Saturday, October 30, 2004

You are starch. You are rigid, opinionated,
hard-willed and not too friendly about it. You
keep people out of places, or you keep them in,
and without you a lot of things would collapse.
hopefully you'll never have the authority to
burn people at the stake. Sir. Ma'am.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

All Hallowed Eve
or whatever it is called. Heh, I finally decided that I'm going as Princess Fiona from Shrek. I had the dress all this time and never thought of it till now! ^_~

Live for today, for tomorrow may never come.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

No, this doesn't tell you Ginny's preference
I figured, what with all the tense attitudes and hot heads running around, we all needed a good laugh. (I wonder if Dave Barry knows about this one yet.)

Hope you saw
the lunar eclipse last night. Dude, dude, and DUUUUUUUUUUUDE. So cool when it turned red.

And it's a small world after all
I have been seeing a lot of old friends ever since I took my job at Fry's. What I was NOT expecting was to see my very first mentor after a seven year absence. All hail Don Klusman--he was the first friendly face when I first began to go to church, and he's always helped me along in life without ever telling me, "You have to do it EXACTLY THIS WAY." Shorter than I rememeber, but then again, I was only 9 when I first met him. Even at the age of 5o+, he's adopting a foster child. Too awesome.

Now I'm just waiting to see Gundy suddenly appear. XD My other mentor. Man, I miss that goober.

Meanwhile, most of my co-workers and I are getting pretty close (given the non-fraternizing policy, it's only natural). Susan's the religious mother hen, Luvenia keeps the pecking order, Maria is very sweet, Jackie spunky, and Anita in between; Charles is disappearing, Jimmy'sokay, Ronald's a helpful ass but still a solid friend, Darriel's a little out there, and Steve is probably my best work friend (do I need to mention that my beloved does not need to feel jealous at all? My beloved is my unmatchable favorite. *kiss*).

Given that our job's on the boring side when nothing is going on, we tend to talk to each other a lot. I know what I can say around who and when, and my favorite people are those that I can talk the easiest around (mostly Maria and Steve). Like today--Maria is sharing everything she's learning about employment as a whole, while Steve somehow coaxed me into singing a MercyMe song (second time this has happened to me at my job (first was at Chili's, with a Stacie Orrico song, and 5 girls), but it's nice to have people who know the songs you know, you know?) It came back to bite him--he went home sick with a migraine, heeeeeeee.

I'm still very negative toward my money situation, my inability to move out--and my check today didn't help matters. If I can wrap my Associate degree up and wrap it up quick, I'm going to run off to find a better paying job. Mweh.

Friends are a blessing from God--do not take them for granted.
Love you all and good night.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Disillusioned, but not disheartened
Well, moving out is on hold. Again. I found out that my car payments are going to be going on for a lot longer than I thought, which throws a major wrench into my plans. Fortunately (hopefully), we're working on a way to make the payments lower and smaller in number.

Which means an efficiency apartment. Coming home once a week to do laundry. Probably around the beginning of next year. Just like I originally planned. Mweeee...but the dream was so nice whilst it lasted.

I'm also in the midst of scrabbling around for my transcript from college. My number is still in the system, which is a good sign. However, since I haven't been in a few semesters, I'm going to need to go in person to get the paperwork, versus online, and see if I can finish.

I can do this. I can prove that I'm worth something (parents gave me crap about all the running around I did today).

I can do this. It's just a matter of time. *impatient sigh*

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It's one of those rare times when online comics all seem to have something special going on at once.
Secret of Mana (which is actually sprite animation, but close enough, hee) hit 2oo today.
Adventurers! #999 is competing with Cher's farewell tour for the longest run evah.
Nick finally proposed to Ki (and unknowingly set an alternate dimension takeover in motion).
It's Walky! ends tomorrow.
Dude, last night I saw the black n white werewolf movie that had a clip featured in "Beethoven"
RPG World is about to hit 5oo!
Sluggy Freelance is awesome, and so are those "Bun Bun: Eater of Holidays" plushie (if you don't know the story behind that particular character, shame on you--it was an excellent story arc).
Dave Barry goes on hiatus in January for a year or two. Man....

(And psst! going back to a set of apartments I liked tomorrow, so moving time is growing ever closer.
And there's also a new webcomic I'm enjoying--I'll try to read all the archives and link it before I go on "hiatus" myself.)

Enjoy this new day of life!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Love you +1

(And by the way, all you hormone-driven males, this post should clearly clarify that I'm unavailable, so stop asking already.)

Y'know, I was planning to do something mushy, like "All the love songs in the world can't begin to describe," but decided against it (doesn't deny the truthness of the sentence, though, and the ever classic "I Need You" by Leann Rimes). Or something technical like "When's the last time I spent more than a year on something? Job. OK, well, something I liked?" but it's too early in the morning to be technical. Soooooooo:

Remember that Hearts Day card--the one that was nearly blank on the front except for two words--seemingly so short, yet meaning so much? Yeah. *happy blush*

Happy 1st Anniversary, beloved, and may we be granted many more. +1.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices always with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres.
Love never fails. (1 Cor. 13:4-8)"

Love'll also give you the shirt off its back as well, it seems. =^_~=

Life is good, peeps. Please enjoy.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Operation: Moving Out
begins today. Just minor things like comparing apartments, shopping for supplies, etc. I've been going over my budget several times now, and it looks like I'm financially sound and able. (The only thing I really haven't given much thought to is auto/health insurance.)

Moving Date will be ASAP, and I will let you know the exact day as soon as I know. I have all the addresses I could get my hands on (and a letter from you, Miss Sara--I need to write you back this weekend! ^_^), so that I can still contact all you wonderful online peeps. As for having a computer, I am planning for next summer, so we'll see; I just won't be able to have one until then, 'cause The Budget won't let me. (And actually, I need a break from my internet addiction anyway.)

Have a good Friday.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Says You
~Editted, Simplified Version~

My beloved Jama-sama, I think the words I wanted to get out yesterday were something along the lines of: "I'm ashamed of myself for failing to constantly make my family proud of me. And for not moving out. And for the whole world being so darned unfair. And for me being so freakin' hypersensitive to the whole lot of it." It wasn't you. I love you far too much.

Can't impress everyone all the time. But you CAN find the people whose impressions matter and focus on them. Ginny needs to refocus. (And is THAT why people I haven't seen in years keep popping up at my new job? *grins*)

Thank someone for being them today. Never take anyone for granted. Have a great day.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

All credit to Madeleine L'Engle

"If we knew ahead of time what was going to happen we'd be--we'd be like the people on Camazotz, with no lives of our own, with everything all planned and done for us. How can I explain it to you? Oh, I know. In your language you have a form of poetry called the sonnet." ....
"There are fourteen lines, I believe, all in iambic pentameter. That's a very strict rhythm or meter, yes?"
"Yes." Calvin nodded.
"And each line has to end with a rigid rhyme pattern. And if the poet does not do it exactly this way, it is not a sonnet, is it?"
"But within this strict form the poet has complete freedom to say whatever he wants, doesn't he?" ....
"So what?"
"Oh, do not be stupid, boy!" Mrs. Whatsit scolded. "You know perfectly well what I'm driving at!"
"You mean you're comparing our lives to a sonnet? A strict form, but freedom within it?"
"Yes." Mrs. Whatsit said. "You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. What you say is completely up to you."

"Do you think things always have an explanation?"
"Yes. I believe that they do. But I think that with our human limitations we're not always able to understand the explanations. But you see, Meg, just because we don't understand doesn't mean that the explanation doesn't exist."
"I like to understand things," Meg said.
"We all do. But it isn't always possible."

(from "A Wrinkle in Time")

Saturday, October 16, 2004

When they said
promotions are easy to come by at my job, they weren't kidding. My boss approached me early yesterday morning and asked if I would consider being a corporate trainer.


I've only been there 4 weeks and they're asking me to...

*peers upwards* Y'know, Most Holy Father in Heaven, it really isn't nice to tease.

Chad promised it wouldn't be till after the new year. I'm a little iffy about the whole thing, because it would require me to go out of town a lot, and out of state on a rare occasion. ...wonder if it pays well? *shakes head* In any case, it's too early to make a decision.

*peers upward once more*



I've finally got a large chunk of my job down, and it really isn't that hard. Just a little boring when nothing's going on. And I can't doodle when there's nothing going on, because something might be going on just when I stop looking! Ugh. However, I was paying attention this week and pulled an extra $4o. My co-workers tell me that's rather good for a newbie. *beams* Now if I was just CERTIFIED, I could KEEP that $4o. *slight growl*

But I am certified tomorrow. YAY!

The only thing that's still bothering me about this job is what's BEEN bothering me ever since I took this job--my stomach. From day one, it's churned, and I thought it was nervousness. Nowadays, the nervousness is gone, but I still get ill right after I get back from lunch; whenever I get home, I don't care for eating, but I force myself to anyway, because if I don't, I'll starve. And there are some moments when I AM starving, but just as I start to eat, I get ill and don't want to eat anymore. But what'll make the hungry feeling go away, then?

Today, I kept running to the water fountain because my throat felt like it was burning. Still feels that way; I don't know what's going on.

On the plus side, I no longer have trouble falling to sleep. It's the waking up part that's getting difficult, heh.

The Marshmallon has you. ^_~

Thursday, October 14, 2004

"If I follow along, does it mean I belong?
If I follow along, does it mean I belong?
If I follow along, does it mean I belong?
Or will I keep on feeling different from everybody else?"

The Complex has now been purchased. Life is amusingly good.

For the gamers out there, EQII is on the way, with one race seriously screwed. Jak and Daxter III is also on the way (my bro wants that one), as well as Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal (re: R&CIII, and that's the one I want). Cannot ignore the new Spyro game also on the way, but that's in rent territory, after the crappiness of the last one. And Fable. Geez. So many great games, so little time (and money, heh).

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Ginny and Politics

Disclaimer for those of you who need it: frankly, this post might be offensive, it might not. It all depends on how open minded you are. I will say this much--what follows are my thoughts, my feelings, myself. If I didn't write what I honestly feel, then I would not only be disservicing the online journal that this is, I would be untrue to myself. And that I cannot allow.

Election Day is Nov. 2. If you can vote, by all means, do so--but please be an informed voter. And by this point, you should be registered. Around here, registration is closed.
Know that I'm not going to vote your way just to gain favor with you; I'm going to vote in my best interests.
Finally, if you don't vote, don't complain about the results.

Even the most loving, most mature, most intelligent people can become akin to religious zealots when it comes to their political candidate, especially around Election Time. I can tell we are getting close because, ever since Sunday, the personal political debates have begun in earnest. Bush Boosters and Kerry Supporters are loudly proclaiming the greatness of their boy and the slovenness of the opponent. And neither are leaving any room for openminded discussion (I was preached at no less than 5 times today, and, like the nonreligious, I'm getting tired of voters trying to convert me to their side). I would say, let the election hurry up and come, but then I'd have to listen to the winning team boast for a good month and the losing team wail for that same month. Ugh.

Where do I stand? Traditionally, my family is conservative Repubs. I voted for Bush last time around. This year, things are quite different. A LOT of things have changed in the past four short years. If you don't agree the world isn't today was it was back then, you've obviously been living under a rock.

Frankly, I'm bitter about politics. I'm relieved yet also ashamed to admit that, ever since 9-11, I've paid a lot more attention to what the government has been doing or failing to do. (Relieved because I'm more informed; ashamed that it took 9-11 to pull me in.) I do think we were right in fighting back those first few months, and that we would have fought back regardless of who was in office. I also think that we have been fighting far too long, that we've proven our point and that we're now just wasting resources. Would it have been different if we had had a different leader? I don't know. "What if" isn't the game to play; it's "where do we go from here"?

"Here" being a place that is showing signs of not understanding what the seperation of Church and State means. For pastors to tell their congregations how to vote is wrong--I am a firm believer in free will. But that isn't where the problem of the seperation lies. Recently in Massachusetts, laws have been passed that state pastors can be arrested if they do not teach their congregations the "right" way.

This coming from a government that took the Ten Commandments away from the front of the court? Who banned prayer on school grounds? Who tore "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance? And if the government can encroach on churches, why isn't it also busting into mosques and temples? Who is to say they are teaching the "right" way?

But it gets better--I've been told again, and twice today, that the world is pushing to block Christians out. Now, I'm not going to believe that until I get some hard evidence, but that hurts, that really does. It's difficult enough for me to live different from everyone else and be constantly attacked for it, but I'll be damned if I let any mortal on this earth tell me how to live my relationship with my God.

Where do I stand? I stand for a leader that is going to uphold the First Ammendment for once. Someone who can make an America that will (continue to) allow me to be able to worship as I see fit, without worrying about the police taking the preacher away in handcuffs during the sermon. A country where I don't have worry about being discrimanated against just because I'm Christian. Because if I deny my belief, I am denying myself.

Show me a leader like that, and I will gladly cast my vote for him.

Until then, don't be a sheep.

Full Metal Alchemist
So I'm finally starting on it. Wow. And how.

The first two episodes made me leery, because it seemed like this would be an anime based on bashing religion, when it really isn't that at all. So far, everything's nice, so here's hoping it'll hold out.

"Dore hodo tsuyosa wo te ni shitara nanimo kizutsukezu sumu no?"
How strong must I become so that no one will be hurt?

And in response to the two episodes, I say, a denial of the heart and its emotions is a denial of self.

...whoa. O_o An anime making me think deeply? *darts away*

-My commentary on political America on its way later this afternoon-

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

"If I sing a song will you sing along?"
It's offical. Blue Men Group is AWESOME. I remember hearing this on Chili's background music, and then, when I went to work today, they had BMG playing on the big television with this song. Freaking. Love. It. Investing in "The Complex" CD the minute I find it.

BTW, BMG is NOT a singing group. More accurately, they make noise. Noise that sounds like music. It's hard to explain...unless you saw the Pentium commercials that featured them. Just have to listen to them, 'cause I really can't explain.

*flumps over desk* Maybe I can't explain because I am drained. (And a little side note that will easily place me into the "religious nut" category for most of you--I begged God for strength to make it through today and He granted it (shamefacedly, I admit, I spend a good part of last week whining about today, and I only turned to Him when I was really at the end of my rope and almost despairing going to work today). Heh, divine intervention. With its purpose completely, the strength is slipping away and I'm happily exhausted.)

Had a very nice day, despite the long hours (can we say 14 hours? Sure! I knew you could!). Acted delightfully insane to keep my sanity all day, but my co-workers got the biggest kick out of it. (I was almost drafted to stay till 11:3o, but I put my foot down and very loudly (with deadly glaring, yesh) said NO.) There was also a delightful, much-welcome oasis island thingy in the great ocean desert thingy of politics (go metaphors!), but more on that tomorrow--I'm far too tired to spell it out here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to blissfully collapse into unconsciousness for the next 12 hours.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Pomegranates are gooooood
and Ginny's a tad lazy, heh. The (1) comment below is for Jama-sama. ^_^

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Naruto Again!
Been working so hard, I almost forgot about the greatness that is "Naruto". Althooooooooough... I might modify that to the unusualness that is, after watching Ep 1o1. Heh.
Lemme just put it this way: if the house wasn't full of sleeping people, I would have screamed in frustration at the ending.
The frog that was shot by the poison laughing dart was funny--
"Gero. Gero! Gero-gero! Gero-gero-gero! Gerogerogerogerogerogeroge--" *falls over*

And retrospecting to 1oo...awwww. Being unfairly forced into circumstances that render you helpless. Laid on a smidge too thick, but also well done as far as the characters reacting.

RJ also put 1o2 and 1o3 on this computer, so I'll get to them after taking care of necessary work (re:chores).

It's back to waking up super early for the next three days. I spend time with Mom and her church friend tomorrow night. There's also a new hire coming into my department next week, soooo...

Have a good day.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

This made me think of Sara
Q. How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. Two. One to hold the giraffe, and another to fill the bathtub with brightly colored machine tools.

And this one of Desbreko
So we're at Taco Bueno last night, and the cashier rang up our order. He then gives me a free whatever-they-call-the-next-size-upgrade, because he liked my Zelda shirt (8-bit Link and "Sword Play" emblazoned across it).
Des, I will gladly give you the address to that store. The kid even had those plastic sticker jewel thingies (and we applaud Ginny's amazing grasp of the English language this morning ^^) in the shape of a blue Triforce on his name badge. You can't tell me that's not nifty.

And this of me
I know everyone's sick and tired of hearing about the jobness already, but I'm already thinking about where to apply next. I'll still give Fry's three more weeks, but I'm spent the last two with a constant gut-ache. Waking up in the middle of the night, thinking, "Oh geh...not today. Please not today."
And working there was supposed to be a good thing, heh. But I don't regret going there.
Three weeks and counting. Let's see where we are at the end of the month.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Well, mark off "sushi" on my long list of things I want to try before I can't anymore. ^_^; And to a lesser extent, soy sauce. Heh. Next up, ocean perch, known to some as SHARK.

*yawns contently* As far as my current job goes, methinks I'm not (at this moment) exactly cut out for it. Promised Mom I'd stick with it till the end of the month; in the meantime, I'll watch the next set of newbies that are supposed to come in this week or the next and *shameful shudder* compare myself to them.
I'm trying not to make up my mind already about this; I know that I have learned a lot already in the way of not letting others walk all over me. The money's decent and the hours are full, buuuuuuuut... it where I'm really supposed to be?

May your sleep be restful.

That just reminds me of my little brother so much. ^_^;

And the heavy rain is so beautiful today, especially since it helped me to sleep in nice and late. *grin* After waking up early for the past four days, it felt good to stay in bed. It'll be moreso when winter comes.

I also decided it's time to get a MercyMe CD--the most recent song I heard (which also included Stephen Curtis Chapman and Third Day, glee!) was I See Love, and, all punning aside, I love this song. Plus, MercyMe was the first (and only) music artist I have ever seen live (July, either 2oo2 or 2oo3; which reminds me, I seriously need to go to a "Freedom" concert one of these years).

Meanwhile, the preperation to be able to watch "Passion of the Christ" continues. (To the delight of many of you, that's going to include the "Kill Bill" movies, so keep those spoilers away.)

Have the best kind of day.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Well (darn)
I spent all afternoon sleeping (amid bouts of feeling my lunch was not agreeing with me >>). And I'm still tired (but not as sick feeling).

Work was a little more interesting today. Still learning, but I feel more active (re: non-bored) employment-wise than I have in a while. Now if I could just do something about that schedule...

Gomen nasai, my Jama-sama. I don't like being MIA when I say I'll be somewhere for you. =\