Thursday, April 19, 2007

Music Video!

Legend of Zelda: A Collection

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
*(mild spoilers)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Best Video Game Charas, added on April 2oo7
--those huge creatures from "Shadow of the Colossus (sp)". Dude, huge, powerful, and clearly holding a darker power in check--and yet, so easy to beat. ^_^ Except for that awful sand wormy thing.

--that little henchcreature from "Mario Superstar Saga" who speaks Engrish. "I am having the RAGE!"

--Midna. ("Twilight Princess") Enough said. Play it. You will love her.

--my Mookie, aka PIPLUP. So Pearl/Diamond was delayed. No biggie. But my Mookie will still dominate j00 all. Next Monday. ^_~

To work! (though I wish to be playing LoZ at home)