Sunday, May 28, 2006

"But I secured you already!!"
--Jesika, a Manager in Training, talking to a loose phone cord.

'Tis hilarious when your managers start going crazy from the pressure. ^_~

My Checkered Giant rabbit Raven (<3) is shedding, insane-like. I literally had a handful of grey fur this morning. She rather enjoyed me brushing it all out--sat really still, which is unusual for her. It's just her winter coat coming off--but it's still kinda freaky.

I also just came back from choir practice and I simply love singing. Seriously. (Acting in drama skits, when they let me, as well.) I have a minor high soprano solo in this song that we are prepping, so heeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =^.^=

*fidget fidget* I am going to Six Flags on Tuesday. I am, surprisingly, not happy about this. I am NOT a rollercoaster person. At ALL. And everyone else going (bf, mother, brother, brother's gf) is, which SUX. Major spherical objects. (Mom says she'll protect me from everyone, 'specially Jamal, but... methinks she'll betray me 3 minutes into the part. >_<)

*shaken ninja girl poof*

Thursday, May 25, 2006

"I don't know whether to be more worried about the size of that broken statue...or that it only has four toes..."

This was my second favorite quote from last night's "Lost" (<3), spoken by Sayid. I had a first favorite, but I can't remember what it is now...but there's a funny one by Locke--though 'tis spoiler.

SQUEEEE!! Due to a fellow fan that may or may not have seen it (and it's recorded, all two hours of it, loves ^-^, just in case), I can't say anything here. But...oh ...gosh. Some things, like why Flight Oceanic 815 crashed, I caught on to pretty early. Others, like who the Others' leader is... dang. I would have never guessed. And a theory about what happens when the number hit 00:00:00 and what happens to Michael and AUUUUUUUUGGHHH-- !

*shifts topics before she lets something slip and gets beaned on the head with the Mighty Anti-Spoiler Stick of Deathly Doom and Destruction*

Meanwhile, in "Suikoden III" land, the Karayan barbarians are ticked because the White Maiden captain of the Zexan Knights have burnt the Karayan village to the ground. The Lizard people of nearby Iksay are ticked because the White Maiden captain of the Zexan Knights assassinated their cheif. The White Maiden captain of the Zexan Knights is ticked because she doesn't know how to tell her Council leaders that killing peoples that they just tried to make a peace treaty with is wrong. And somewhere out in all that is a little boy with a rundown mansion trying to save another little boy from an angry boar.

IRL? Nothing interesting, really. Work, sleep, play. No real deep thoughts to think. Just living. ^-^

*sedate ninja girl poof*

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

*Walks into an dusty room*

Woo. It's been forever and a day, hasn't it? (And if the day you are viewing this post is two weeks after it's been posted, blame my ever present lack of 'Net. ^_~)

With RJ's internet lady friend over here (and this, my e-peeps, is an interesting experiment in the whole "E-RELATIONS ARE TEH EV1L!1!!" shnaps), I am able to sneak in under the cover of daytime and online job searching. I'm quite beyond tired and burned out at my serving job, so I'm trying to find a bank that might take me. Chase has nothing, WellsFargo's applying page is not only freakishly alarming, it's also freakishly short, and Bank of America has a position open near my apartment.

Here's hoping.

Meanwhile, I've delved into my first. M-rated. Game. Evah. *cue ominous music and a pillow to catch Desbreko with*
Well...we all have to lose our innocence sometime, mmm?
So God of War...mmm, yeah. =^.^= (Friend at work said that I picked the most M game out there, next to the GTAs. Ha.) Heeeeeeee. Heeheehee. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAaahhoh...uh...sorry. I need to beat Aries now.

I also recently acquired Kingdom Hearts II (YAY, GINNY GOTS HER AURON!!) with an at-final-boss moment; Chain of Memories quietly collecting dust; Zoo Tycoon DS which has been devouring my free time (mustmakeanimalshappy,yesyes); and Suikoden III, which I just started today.

One thing that can be said in the event of my beloved being in the North--I certainly am not bored.

...just a tad lonely. ;_;


Andandand I'm also finally into "Magic" (and all the nerds did rejoice ("Yay.")), andandand I have a Razia/Boros deck and a Scion/Saproling deck that I almost kinda sorta made all by myself but not really. Indirectly to this, I wish to try painting (I think?) pewter figurines.

*basks in Internet glow* Oh my I've missed you... *hugs monitor*

Well, that's it for me. Remember that growing old and growing up are two different things, and that it's never wrong to be young at heart.

*Ninja girl POOF!*