

THEN there's column three. Nice people. People that really try, and probably, for some people, they work. But sometimes they say stuff that is out of line. Like this one older lady who wants me to break up with my beloved and date her son. Her 7-years-my-senior son. Nice guy, don't get me wrong, but I believe he needs time and space to work through what he's been through lately and to make sure he knows who he is before he gets into a relationship. Somehow, she imagines that I'm going to be the magic miracle that makes everything all right for him.

Once I dump my One and Only, mind you.

I know that having a relationship built on two world religions is reputed to be tough. We've talked about the family issues. The children issues. The "hey, I'm not going to yank you out of your religious ways because that's your business, not mine" issues. We've had our share of both bad and good times on said issues. Beloved is extremely supportive and respectful of my beliefs, never thrusting his on mine. Quite frankly, he's a lot better than some of the so-called "Christians" out there (but how that pains me to say that about my brothers and sisters...).

So I'm sure she means well, but I am happy. And if, God forbid (and I mean that), I should crash and burn, it'll be on my terms, and God'll still love me. It's the World according to Jesus, not to the Overbearing Mother-Figure.

*sighs* Which-a-ever. Mookie the Piplup pwns joo.

*Water/Steel Ninja Girl Poof!*

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy 2.5th Week of Lent!
I've more or less stuck to all my "vows", for lack of a better word. I lost "eating after midnight" (boo). Unfortunately, I haven't lost any weight like I hoped I would (double boo). Come Easter, I'm a-gonna be piggin' out. Hee. Working in a restaurant makes it quite difficult to stick with the "no fried foods", especially when we (the servers) get the extra food. I'm remaining strong, though--everyone's been real supportive and respectful, which I love. I'm also getting a nice dose of learning self-control--that I don't need to eat fried food everyday. That's good--that means the abstinence of said food and meditation are working.


Gizmo Flushes

Drunk Squirrel

And my personal favorite (and I KNOW my beloved will love this; this video only heightens my unbelieveable desire for a computer and PhotoShop (or whatever it is now) ), Lost, John Locke Speed Painting


March 9: "3oo"
March 23: "TMNT", "The Last Mimzy"
March 30: "Blades of Glory"

April 4: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
April 13: (blush) "Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters"

May (hereafter the Super Awesome Month) 4: "SpiderMan 3"
SAM 18: "Shrek the 3rd" <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
SAM 25: "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"

July 13: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"
July 21: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

It's shaping up to be a pretty awesome year, everyone.