Saturday, February 17, 2007


Whoa, new Blogger. O_o;

Hope everyone had a great V's Day--and for those of you who think it's (fill in some descriptive word here) to break up with whoever you're dating on V's Day, STOPPIT. Or at least contain your vulgar language until /after/ you leave my store, m'kay?

I had a great one. And may I mention that I have discovered a new passion: Dance Dance Revolution. (And the peasants all went, "Baaaaaaa!") Heh, much funnage. Truly awesome. Addicting. To the point of me actually wanting to purchase the Japanese version at 65 dollah. What can I say? I love "Monkey Funk " and "Golden Sky" and "BY GOLLY GINNY GOT THE FRICKIN' PERFECT COMBO NUMBER AGAIN!!! (149 currently, heee)" Yeah. :)

Did you get my letter yet, Miss Sara? The highly decorated envelope and all? In any case, I shall be writing a new one soon, so... ^_^

Ah, "Beauty and the Geek". Fun show. Totally have a crush on, like, Mario, Nate, and, ah...well, hrhm, not Scooter so much...Neils neither....hrhm. Well... *feels eyes of beloved on her* I MEAN I LOVE MY JAMAL VERY MUCH AND--*clicks to put Mario pic on desktop*--AND I WOULD NEVER DREAM OF HAVING A CRUSH ON ANOTHER MAN, EVEN THOUGH SOMEONE LIKES A CERTAIN SEAN BEAN A LOT (not to say he wasn't kinda hot in "Goldeneye" and gee maybe I'd better give the CAPS lock a rest--gomen).

And the summer looks to be very promising with many movies and games, but I am running lower on time than I thought I was, so I need to go!

Real quick, my Lent this year includes: no fried foods, no buying video games, and no eating after midnight. It'll be tough but worth it, me thinks. And /maybe/ I'll give up soda and video games for the last week of Lent, like I did last year. We'll see.

Bye! *ashy ninja girl poof!*