Sunday, February 29, 2004

Happy "HURRAY LOTR WON 11 ACADEMY AWARDS!" night. *hugs her LOTR fanatics who are undoubtable screaming their heads off in total and complete ecstasy (ow, guys, I can hear you from all the way over here)* It just got announced that LotR won Best Picture.
Happiness. ^^

What I learned from my 3o1 class tonight:
I want to live, love, and learn.
To leave a legacy.
To spend my time wisely.
To make my life worth something.

I'm headed in the right direction. And I am convinced, more now than ever, that every single person on this earth has a reason for being here. There are no accidental people. (And seeing as how that is the basis of my latest story I'm fiddling with, I am very happy. ^_^)

Two New Webcomics
But one of them seems to be having problems with their Index Page at the moment, so there's only one new link: Count Your Sheep (I did a fanart of it tonight and sent it to Adis!--let's see what he thinks).
Others on the way, once I get through the archives: What I Learned Today, PVP, Satin&Silk (by the UBER awesome Syke of "Alien Dice"--if you haven't read "Alien Dice" yet, shame on you!), Instant Classic, squaresville, Soul-d, Drunk Duck, You Damn Kid, Questionable Content, and James. More as I find them or you tell me about them.
*loves webcomics*
*loves comics of any kind, really*

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

A man wrote to the local newpaper's joke contest, sending in his best play on words. He hoped at least one would show up. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did (no pun intended).

Stupid Job
Let's just say between irritation for some of the servers and a lack of patience for some of the more ignorant customers, I'm considering moving up my quitting date. I won't, really; I'm just majorly ticked off and tired of serving food.

Ashes to Ashes
Well, it's Ash Wednesday, and is it any surprise that "The Passion of Christ" opens today? Latest rumor to add to the publicity is that a guy bought out an entire theater (some $45ooo worth, I heard) and is handing out tickets for free to see this film. Don't ask me where or when. I just think that's incredible, though.

As for me, it's the same deal as "Saving Private Ryan"; yes, I [i]know[/i] that the violence is key and instrumental in the emotional impact of the film, but I'm already fully convinced and affected by the impact of Christ's sacrifice. I don't need to give myself horrible nightmares for the rest of my life (score one for the incredibly squeemish).

Meanwhile, I've been trying to figure out what the heck I want to do for Lent. Basically, the (unrequired) tradition is very similar to making New Year's Resolutions: you find something that you like, then give it up from today through Easter. It's supposed to teach about repentance and how to resist temptation. I learned today that this is mostly a Catholic tradition, but many Lutherans (myself included) still like to participate, and even one of my fellow servers (who isn't religious, btw) told me she also tries every year.

I'm going to make it this year. I haven't in years past, but I'm going to make it this year! soon as I figure out what I'm going to give up. >_< I need to think fast--Invocation of Ashes is tonight and that marks the start of Lent. Some of the servers had a few (non-printable) suggestions, but um, no, not going to do those. Heh.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Editted Template. ^^;

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Rantness Unplugged
Y'know, it's just plain amusing when I rant about feeling lost in the madness of growing up and wondering where I'm letting God lie in my life just hours ago, and then having the topic come up again in my 3o1 class tonight, complete with some understanding. Not 1oo% understanding, but definitely a large enough chunk to make me feel better. ^^

OK, let me back up just a sec. 3o1 is a section of a 4 part class at the class I'm currently attending. Mom and I have already gone to 1o1 back in Oct., 2o1 around Dec., and now 3o1 this month. 3o1 is about figuring out what spiritual gifts we have; the results to my "non-test" were, to say the least, unexpected and yet easy to predict

On a scale of o-1o, with 1o being the highest, my top three gifts, from lesser to greatest were:

Helping, according to this class, is exactly the stuff I was describing earlier that I wanted to get away from: being the glue between the pages. Admittedly, I'm quite good at it. Pastor Hadley assured us that we weren't all going to be happy with the gifts we tested best for, but he also told us that we tested that way for a reason. M'kay....

Mercy is about just that--showing mercy, compassion, and love for those that are hurting. Yes, I am very very good at that. I don't know about being called to do that on a regular basis when other people expect me to; I have what I like to call a quiet mercy: I feel I show compassion and empathy a lot, I just have trouble showing it to others other than the people that need it. But then, this isn't about getting attention, now is it?

Faith. Got a perfect 1o. In all seriousness, I gaped at that result. Apparentally so much so that one of the other members commented on my expression. As I tried to explain to Mom tonight, I expected that result, but at the same time, I was shocked that I actually got it. It's not that I'm doubting that God exists in my life--I know very much so that He does--it's just that I've been asking Him a lot of hard questions lately, and being the impatient person I am, I get fidgety when I don't get answers right away. Or the answers that I want.

And then there's the growing up thing. When I was younger, I promised that I would never do certain things, but I ended up doing them anyway. Nothing major (ie--criminal), but stuff like swearing. I used to avoid anything that had cursing in it like the plague. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that these days I drop a bad word at work every day or so. And then I think that God is disappointed in me and that I'm not a Christian at all and blah blah blah--by the way, this sentence is turning into gibberish because it isn't true at all. I know God won't drop me just because I said @#*%.

The class defined faith as the special gift to be able to believe and depend on God to take care of the future, no matter how uncertain or impossible it may seem. Faith to move mountains and all that jazz. One small example for me is when I agreed to be in the Children's Ministry for both of the churches I attend. I didn't know how I was going to find the time, the transportation, the ability, but I trusted God to handle it, and yes, He did. And while it seems so minor to me, when I heard other people talk tonight about that, it seemed like a major deal to them. Reminds me of, when I was 8 and drawing, I thought everyone could draw; the concept of only some people being artistically gifted didn't really make sense till I was older. Until then, I thought everyone could draw well.

*head shake, low whistle* Still a bit taken back and yet comfortable with that result. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with that knowledge: leave it here in this little blog post like some sort of picture result from a Quizilla personality test or to actually do something with it. Pastor Hadley has promised that next week, there's supposed to be something incredible happening--some sort of event he's planned. I'm curious, so I'm definitely going. All he would tell us was to think on this:

"If I knew I couldn't fail, this is what I would attempt to do (for God) with my life..."

I'm thinking, I'm thinking. I got faith enough to have an answer ready by then.

"This becoming is harder than it seems"
"Back in His Arms Again" (Schultz)
"Love" (Peterson)
"Entertaining Angels" (Newsboys)

Fair warning right now--if this post seems stream of though-ish or confusing, then...well, it is. ^^;

Looking back on the past year. Lot of stuff has happened. If you know why I choose this point in time to retrospect, coo'; if you don't, don't worry--just call it the beginning of Gin's Epiphany or some such dramatic stuff.

I grew up following everyone else's direction and that's ok. That's called being raised by parents, teachers, role models. Even in the job world, I admit I could never be a leader, but I'll be the best danged follower you'll ever find. Problem is, without leadership, I sorta float around without being able to think for myself. That is a very dangerous problem to have, according to a lot of people.

Over the past year, I'm slowly but surely learning (hopefully, I think, maybe) to think for myself. To be able to make a decision, stick with it, and not be swayed because I was the one that made that decision, regardless of if people are trying to save me heartache or just trying to lure me to their side. I want to go with the effects of my decisions. I feel I have been sheltered for far too long. Admittedly, I'm still very shy about standing up for myself (though practicing on telemarketers would be fun, *snerk*); sure, when I'm by myself, I can talk big, but when I'm out in the giant world...well, I feel like an ant. About to be squished. Or even fried by the magnifying glass of other people watching my every move.

Self confidence. Huh. Easy to say, hard to build. My niche was to be the glue between the pages, but I don't want to be that way anymore. So, over the past handful of months, I've switched into some sort of "Hey, look at me--you can't push ME around!" mode. Sometimes I like it, when I feel like I'm asserting myself; other times I just wonder what in high Heaven got into me and wish that I could go back to my old self. And people still look at me funny when this girl that used to just sit until you told her to jump comes jumping out of the woodwork of her own accord; I feel pretty self-conscious (sp?) when they do, as I always have, but somehow, it doesn't linger as long (except for those "wanting to go back to my old self" moments).

In the past year, I've had people come into my life (or leave it, as it were) that have helped shape my confidence. They're special because, for some reason or another, my self-consciousness radar just shuts down; I'm too distracted by having fun and being happy to stop and think, "Hey, did that just sound really stupid?" or "Great, s/he is going to avoid me from now on for doing that." And even when that little radar starts to blip, somehow these people can tell and say or do something that turns the little radar right off again. Strange analogy, I know, but it makes sense to me. And sometimes the radar is right and they have to show me where I erred, but at least they don't do it in the condescending way. As a result, I want to try my best to do the same for them; a little tricky, but I'm learning to be tactful. ^_^ I hope. Oo;

Something that I feel has always helped define me is my faith. Truth be known and I truly feel this way, my faith and my God let me feel special and loved at a time in my life when no one would even bother to give me the time of day. I still hold on to my faith for that reason. I've had my bouts of depression like everyone else, and the times when I wouldn't let anyone else reach me, God still helped me feel loved. (That could go into an entirely new, looooong tangent, but not right now, heh.) And maybe what the whole point of this rant is is that I'm a little scared of trying to show God that I'm stuff, that I'm a big girl, when I really don't need to prove anything to Him.

I'm a tad worried that I might be neglecting my relationship with Him in this process of growing up/maturing/what have you; that in doing so, I'm turning into just another person and I'm not special little Ginny anymore (*grins at Dan furiously typing an email now, lol*). Maybe I'm even scared of losing touch with Him or just losing Him because I'm so caught up in finally growing up.

I can't think of anything else to write, but I know I can't lose God--not unless I really wanted to. And I don't. I probably sound like a raving religious fanatic to some of you now, but I really do cherish my relationship with my God (the one that exists outside of church, fancy dress, and "proper" courtesy, the one that I forged with His help). He, like all the other people I truly love and care about, helped and is still helping to shape me through this growing process.

Tada! the secret to life is Love. And I'll end it at that. ^_^

Oh look, quizzi! (Thanks, BB)

Take the What Type of Friend are
quiz, and visit

Hey, I've taken this quiz before! And it's quite evil, too.

find your element

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Heck, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I didn't cheat, so neener! ^^

You feel happy, and loved. Nothing could be any
better for may even have a love one
in your life....go you.

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a ghost. You sift incessantly throughout
dreams and in vain intervene. You seem
imprisoned in dream portals and seek to wait
and waste time being the

~~~~~~~What Dream Entity are you?~~~~~~~
brought to you by Quizilla

Egad, that one cut off.

There's a lot more that BB put up, but I need to go to class now. ^^

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Never ask what R.O.B.A.G. means
OK, I swear, my job (more like the people I work with) is seriously corrupting me. I don't know if it's always been like that or if they've just stepped it up after I started dating Jamal.

Well, I know Ron's (who guest managed yesterday morning) always been awful, heh. It was quite amusing when he pretended to be a pulpit-pounding preacher, bawling me out for "giving into the temptation of the flesh." Pfft. Guy was a dad at the age of 21, so he's one to talk. ^_~ And then there was the talk of "cookies", but that's all you're going to hear.

So I try to tell Greg about how awful Ron was. Now, see, Greg's a real sweetheart and (I thought) pretty innocent and nice. Well, he's nice, but after today's shift, I need to rethink the whole innocent part. As soon as he discovered what "cookie" meant...
Oy. Shame on Greg.

You people think I'm kidding when I say my job corrupts me, heh. ^_~ I've only written about the "gentle" stuff here, too--it was much worse than that. And no, I'm not telling you what "R.O.B.A.G." means.

*shivers* I need a less corruptable job, like being a server at Hooters or La Bare's or something. XP

Happy Birthday,
"At the mention of Braska, it's time for another Ghostly Expository Flashback. Thongaladriel (Yunalesca) retreats to her hidden lair as the camera zooms drunkenly over the chamber [....] Then, Auron begins begging [Braska] to stop this foolishness. Braska's having none of this. He's going to defeat Sin, [...] and nothing can change his mind! Hey, just like Yuna! There are, like, totally these really kewl parallels and stuff! Auron insists that there has to be some other way. Hey, just like [Tidus]! More parall......excuse me, I have to go be sick." (~Jeanna, FFX)

Despite all the (im)mature humor and the massive amounts of language, there's nothing quite liking making fun of your favorite RPGs. *giggles evilly and dangles a Tidus and Seymour plushie over a shark tank*

Other Stuff
Well, today's off to a good start, then. And the managers should be back today. I'm exhausted (still), so I'm going to see if I can drop the amount of doubles I have every week (at least I'm not working tonight). Money's nice, but so's having energy.

Never mind the fact that I stayed up pretty late starting in on more doodles. And, um, that last sentence and the paragraph above are not related, I swear it.

You should never read when everyone else is asleep
"The screen goes black for a few seconds, accompanied by a sharp banging sound. My overactive and sad brain comes up with quite a few unfortunate scenarios, but it's only the sound of Jecht and Braska leaving the room and closing the stone doors behind them. I hope. The camera focuses on a self-pitying young Auron, on his knees... I'm sure he's supposed to be broken and hopeless, but no. That pose just looks wrong. Although it's Auron, and not [Tidus], so I guess I can't really complain. Current Auron takes exception to his younger... self, brutally slicing the ghostly figure with his giant sword. This, of course, is accompanied by much grunting from Auron, which doesn't do a whole lot to help his image here. Thankfully, the camera fades out before we can see any more tantrums. "And the cycle went on," Auron reminds us sadly. It's the Circle of [Idiots]." (~Jeanne, FFX)

OK, so yeah, I modified the (im)mature stuff out, but seriously, I'm going to wake someone up--it's all I can do to stifle my laughter right now. Poor Auron. ^^

Heh, you have to understand, I copy n paste while I'm reading--I just couldn't resist this one, for some reason.

"The entire group gasps as these weird wingish things appear behind Thongaladriel, signalling that she means business. "Now! This is it!" Auron yells. "Now is the time to choose!" He rips the Tools of Plot Obnoxiousness away from Thongaladriel and proceeds to swing them about wildly. "Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!" I think he may be a little pissed at Thongaladriel." (~Jeanne, FFX)

Completely unmodified, too! Oooo.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Egads, 2oo4 is off to a nifty start!
Friday the 13th wasn't bad at all--in fact, it was one of the better Fridays I've had at work this year (though the tips could have been a lot--please, y'all, for the love of people, tip more than 2 bucks on a $6o tab, yeeeeesh).
And it's Hearts Day and I actually have someone on Hearts Day.

ANNNNNDDDD--*big ol' drum roll*--it's SNOWING!


Ok, ok, for those of you who live up north or see snow everyday, this is probably, "Yawn, and?" for you. But for us people here in Texas, this is a big BIG deal. And I think there's enough for me to accomplish one of the things I've always wanted to do in life--build a snowman as big as me! ^^
Camera time!

Happy Love Day, everyone!

Friday, February 13, 2004

Rondo Story ^_^
"Fork you." ~~Ron, on the finer points of silverware humor

I prefer sporks myself...
...and I have so so much more I want to rant about, but I'm tired and exhausted and, quite frankly, far too lazy to dig out my thesaurus to look up synonyms for the word "sleepy", but let me say this much:
~I'm tired of listening to people bellyaching, especially when they have nobody to blame but themselves.
~I'm tired of being fun of for innocent mistakes.
God forbid I have start putting disclaimers on my blog again. The last thing I need is people to spaz and think I'm talking about them. So unless I mention you by name or tell you this stuff to your face, I ain't talking about you.
Crap. That was a hidden disclaimer.
*growls* I'm just cranky 'cause I'm sleepy.
I'm done. Good night. *drags self off to bed*

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I don't know who, but someone needs this, so here it is
"For everyone who is falling in love
For every child that needs a hug
For all the hopes and dreams that we share
And for the hearts that cry tonight
I'll say a prayer."
(Cece Winans)

Music is a powerful creation. It boggles my mind sometimes that man, fallible man at that given our world, has been able to capture the ability to produce notes, harmony, rhythmn, music.

It doesn't matter who does the playing, the singing, the conducting. Music rises above the physical mass of its masters and instead reaches into the hearts and souls of those receptive to it.

Young David was able to calm King Saul's nightmares with it. Sirens were reputed to enrapture sailors with their voices. The story of the Pied Piper had notes driving out rats, and later, stealing children away. Even Disney's Fantasia andFantasia 2ooo have sold extremely well. People know that music is a strong, moving force.

Even though I have no skill in it, I love music with a passion, especially instrumental. The heavy pulse of the drums, the silver threads of the strings, the almost cacophonous clatter of the piano, and the blare of the brass. A large portion of my entertainment I judge on music, and if the music is cheesy or poorly done, I won't invest my time being entertained with it.

I adore music videos. is one of my favorite online spots. Some of the stories I invent for myself result from certain wonderful pieces. And when I'm not doing that, I just use music to exercise, pass time, or just relieve stress. I know the power of music.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Far too evil by half
Ginny2: ... I say we cut [Desbreko's] pony tail short, then get his toes...
Ginny2: >__>
Ginny1: I will take GREAT pleasure in ripping his tail from his head
Ginny2: I'll get the scissors! *Runs off*
Ginny1: we'll grab a hunk of his hair, pulling it so hard he falls backwards, or at least his head gets yanked backwards.
Ginny2: YIS!
Ginny1: and the pressure is released slowly as the scissors snip together and apart, again and again, ominously
Ginny2: YIS!
Ginny1: his head will slowly come forward again, lighter, with his hair gone
Ginny1: and he shall be in great torment thus
Ginny2: LOL Excellent GINNY!

And tonight's Quote of the Day Award goes to...
So Debbie's telling me about "The Da Vinci Code", which, if I heard her right, is about Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene (sp). Apparentally, the author got the inspiration from "The Last Supper" painting, where Mary is supposedly in the background. Debbie did a search on the painting, and was looking at it. Well, the section that was indicated was actually John.
"So I clicked on it," Debbie says, "and it got bigger!"
Stifled snicker from me.
"That just sounded really stupid of me just then, I know. Being fascinated by popups, ooo," Debbie giggled. "But it did--it got bigger!"
At this point, Robin, an elderly, no nonsense server, walked into the passout. Her eyes bugged at the last few words, and she quickly walked back out again.
I was lost in laughter for a good 1o seconds. Poor, poor Debbie. ^^

Sunday, February 08, 2004

" killed the Invisible Gunman!"
"Well, how I was I supposed to know he was there?!"

Three Amigos with Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Chevy Chase. Funny funny stuff (especially considering it was made in the 8os, huhuhu). Did Disney get their idea for A Bug's Life from this one, because the two are awfully similar.
See it if you haven't already.
And know that you don't have to understand the meaning of the word "plethora" in order to psycoanalyze your over-the-hill boss' age angst.

This will sound really strange but...
...I LOVE making things go KABLOOIE!
*self-indulging grin*
Every one of you, do yourself a favor--if you are going to work retail, find a nice, healthy way to work off stress. Jog, take up boxing, plug "Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando" into your PS2 and enjoy blasting stuff to smithereens.
Animated violence connected to real life? Heavens no! Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not about to steal the largest wrench my dad has and go smacking lamp posts, hoping to find money.
There's just something gratifying about watching a mini-turrent shoot down evil hornets and listening to those evil hornets fall to the ground with a gooey splat (yes, that was a nod to my fear of wasps, so hush). Something just so deliciously right about throwing bombs and watching robots shatter in the fiery mushroom cloud left behind. And if the evil laughter of miniscule Doom bots isn't enough to make me giggle in innocent, non-intellectual relief, then, well, I'm just...hrhm, I don't know. Fortunately, I don't think I've ever been that stressed.
Video games are not an escape from reality--they are a good way to relax. At least for me, that's how it works. Now pardon me whilst I chase the MetalCluxes with my Tesla claw.
Bwa ha ha!

Your eye color should be brown! You have a love and
knack for anything creative and artistic. You
can be a tad stubborn at times, but are an
overall good person with a classy and cool

What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ )
brought to you by Quizilla

Bwack! Why must the Brown Eyers taunt me so?!? I love my blue eyes, but I'm surrounded by brown ones! Brown ones that turn golden in twilight. *purrs to self*
But STILL! I'm keeping my eyes blue, so PFFT on this quiz. Good text answer, though. ^_^

Mighty Max, Gargoyles, Conan, The Pirates of Dark Water, Peter Pan and the Pirates, ReBoot, that one show with the family that was on a road trip and they fell into a prehistoric world, those Popple toys, so on and so forth.

Sometimes it's hard to distinguish dreams from real memories. I have a wretchédly selective memory, and even then, it retains little more than a sieve does water. So when I "google" (is that a real verb, Sara m'dear? ^^) some of the above mentioned, I'm delighted to find I wasn't imagining things. (At the moment, I'm reliving my "Pirates of Dark Water" days, and my brother's eyeballs are threatening to roll out because I keep squealing "Ooo, I remember that!" so much.)

Looking at these shows now makes me a bit shallow, because yeah, the animation was 8oish, non-anime (btw, I think I'm starting to slip out of my anime face, the words "finally, it's about time!" hovering on my mom's lips). However, recalling the Dark Water trying to engulf Niddler the monkey-bird, pomegranate-loving Needle the baby Phoenix becoming an enormous adult to aid in the battle against Set(h?), Wendy being turned into a pink-tailed mermaid by the other mermaids of Neverland's lagoon, Max using his red cap to transport to all those worlds... Heh, it's not just fond memories, it's the pleasant part of my childhood I'm remembering.

I was so fascinated by the shows that continued to build with each episode (soap opera-ish). Mighty Max introduced me to some of my most beloved VAs: Rob Paulsen, Tim Curry, Tress MacNeille, and Tony Jay (who, interesting enough, plays a protaganist versus all his other roles as villians). ReBoot was my first CGI show (CGI was still relatively new when ReBoot came out) and one of the first shows to actually "kill" off a main character. Gargoyles, Conan, Pirates, and Peter Pan all have those fantastic mythical elements I've always loved and adored and tried to put into my own stories. If only I had the ability to record shows back then--! I'd probably laugh at the cheesy dialogue and the (now) subpar animation, but still.

The pleasant part of my childhood. It's worth remembering. ^_^

Monday, February 02, 2004

Ginny: It looks like...well, a photoshopped image. As in, not a photograph
Sara:'s a photoshopped photograph..
Sara: Incidently, the use of "Photoshop" as a verb is completely unnacceptable.
Ginny: pfft.
Ginny: don't tell me that link will say the same?
Ginny: oh EL.
Sara: CORRECT: The image was enhanced with Adobe® Photoshop® Elements software.
INCORRECT: The image was photoshopped.
INCORRECT: The image was Photoshopped.
INCORRECT: The image was Adobe® Photoshopped.
Sara: ....heh
Ginny: tough patooties.
Sara: Indeed. ^_~

Desbreko: Now that I've beaten [ZeldaII], though, I've finally beaten every Zelda game.
Desbreko: So I'm happy. ^_^
Ginny: well, is that it? Have you reached the apex of your life? What are you going to do now?
Desbreko: ... Um...

Aaaaaaaand (never really expected this one, unless you count that one conversation with Shaun long long ago, except that I started that one, actually, no, it was that awful personality test he took that started it and--ok, this title is long enough)
Jamal: You're a PORN star!
Ginny: O_O;;;;;;;;

This has got to stop
Remember Chris? The guy I talked about in my blog a few weeks ago? Yeah, well, he's taken it upon him to proclaim his self as my "Arch Nemesis". No biggie, it's rather fun to have one. The only problem is when a ToGo customer comes in. Chris will live up to his name by pestering me and in kind, I pretend to want to fire/hurt/otherwise inflict mortal anguish on him. It's a great routine, usually leaving the customer in smiles and me with a tip. ^^
The only problem? The customers always get that knowing smile of, "Yeah, I see what's really going on." And I detest that. Loathe it. Want it to stop. I'm quick to inform the customer that I have a significant other I care deeply for, and it sure as stuff isn't Chris. I'd just wish he'd mention his fianceé in the customers' hearing range--this is getting really embarrassing. Especially for the customers.
Be as that may, it seems Chris is approaching thin ice, employment wise. Seems he won't be with us much longer. A lot of people suspect him as the thief, soooo....
Personally, I don't know if it's him. If it is, I'll be quite upset.

Some mushy sweet ooey gooeyness (with some parts left out, sorry ^^)
Jamal is my current significant other.... I dearly care about him. Like Jenna, he doesn't judge me, and I feel no need to do so [either].... We have a lot in common.... I never have to sacrifice myself to make him happy--well, I'm never forced to; I want to, though--I want to be able to make him happy first, and could care less about myself.... Yeah, there's those usual moments when one of us [gets] upset or [goofy], or whatnot, but the other responds near perfectly to it, and the first generally reacts in kind. It's hard to describe, but we seem to be able to read each other. Whenever he's gone, it feels like part of me is gone, too--like I'm not whole.

You gotta understand, posting something like above is a big deal for me. It's really hard for me to come out and say how much I really really care about someone,, yeah, not sure where I'm going with this, but just don't point and snicker at me. This is a big deal for me.