Thursday, September 30, 2004

Ooo my gehhhh...
...I feel like the waking dead.
And my brother's taking too long to shower, but I need to get to work. >> like the waking dead.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Oh loooooooook, Ginny's first proper full time schedule
You'll forgive me if that sounds a tad grouchy. I don't mind working the 4o hours, it's the way they're all set up that is making me cranky. I don't mind eating, it's the "forcing myself to eat" aspect that makes me sick to my stomach. I don't mind being worn out at night, because I finally FINALLY actually sleep without tossing and turning.

No, seriously. That's a perk. Big time.

*forces self to swallow food* Ugh...if I don't eat now, I won't be able to till 11:3o tomorrow and there's no way I could make it to then.

But to recap, things are ok. Not the way I was expecting them to be, but they're ok. Better than they have been the last few months, I can tell you that much. I still have to drive past my old job to get to my new's a weird if I'm vacation and doing something else for a bit. So on the one hand, I'm not terribly concerned if I ever lose this current job. On the other, I know this is for real and I need to keep it.

I can do this. It's just going to take time. ^_^

Just another Monday
So to speak. My weekend's over. Boo. ^^;

Job starts again today, and really, I've got a decent schedule and ok pay, it's just the initial learning of everything that agitates me. Which, yes, would happen no matter where I got a job at. I almost wish the higher-ups didn't have so much faith in me to put me in such an important position, but then again, I'm there for a reason. I mean, if I had been a cashier, I would have been comfortable. Being outside my comfort zone is character building, I guess. >_o Blehh. Just once, I'd like to build character at Six Fl--oh wait, I did. O_o; (Just don't tell Mom--she'll never let me hear the end of it.)

Once I smooth out the wrinkles of learning, it'll be ok. I better smooth them out very soon, though, as holiday season is coming.

Oh whooCHA--I just remembered I get paid for the first time tomorrow! *dances* First step to figuring out my new budget, first step to moving out.

Everyone needs a little solitude now and again.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Ah, the simple pleasures of life
--reading "The Princess Bride" for the umpteenth time (Seriously, I never tire of reading "The Princess Bride". True story--since I had been exposed to the movie first, and the book didn't go exactly the same way in the beginning, I never made it past the first chapter for the first year I had it. Heh.).
--playing "Spyro 3" for the, I think, 7th time.
--there was a third, but I forgot now. >> Oh yes, now I remember--Sara Letter!

" I asked the Lord of Permanent Affection for the strength to live the day. Clearly, the answer came in the affirmative."
"I didn't know there was such a Fellow," Buttercup said.
"Neither did I, in truth, but if He didn't exist, I didn't much want to either."

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Christianity isn't a religion--
(aka, tiny spurt of deep thinking, self searching, world understanding religious wordage)

--it's a relationship.

The most profound reason that I follow the God that I do is because the center of His being is Love. He cares for His creations, regardless of who they are or what they did. I am so fascinated by that Love, and at the same time, so fascinated with all the people of the world who feel the need to be miserable. Who feel the need to deprive themselves of any love. On purpose.

In my world, there is no doubt in my mind that there is a God; the concept of a lack of a Creator just so boggles me that it never enters my mind. There is no doubt for me that there is a great Love at work that causes me to want to love as well: no doubt, because I have people and reasons to love. Frankly, this love I feel makes me blind at times, emotional at others, and naive at still other times; but I hope that it also makes me more open in spirit, more joyful for no darn good reason, and maybe, just maybe, a small touch of being wise.

Now a question, completely out of curiousity--I swear it by the Love that I know. I have always wondered if any other world religions teach of gods that love their creations, that invite them to a one-on-one relationship, with no middle men like priests in the way. I really haven't done that much research; I do know that the gods of mythology delighted in picking on humans or demanding sacrifices to curry favor. In all fairness, I should research this on my own, but still, curious to know.

Meanwhile, in the mortal world
*bounces onto pillows* Now it's time for my "weekend"! I have the next two days off, and I already have plenty to do tomorrow, so...I'll stay up late! Heeeee! Things are going decent enough at work and one of my co-workers, James (who looks like a young version of Will Smith), has sorta taken me under his wing till I get my footing. It's nice to have people patiently encouraging you when you're learning something new and difficult.

Admittedly, I had a pretty awful nightmare about work, how this one lady was trying to sabotage all my efforts in order to get me fired, but I realize now that, even if I should get fired, I'll still be all right. I've got the confidence to know that, wherever I might go, I'll do well. Right now, the purpose of having my new job is to cover my bills and, to a lesser extent, move out. One thing at a time.

I care for you all.
And I love my beloved Jama-sama. ^-^
Now (in the immortal words of Adis!): "Go to bed!"

I just took an online IQ test (*roll eyes* right, like those things are accurate), and it said I have an IQ of 143. I'm...suitably...amused. O_o; (The last time I tested, I landed in the lower 13os range.)

OK, NOW you can go to bed. ^_~

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Remember kids, just say no.
Never again will I go to Wal-Mart so late at night to buy food for about 5o people at Mom's job. Granted, first time experience, so I was amused, but really now, tired, and I had to load/unload around 15 bags 3 or 4 times. *traces bags under eyes* And poor Mom's trying to find a place for everything. (Here's a hint: throw the beer out. >>)

I bet RJ wouldn't mind--it'd be an excuse to go driving. Especially late at night, heh. If I hear one more obnoxious remark about standard versus automatic, someone's gonna be carless for a while. That booger is denied any access to my car; I pay enough for that thing as it is without worrying about teenage brother insurance. <<

*pokes at Miracle Water in plastic baggie* By the way, some problems never have answers. At least, not ones that we can find. Sometimes it's hard to know when we've searched all we can.
...and sometimes we keep searching long after we know we can't find it.

*yawn, stretch* My first time to work on a Sunday. Also my first solo shift at my new job. This'll prove most interesting.

Love deeply and sleep well. ^_^

Friday, September 24, 2004

"Que pasaaaaaaaaaaa?!?"
(Re: "Wazzaaaaaaaap?!?" Heh.)

So it's been a long week. Yeah. 38 hours worth. Soaking all this new information in. It's actually been a delight to soak brand new stuff in, something that isn't stale nor is it ...well, not so much self-demeaning, because, in all actuality, Fry's is just like Chili's, except fancier. So I really don't know the word for it. I notice that I've spent a lot of time comparing the two jobs, and on the whole, I now see that some things just never change.

I've already noticed minor changes in my general self. The wild, uncontrollable spunkiness I have whenever I do something new is there. I've managed to rise to the occasion of a fulltime job, and to handle the long hours without complaining (much, heh). And even though I can feel the heavy blade of termination wavering above, ready to drop at a moment's notice (come now, we all feel that way when we first start a new job--or maybe it's just me. ^^), the exciting feeling of being on the edge and doing a job that actually demands that I work for it is nice.

There are moments when it's boring. Hours, really. The company I keep up front isn't too bad at all and the power, oh mwu ha ha, the POWER I weild over others--! "Door Nazis"--the not-so-kind name given to my department. We don't care. The no-fraternizing keeps us cut off from the others, and we don't care. Other departments complain about the evils of politics in Fry's, but we don't care. We're the powerful department, and we work hard. It's been a while since I've last been with hard workers.

I miss all my AIMers. Hope you're busying yourselves--my schedule's nice but not allowing for much AIM time, so patience.

Love you, my Jama-sama. *hugs relevant plushies carefully*

And now for sleep. And now for sleeping in. And now for enjoying the day I have off. ^_^

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

She's ALIVE!
...barely. Z.z

I finished up the third day of my training today. 22 hours in 3 days--whew! Being part time for the past four years just didn't prepare me for that, heh. I might even break out into overtime my very first week if certain circumstances occur, eep. I've done one or two 4o hour work weeks in my job life, but never overtime.

There's five of us in the morning class--me, Jesus (pronounced "Hay-zoose", and yes, we've already made jokes. Get this--he was born Dec. 24. I am so not making that up, because he showed me his license.), Claudia, Matthew, and Rhonda (who happens to be the mom of one of the servers that used to work at Chili's. Small world.).

The first morning, I became good friends with Jesus and Claudia, and Rhonda declared that I should be forbidden to ever touch caffiene. Turns out I am WIDE awake early in the morning--who knew? (On the flip side, my body has been giving out at 1opm.) Christy, our coach, basically defined me as innocently eccentric and perfect for the front. Yay!

The whole dress code isn't too shabby, either--a bit more variety than Chili's, and a lot more professional looking. I looooooove black slacks--they feel so silky. It's also easier to feel more professional when I look the part. And there's also the name badge, plus I get to carry around a radio for watching out for shoplifters.

Oh yes, the job itself. They have me initially slotted for "Courtesy Associate". I greet people at the door, I check their bags on the way out to make sure they have all the right stuff, and I keep an eye out for shoplifters. My DSC (basically, the boss of my area) assured me I won't be confronting anyway, so I'll be perfectly safe. My only real concern is that there seems to be so many ways to be fired around there. I figure as long as I arrive on time, work hard, and stay out of the red tape areas, I'll be ok.

One of the supervisors greeted us today and then added not to judge until we've worked for about two months. And if we ever need to shift departments, to just say the word. Good stuff. I'm going to see if I can get into AV--with the viiiiiiideo games, mwee hee!

Anyway, lots of work, nicely busy, not as home as much, but money should be coming in faster, which means I can move out in the next two months--yay!

(And today, Christy and I tested DDR dance pads in front of customers--I beat her by a letter, heh.)

Now to rest.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

drakehho19: I once got into an argument with Des over the color of his text
drakehho19: it was somewhere in the blue purple black range
White Ranger N: Let me guess: it ended in posessed plushies and thwapping?
Stendahl 405: *giggles*
drakehho19: prolly. That's how most of our fights end.
Stendahl 405: I think Nerdsy called that one.
drakehho19: indeed. ^_^

(at this point, drakehho19 was in green, White was in purple, Legoboy1 in bright green, Stendahl red, and ShyGuy51185 (not shown) in violet:)

drakehho19: plus, how many of you guys can tell the difference between the shades of red?
White Ranger N: I couldn't name them, if that's what you mean.
Legoboy1: Yeah, certainly not.
Stendahl 405: Crimson and Burgundy, heh.
drakehho19: red and maroon
White Ranger N: Well, I may be blind, but both of those looked green to me.?
drakehho19: *snerk*
Stendahl 405: *falls over laughing*

"Let tomorrow worry about itself."
And boy, I'm ashamed I don't know the exact Bible verse reference about that. =^.^=

Tomorrow is one of The Big Days in my life. I'm nervous, excited, tired...*yawn*...oh well, that's because I was in the middle of a fantastic dream and my alarm woke me up in the middle of it. Now I can't remember the dream. Boo. So yeah, nervous, excited, happy...say, have you ever seen "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra"? That movie's special effects put "The Blair Witch Project" to shame. Or do they bolster them? Erhmmm... But "Skeleton" is the kind of movie I could see my old Children's Ministry casts doing, heh, and I would so be there right along with them.

"I sleep now!" 'Tis time for church and the free time that follows. A bit melodramatic to say this'll probably be my last free day for a while, but since I'll have a brand new schedule to adjust to, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be needing my rest and won't be updating here as much.

Watch all that be a lie. ^_~

Do a good deed today. Sincerely. Then you can feel like a plushie--all fuzzy inside. And Ginny loooooooooooooooves plushies, mew hu.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

My heart is too full, my mind racing. I need calm in my crazy world right now.

Find just a small shard of peace today, grasp it, rejoice in it, and be thankful.

Friday, September 17, 2004

So, we learned a few things today:
"Literati", although a word game (that had me shrieking at Des prolly three times for taking my PERFECT word spots, heh), was fun. Quite fun. (It helped that I just barely won by 4 points, lol. Go triple word completion. ^^) I will have to persue this further (time allowing).

Cameras are evil. Period. You know those people who can't stand having their picture taken? Who swear up and down that they have YET to have a picture taken of themselves that they like? *points to self* Consider me one of the crazy bunch. No wonder I don't keep nor take photos terribly often.

New managers are FUN to break in. *cracks knuckles, grins evilly* New guy named Daniel. I won't be able to stick around to break him in. He was quietly anal at first, but he's already loosening up, which is good. And tomorrow, God willing, is my final day of Chili's.

I have other thoughts tumbling about, but at this point, I haven't mused on them long enough to be able to place them in this public forum without hurting a few hearts. Part of it is excited fear about the very near future. *small sigh* C'est le vie (sic?), ne?

Rest well, whenever and wherever you may rest, my friends.

Three of my greatest loves in life:

Or should I say obsessions? Heh. ^_^;

Anyways (*suddenly cringes, thwaps the "s" away* Bad habit, I SWEAR it!), I found an "old school" webcomic called "Terinu". "Old school" in both art and story, but I am enjoying myself immensely.

I also currently have BuzzComics Top 1oo tabbed, so some comics from there may show up (some already have). And "Todd and Penguin" is getting a read through, but it's not faring too well at the moment. Also, all comics have their update schedules next to them now, versus the bold/italic/normal method I had going.


Just in case you thought the world couldn't get strange enough,
it goes and makes Road Kill Gummies.

Image Hosted by

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Subs all the way, Des-chan
...though I'd still like to see just one professionally dubbed episode of "Naruto". Just one. I will return to the Subtitle Fold double-quick, I predict.

As for all my AIMers
fire up the ol' emails, because I have a feeling I won't be returning to AIM after Sunday night, since my schedule is about to do a pretty radical (as in wild, not cool) flip. I am going to try uber-hard to get on the next few days, but am promising nothing (mainly because every time I try to promise something, it goes "POOF". Gomen. -.-). If I get ahold of you or you me via IM, share the email address-ness. I will not lose contact with some of my favorite peoples. I refuse.

"Ginny Life" Cliff notes, or some such
OK, pending the results of the drug test (*snerk*), Fry's has got me till further notice. Pending whether someone will pick my shift up on Monday at Chili's will affect whether I have to quit or not. Fry's now has precedence.

In a rare stroke of something that is akin to a second cousin twice removed from Luck, Big Boss George is out of town for a few days. I've heard awful stories of what he did to servers that tried to quit/transfer/etc. I might be gone before he gets back. That'll make it easier.

Which means that, when this week ends, the summery vacation feel of the past four years being a part timer will be over. I'll finally be a full time person. With...less free time. Hrhm. Man, the sacrifices we make. >> But it is for a good cause, as I am already looking (again) into two or three sets of apartments which will be 3o minutes from where I live now, but only 5-1o minutes from my new job. (Right now, projected loss of free time equates to me waking up at 6-6:3o in the morning so I can make it to Fry's at 7:45. You have to allow for school traffic and how far away I live right now, and etc.) I've been planning this for a while. It's time.

At the moment, I feel like I'm walking a tightrope right over a very deep chasm (heck, we'll throw some voracious crocs and piranhas at the bottom for ambiance). But you know that thrill you get when you're terrified? Mmm yeah, loving it right now. ^^; Not certain where I'm going to be in a few days, but it's exciting.

The only downside I see is that I'll be working when I should be going to church. =/ Nothing I can do for the moment, but hopefully, as time goes on, I can shift my schedule around to allow for that.

Mom's convinced me to stick around for at least another 6 weeks. I was planning to wrest control of AIM back into my power again while I still can, but now that RJ has obtained an XBox... He only got it yesterday and happily borrowed the 'Net connection for a good chunk of the night. So yeah, still no AIM for a while. Very sorry. Forgiveness please. (On the plus side, he's finally bringing me the three most recent "Naruto"s as a compensation. Me, a sell out? NEVER! ...heh...)

So yeah,
-new job
-new place
-sorta-kinda-not-really new life.

And I am going to get a rabbit when I am financially sound. ^_^ Very excited about that.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Pen and Paper
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAKASHI! You're still 26. (...wait, um, how does that work? Oh right, anime world, anime world, I'll just keep repeating that to myself.)

Paper and Ink
"Of course I wanted to see you. I just didn't want to see you down here."
"Why ever not?"
"Because now, my precious, we're more or less kind of trapped. I can't climb out of [this steep ravine] and bring you with me without it taking all day. I can get out myself, most likely, without it taking all day, but with the addition of your lovely bulk, it's not about to happen."

Y'know, every time I read The Princess Bride (William Goldman, go now, BUY, READ, ENJOY, or be labeled as an uncultured fuddydud. :p), the like/detest ratio I have for the character Westley increases. And that isn't necessarily a compliment or an insult.

In this scene, Westley and Buttercup have just fled their pursuers, but, as a matter of unprecedented circumstance (or self defense), they find themselves at the bottom of a deep ravine. And Westley is being completely unsarcastic and very loving in his statements (the first and third spoken lines), although I must admit his words are tingled with loving humor (albeit a little strained at this point).

In the beginning, God created--
whoa, whoops, wrong dissertation. =^^=

A-HEM. In the beginning of the novel, Westley is (ok, spoiler spoiler SPOILER for you people who still demand to be in the dark about this story) a nearly silent farmboy and Buttercup (who I'll say right now, I really don't like her at any point of the book, really I don't, and I can't imagine why Westley does except for one other point I shall bring up soon) is a snotty...ah, female dog. Unprecedented circumstance injected into their daily life and suddenly, SUDDENLY, she falls madly in love with him.

"OK, thanks, see ya later."

Seriously. They discover their passionate love for each other, and he leaves not even five minutes after it's finally aired out. Yes, go ahead and argue how he went to America to make his fortune, but come ON, if I just discovered my life mate, I'm not going to blow them a quick kiss then run off to another continent, with or without the premise of working to make my love absolutely and completely ha--
Well FUDGE. Fine, I'll just move on to the next argument. (Hrhm, guys, ladies still don't like it when you leave them hanging, even if you ARE bringing them back the moon, so THERE.)

Intermittently, I just discovered a flaw in my second argument, in that I was going to argue that Westley was only in love with Buttecup's looks, but seeing as how they grew up together and he had watched her every move, tear, scream, laugh, and so on, he already knew her and still loved her. And in spite of what she's like, I guess he gets bonus points for that.

OK, I'm NOT wavering from my third argument, but I can allow for certain circumstance. When Westley SPOILER poses as the Dread Pirate Roberts SPOILER, he's awful rough on Buttercup. Yes, part of it was to keep up appearances, but there are times when it's just the two of them, and he still keeps up the charade, to the point of slapping and threatening her. Now, whether he was venting his anger out from her getting married to another or trying to learn if she still loved him, I know not. But if my second argument follows that he knew her backwards and forwards (thus allowing him the knowledge that he could safely leave her and come back to her, without her touched by another), then WHY be so awful to her? Why think her unfaithful? Had he "matured" in his naive-ness during his years at sea and felt it necessary to test her?

I just don't agree with it. But despite his human flaws, Westley is still likable and honest, and gosh darn it, if he isn't really every girl's dream.

'Cept mine. It's difficult to desire fiction when you got the real thing.

*suddenly feels the chilling presence of an English teacher* Holy STUFFERS, why didn't I have this kind of analytical prolificy back when I was actually in school?! Beh heh.

"God loves each of us as if there was only one of us to love."
I really like that thought. It makes it easier to take on the world.

Luv ya all and have a great day!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Small as a peanut,
Big as a giant,
We're all the same size
When we turn off the light.

Rich as a sultan,
Poor as a mite,
We're all worth the same
When we turn off the light.

Red, black, or orange,
Yellow or white,
We all look the same
When we turn off the light.

So maybe the way
To make everything right
Is for God to just reach out
And turn off the light!
~Shel Silverstein, "No Difference"

In the coner of the world where Ginny is center,
(heh) I return for my third interview today. And wonder what the heck I'm going to do about my current place of employment. I'm putting my shifts up for offer today, but if they don't get picked up by next Monday, then I need to quit. No show, no call, no work equals an automatic firing and I'd much rather have a "quit" than a "fire" on my record.

No one is better than anyone else. Enjoy that today.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

I think you'll know this one: what do you call it when you write in accordance or parallel with your train of thought? I want to say stream, but I don't think that's correct. Erhm...
Anyway(?s (<---ums, can you check on that too, Mistress of English, please please please? (loooooove you Jamsy, but y'know...^_~...I wanna check with her))), observe a post in reply to a Thread Called "What Time Is It?":

"6:21 pm if my computer clock is correct. Sometimes, though, we use the computer to watch Flash movies and it slows the time keeping thing down. Sorta reminds of when my car had its battery replaced and the brights would be on aaaaaaaaaall night and drain the battery, and it was fixed later, so the brights don't come on anymore, but the battery-drainage affected the car's clock and now it's 2o minutes behind, and I'm not quite sure how to fix it. Just like when Daylight Savings Time comes around--never quite how to fix it an hour ahead. Hey, isn't Daylight Savings Time coming up soon? Spring forward, fall back, and all that jazz? Well, it still seems like it gets dark at the same time anyway, which makes me look at my clock and wonder what time it is.

...6:25 now. ^^;"

~posted by Lyn at 6:25pm


*fidgets* Can't tomorrow be done with so I can find out where I stand? The idiot who said anticipation is half the fun OBVIOUSLY never had a majorly nervous stomach. Geh. >>

And my AIM is currently being usurped until further notice. Gomen.

Told ya there's a God
I went to Sunday School today for the first time in...well, a long time. It's never seemed like that big a deal as of late, but Pastor was talking about prayer, so, intrigued, I woke up early today. And incidentally, stayed late for the free lunch.

And met my potential boss' wife.

Small world, eh?

I kid you not. It turns out that the father of one of the families that attends my church is an assistant manager at Fry's. And despite what Calvin and George are carrying on about, Fry's does not start you off at pitiful minimum wage. (Shame on those two--they were playing dirty yesterday; that sorta ruins my respect for them.)

People keep adding on that to be called back so soon is a big deal, and the wife agrees (the husband was at work today). VERY good sign.

...and Mom still feels that I should wait at least two months before I move out. Yeah, I see the logical side of it, but I've been waiting six freakin' months to move out. I need ooooooooouuuuttt!

I'm nervous, excited (and a little sad for my Chili's, but also a bit agitated as to how best get away from them amicably if and when the time comes). I've been on edge since yesterday morning. I also kept waking up every few hours last night (and had exceptional pleasant dreams about all my loved ones, yay! Mostly of the "wishing you well and hope this'll help you on your way" sort of thing. I've never had a dream like that. O_o).

I seriously hope and pray this all works out for the best. I keep reminding myself that Fry's hasn't hired me yet.

*fidget, fidget*

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Not all plushies are meant to be cuddled.


I love you
You love me
Jump into my tummy
With a chomp and a gulp
And a burp that's just right
Now you all are out of sight.

OK, all I can say is, this was a weird mix of Strong Bad, Barney-the-Dinosaur hate, and whatever the heck it was we had at Corino's. (Incidentally, my littler brother discovered calamari tonight, but is not fully aware of what it is--simply that it is seafood. Heh.)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a banner of plushieness to make.
Plushies. Rock.
End o' story.

Double Edged Sword
Yesterday, I went to Fry's (an electronics store) and applied for a position. Considering how the recent rash of apply-ings have been, I didn't really expect to hear anything for at least a week. Nonetheless, I've kept my phone with me at all times, hoping, just hoping that they'd call.

Imagine my surprise when my phone registered their number as a missed call early this morning.

In a panic, I called them back; the gentleman I spoke to was pleasant and asked to see me on Monday for an interview. "Dress as if you're going to work," he said. I have seen the workers in white button up shirts and slacks or (for the ladies) dark skirts. Tomorrow I will go shopping and have the same.

The tiny problem was that I ran across the nearly empty store (we hadn't opened yet), nearly bursting with happiness. Amada, our bartender, quietly giggled at me and George glared in a sore manager way. I quickly apologized to him for my brash outburst and he said it was fine, but would not refrain from teasing me mercilessly for the rest of the day. Considering all the other times he's acted this way, I'm not taking it seriously. When Calvin heard, he too teased me meanly, doing his best to persuade me away from going to Fry's (I actually read that as "persuading me not to leave Chili's").

I see what's going on here--they're trying to guilt me into staying. Quite frankly, I'm not buying it; I refuse to lose any more money. Assuming Fry's hires me, this'll be a break into full-timing it, if nothing else. Plus, I'm just tired of all the crap that's going on at my store.

So, a follow-up call less than 24 hours after I applied: good for me, bad for them. If God wants me there, then I will go. Employment-wise, I've been feeling a lot better about myself than I have in a while.

Expect the worst, hope for the best.
(But I still want out of Chili's...)

Friday, September 10, 2004

The bikers are getting bolder.
Tch, and I wasn't terribly fond of driving to begin with. Seriously, they will take up an entire lane and, instead of scooting onto the sidewalk like normal, sane people, they actually waver out into the middle of the lane (if not already there) and refuse to budge.
I pass them and then somehow manage to get stuck behind:
a. old people
b. trucks of any variety
c. slow cars.
And while I'm trying to get around them, I've got Giant Shiny SUV person with the implanted TV bearing down on me from behind because the Owner has a Very Important Meeting to be at which seems to include Hell's Fire the way they blast past me when they get a chance.
This when I'm already speeding as much as the cars in front of me will let me. *sigh*

One of you out there is going to invent teleportation. Hurry it up, please.

And today, I need to start working on that commission Molly gave me back on Sunday. *wince* I've been caught up with job hunting and not remembering to do everything else.

As for AIM, I apologize to my night crew. I just haven't had any desire to be on after 1opm, and I'm sorry (especially to Des and Ginny--you're the best). Email me or something..., I'm just still frustrated over the stupid job hunt (and my current job is pressuring me to hurry, too. Not good.).

Smile genuinely. Anata no karada ni yoi. (It's good for you.)

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I'm all for making the most of every day,
but I'm rather glad today's over. Hardly anything went right (*rubs a sore knee*), and most of the time was wasted (*rubs a bruised ego ruefully*). >> I had yet another company tell me they appreciate the time I put in to speak with them, but they had nothing available. Mweh. I won't stop trying. I refuse.

Meanwhile, will wonders never cease, I found out the name of that movie Jimmy Stewart was in I mentioned yesterday. "After the Thin Man". "The Thin Man" is a series of black and white movies; after watching this one movie, I simply...well, not fell in love with the characters, but I adore them, especially Nick and Nora, heh. And Asta.

Breathe deep, seek peace, sleep well. Tomorrow is always another day.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Just finished watching
Alfred Hitchcock's "Stage Fright". Mmm, there's nothing quite like a black and white movie, especially when it's done right. The actor for Cooper, in the final two minutes, creeped me out more than anything I've seen recently.

That suddenly reminds me of another black and white murder mystery, with Jimmy Steward making one of his first appearances. I cannot, for the tired life of me right now, remember the name of that movie, but he too had a deliciously creepy 2 minutes near the end. That quiet insanity, where you have been lulled into thinking that a certain person is nice and safe and perfectly harmless, until you see his eyes wide with fear, a terrible lack of reason, and complete unpredictability. Terrifying.

*yawn* Does one dream in colors or lack thereof? Y'know, I have yet to really answer that. G'night.

My dreams were a muddle last night,
but it had something to do with getting apartments at $296 a month, and then not finding any available ones.

I go job hunting again today.

I've been reading "The Scarlet Thread" for the past few days, and it's quite good. It's the story of two women, one in current time, and one from the colonial days, living life and seeming remarkably parallel in what happens to them. Realistic characterization going on--I like that.

The days are getting cooler. It's perfect weather right now, but funny thing about Texas, it'll jump right in the southern version of winter without so much as a by-your-leave and we'll be left shivering in wet chill (snow if we're very lucky (ha!)) until April, easily. Bleck. >>

"Friends are the family we choose for ourselves."
Have a great day.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The nets have been cast,
now we wait for the fish to be caught in them.

Jenna and I talked for a good while about apartments today, such as:
--where (wherever my next job ends up being, since there's about three different--and far apart--potential cities).
--how much (gonna go efficency till my car is paid off (in 8 months), then go to a normal sized apartment. This also leads into managing a budget, to which she advised, "Unless it's an absolute necessity, go without till your budget's under control.")
--are rabbits exotic pets (she's going to research on how her apartments define rabbits, and I will have to make sure I ask wherever I end up staying if rabbits are allowed. I hope so. I'm getting back in the mood to get one, but I need to wait until my budget is settled.).
--and the "why" has been done over and over and over again. Ginny loves her family but Ginny needs. her. SPACE. *ahem*

The first key to all this is getting that pesky full time job I need so much. We are still waiting. It's going to happen. I refuse to rot at my current place of employment, really, I do. And because of that, the determination has erased any fear I have of interviews, which is a great thing in itself.

I have to tell ya, though, once it's all settled and down, I predict that I still will be without Net for awhile, but when my new budget's settled, I'm make sure to make that one of my top priorities. Um...depending on whether I haven't gone crazy by then (heh) or depending on whether I'll need it as much by then.

*is wet-puppy-eyes stared at by everyone*

Geez, ok ok! Heh. Let's see where I'm at when I get there. ^.^

Sleep good. Tomorrow's another day of promise.

what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

"No, bad Naruto. You're not killing the man you're supposed to protect."

When in the course of human events we set for ourselves, as seperate and independent individuals, life-consuming and -developing queries that thrive only upon gargantuan amounts of invested time and--
(31 words down and about--*dodges a thwap from Jamal* KIDDING! ^.^;)

OK, anyways, there really was a point to that. Namely, have you ever asked yourself a question years ago and waited for the answer? You knew the answer would take a long time coming, but you predicted it would be this answer, not that.
Well, it happened to me today.
I was digging around, looking for unused binders (and this little card collector/player is shifting back into just plain collector mode for a month or two; not without making notes on all the plays she's done, heh), when I stumbled on my sketchbooks from--get this--1997.

1997. I was a sophomoric sophmore in high school. I don't even remember the people I saw every day as a part of my routine from back then. >> (However, there happened to be a list of them in one of the books, and I recognize a few names, but a lot less than I'd like to admit to.)

My question to myself at the time was: would I be a fantastically fantastic artist in the future and totally put my current stuff to shame? And today, about 7 years later, I recieved my answer. Ah, answers.

Part one: Fantastically fantastic artist?
*soft, humble chuckle* Everyone else seems to think so. I'm not surprised that my attitude toward my art is just the same today as it was back then: somewhat pleased, but knowing I could do far better if I'd just put the time in. My past self would probably be amazed by my present self, and it'll be the same 7 years from now, I'll bet.

Part two: shameful current stuff?
My present self, however, was amazed with my past self. Creativity was obviously oozing out at the time (albeit cute, the whole lot of it). I had a fantastic grip on pencil shading and was working to get color under control. In self-made stuff, the proportions were out of whack in some places, but fan-made/realism stuff was...dang. Seriously. There was a (and for me to say this about me is saying a LOT, for me) near perfect facial represenation of both Jones and Smith from Men in Black. Slinky (Toy Story) got a few pages, and Disney's films (shudder) paraded here and there.

Now I know how time capsule people feel. Unsure of what the future holds, trying to predict it, then getting to that point and being...well, in my case, pleasantly surprised. It's been a great learning experience. ^_^

New Linkage
A quietly-amusing webcomic called "Stuff of Legends" has been added to the list. Nothing remarkable about either art or story (and the main character looks an awful lot like Torg from "Sluggy Freelance"), but it's endearing, nonetheless.

And Sam, I'm going to email you as soon as I finish plotting out the different parts I want to go into that remix. Thank you so much for your help!

Melts away in the morning light
I had a minor nightmare last night. Nothing gory, but it involved a loved one leaving because of the influence of a group. The most vivid image was seeing a large window with several bullet holes in it. This is the first time I've dreamed bullet holes. *shrug* REM is a bizarre process.

Day of rest, since it's the day I'm FREE from work, heh. May you get a chance to rest both body and mind today.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Emails and Time
Danke and arigato, Sara and Sam. I'm going to do my level best to keep in contact with you ladies--I was just gone all summer, heh. ^^;

Lately, I've noticed I have way too much free time when I don't want it, and barely enough time when I do. I'm not utilizing the time to its fullest potential, and if I waste it, I'm probably gonna lose it.

(Good news is, I wrote three and a half pages for a scene in "Avatar" last night. Bad news is, it's a scene toward the end. I need beginning stuff!)

I also feel I'm just stalling (for what or how, I don't know) until I can get to the next day or to that large chunk of free time I know is coming. I think this is what they call a rut and it's really bugging me. I need to start using this free time to apply for more potential hiring places and to find apartments.
And to just get away from my current store. Mweh.

The worst of it is whenever I'm tired or in a bad mood (because I realize I'm wasting time) or have something planned, Mom always seems to want to do something with me. I love her and all, but when she tells me I'm allowed to say "no" one minute, then gets made because I tell her "no" the next, it just leaves me confused and upset. Then the times I am available and want to go with her, she's either tired or has something else planned. Mweh. Which is why I'm looking forward to moving out--a lot less toes are going to be tread on.

Random Thought
...I feel lonely at the moment. (The house is empty and the day is young--that's all.)

"Those who do nothing to fix a problem have no reason to complain about it."

Friday, September 03, 2004

Well, I was going to have a quote from "El Goonish Shive's" Dan Shive about the connection between inspired story and music, but the post he made about that this morning is gone. Ah well.

But anyways, one of the characters in one of my comics, "Avatar", gets forcibly possessed and I wasn't quite sure how to story it out. Bring in Toshiro Masuda's "Orochimaru Fight", and boom! instant success plus extra inspiration that I wasn't even expecting.

And SAM NO BAKA CHAN (hee), I have an AMV commission for you, if you still do that and if you're willing to get through Naruto anytime soon. ^_~ There's a real nifty instrumental piece called "Raikiri" from Naruto (basically just a battle theme), and it'd be cool to set anime images of each character using their special moves to it. I'd do it 'cause I've got all the necessary media, but I still don't have that program you told me about. :3 Shoot me an email, please-a?

Thursday, September 02, 2004

I love this quote
Work like you don't need the money,
Fight like you're always winning,
Dance like nobody's watching,
And love like you've never been hurt.

Just random stuff to pass the time
Name: Ginny (among other things)
What time is it: 1o:5o, already?

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOUR (things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: computer
When you sleep you wear: uhm...pleading the fifth on this one ^^;;;
If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: my own web domain to showcase up and coming online comics
Something you don't have a lot of: Money...but eh.
If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: (I'm assuming non-living here) my Jamzy plushie, my massive Pokémon card collection that's over 1o years old purse with all my vital stuff in it


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: food.
A time when you purposely hurt someone emotionally: ...
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: "Open mouth, insert foot" is a common phrase in this answer.
One person you have killed in your thoughts: O_o; Do wha now?!


Three traits you look for in a friend: Patient, caring, and easily yet lovingly amused
Who makes you laugh most often: Jamal, Desbreko, and Joey
A friend who you can tell anything: Jamal, Sara
A friend you can go to for advice: Um, seeing as how I'm bad about asking, just about everyone gives when they think it's time.
The best piece of advice you had been given: The Golden Rule
Two closest friends: Jamal shoot...*wrinkles forehead* I hate playing favorites.
The friend who uses most of your energy: Jamal again (I'm usually with him more than anyone else, so it's only logical).


Your 3 best qualities: Being loyal, joyful, and loving
Your 3 worst qualities: Being stubborn, emotional, and way too naive.
Describe your ideal self: Someone who can stand up for myself a lot more and someone who doesn't take everything personal.
A compliment that makes you blush: Those kind where they make you stand up in front of everyone...yeah. But it's still nice.
You are embarrassed when: I do something obviously stupid.
The greatest physical pain you ever endured: most recent includes twisting my ankle.
The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: when a family member tried to commit suicide.
Moment you are most ashamed of: ...that's really only between me and God. (And the few online peeps I told.)
Your best physical feature: my EYES! ^-^
Who/What makes you happy: Jamal and art
Who/what makes you sad: when people don't love themselves


Emotion you hide most: anything that would upset anyone else in the least
The emotion you tend to experience most: uber BOUNCY ness
The emotion you are feeling most lately: upset(work); cramped(home); love(anywhere else)
You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: ...
When you are angry you need: someone to rant to and something unbreakable to thrash
When you are sentimental you need: to be able to cry without shame
When you are in love you need: to just know they will always be there for you


One of your most peaceful memories: curled in front of a quiet fireplace during the winter
One of your scariest memories: when I was lost in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.
One of your angriest memories: when said family member attempted
A memory that makes you laugh: anything to do with my AIMers or co-workers
A memory that makes you happy: (jamzijamzijamzi) when I finally figured out I cared about Jamal. ^^;


Something someone can say or do that you find attractive: "You are your own person."
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: "Man, I slept with soooo many people last week!"
Two physical things appealing about people: Eyes and hair
A personality trait you find appealing: Responsive listening
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: everything
Have you ever been cheated on: yes, and it's a miserable feeling


If you had more time alone you would: focus on my two comics
If you had more patience you would: learn Japanese
If you had no commitments what would you be doing: puppeteering
If you could have one super power what would it be: metamorphosis
If you could start all over: I'd prolly end up doing it the exact same way

What time is it now: 11:10pm (I'm a fast little bugger, ne?)

And they say I'm innocent =^.^=
"And here's a monkey plushy, just for you. His name is Bobo. Which, if you rearrange the letters a bit, spells 'boob'... Curse you Lyn, you've thoroughly trapped my mind in the gutter." ~cubecrazymonkey, FFB.

*sports a halo* Result of a psychological test of a thread I put up recently. Mwee hee hee. :3

My car's brights didn't come on for once last night, which either means I found the right switch...or my battery gave out from being constantly drained. >> We'll see.

Oh, the girl I was supposed to train all this week? Well, she's supposed to train a new hostess today and tomorrow. I went straight to management (unfortunately, it wasn't Big Boss, who I should be talking to, because it's his idea), and told them I was flat out in disagreement with this crappy excuse for training they've been trying to hand my trainee. I told them that even she doesn't feel she's getting proper training. Management apologized, said his hands were tied, and that he'd try to talk to B.B. Which means I know I'm going to get into trouble somewhere along the way, but you know what? Bring it on. My store needs help in a very bad way.

Beh, I'm so sick of talking about that place. << But I can only wait for the results of yesterday's interview. Beh again. Seems like life is taking its sweet little time to get where I want it to be.

Life is good, though! Every day is a step closer to where I want to be, and I hope it is the same for you. So keep stepping forward.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Stomachache of Excited Nervousness
So yeah, I go for interview #2 today (the sooner the better, ne?), and I'm trying so very hard not to be, but I'm out and out nervous. Not the best way to go into all this.
Everyone says I'll be ok; the first interviewer even said he was impressed by me, so it should be fine, right?
But I'm still nervous!

And there's all those other questions, of course: what if someone else gets the job first? what if I fail the interview? the typing test? what if I get the job but get fired right after getting it?

*nervous fidget, nervous giggle* Know what the greater driving force is, though? The possibility of getting this job is so much more appealing than being left at Chili's for any longer than I have to be there. Only the "possibility"! Mind you, I wouldn't bother with most stuff if I wasn't guaranteed a result I want, but I'm all for this.

Oh yes, those pictuers I was supposed to get last night? They didn't turn out. >> But the Great Cluster of People was in the same building as my potential interview, so there's some benefit.

And my car's brights keep coming on in the middle of the night for no reason whatsoever. It's almost like it can tell it's about to be paid off, so now it's doing everything it can to freak me out.

You never know until you try, so don't leave behind what you might one day regret.