Monday, May 31, 2004

Today's Mood: Attempting to be accepting
Today's Song: "Welcome to Duloc" (read on as to why)

So I was reading an article yesterday
that said this one Christian organization is completely fed up with the direction America is taking. After gay marriage teeters on being legal (and is in some parts), the group has decided to cluster in South Carolina and secede from the USA.

My first thoughts on this were, "It'll never work." People in any religious teaching, not just Christian, may mean well, but theocracies (a government ruled by religion) are dangerous. It's part of the reason we came into the Salem witch trials. And the general truth of America is, no matter how well intentioned the leaders may be, they are still imperfect fallible humans, and there will be corruption. Not to mention the divison due to denominations.

My second thought was, "Whoa, wait a minute, hate speech?" What the Hell happened to freedom of religion and all that?

Apparentally, according to this strongly-worded article, and I quote: "Preaching Christianity will soon be outlawed as 'hate speech'." Now, that probably means people can't walk up to other people in the streets anymore and be evangelists. But, if it's carried to the extremity of them actually outlawing Christian churches, then something is very (extremely bad word)'ed up with this country. I doubt it's going to happen in my time. I know it will happen, but not in my time. And if it, that's outlawing a part of myself. I won't stand for it. But I won't run off to a theocracy, either.

I think I know where part of this springs from. Christians are getting part of the blame for 9/11. The extremist terrorist group (who I absolutely refuse to identify with any culture or religion except that of terrorism) were quoted as saying that America was being punished for having Christians in their country. Having a "Christian" for a president for the past 12 years (Clinton claimed to be Baptist, remember) hasn't helped much either.

*sighs, massages forehead* I just don't know anymore. This entire world is just screwed up.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Random thingies before the night ends
~Hee hee!!!

~Dave Barry's Blog ("If you leave this web site, I will kill this defenseless toilet.") has now been added to my list of links.

~Some of the webcomic links may change in the next week or two, depending on how much longer each comic will last or whether I will add new ones.

~It has almost been a month since last updated. This makes Ginny sad. Or cranky. Or something that makes her want to go play Ratchet and Clank with the kaBLOOIES!

~Actually, Ginny (who has a penchant to talk of herself in the third person) has felt a strange non-desire to play video games as of late. It is a dark, dark day indeed.

~*waits patiently for artistic something-or-other to strike* I had a decent nap this afternoon, so creativity may strike after midnight tonight. Erhm...sorta joy. I really shouldn't stay up late.

~And I got to see all (or most) of the wonderful peoples that transferred over to the new store. ...i wanna transfer too now... Anyways, Brad stopped by our table and asked point blank just how bad it was going at my store. Turns out Jenna and several other reliable sources had already come by to complain about the situation. Not that I blame them. I told Brad honestly that, yes, our store is being screwed for various reasons in and out of our control. I also told him honestly that it isn't upsetting me as much as it is everyone else, since I'm leaving in Sept. As long as the managers leave me alone and let me do my job, I'm fine. I just feel bad for all the good servers who are being burned out and pissed off for not being taken care of anymore.

~If I can get Mom to quit flipflopping on the same issues (job, moving out, etc), I think we could get somewhere. ("Worse than the Trumpy kid.")

Good night, peoples. May you dream pleasantly.

Today's Mood: Still recovering
Today's Song: "Legend of Mana: Opening Theme"
Today's RGT: Have you ever had those times when you were just ready to fall asleep, but you had some stuff you still really really wanted to do, and you fought to stay awake, but fell asleep in the middle of whatever you were doing anyway? (It happens mostly whenever I get a new book, and it's also how I fall asleep these days.)
Today's Quote: "A legend in her own mind."

A spot for
Memorial Day.

So I did some research on JB,
the author of "Catharsis" (another one of my little personal favorites--hey, how can you resist talking dustbunnies and naked squirrels?), and there was this pic of JB hugging a Stitch plushie. JB is now on my list of nifty awesome people.

Am I on your list of nifty awesome people?
#1-If you have to ask...
#2-If I have to tell you, it takes all the fun out of it.
#3-Oh, QUIT with the puppy eyes! FINE THEN! You're on my amusing people list. (mu haw haw haw)

*Waits for Alien Dice to come out in book form*
I do have comics I wish to follow, I just either have them all already right now or they aren't out.

And---AUGH! Francis said "wonky"! I-I-I thought that was MY word, like "thwap" and "goob"! *growls darkly to self*
But it's forgivable, because I'm thinking about turning the last panel of this strip into a new avie. Scratch is on my list of nifty awesome p--er, cats. Right next to Bucky.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Today's Mood: Recovering
Today's Song: "Stay Home", Self
Today's RGT: When discussing books, always make sure you know which book you're talking about. =^.~=
Today's Quote: (off of Dave Barry again, and dangit, I should just find the link to his online blog again)
'Men are almost always thinking. When you look at a man who appears to be merely scratching himself, rest assured that inside his head, his brain is humming like a high-powered computer, processing millions of pieces of information and producing important insights such as, "This feels good!"'

It's funny because it's true. ^^

Update time, then.
I really really didn't mean to scare anyone with my little adventure in the hospital, honest. It was one of those "dude, check out this cool thing that happened to ME today!" things, except not with the "cool" part (involuntary giving of life blood and such does not qualify or come near my list of fun things to do, sorry).

Everyone's been real patient and nice about the whole thing, even--gasp, shock, horror--the managers! (I know, I make them out to be these evil evil people. *grin*) The new manager-who-I-refuse-to-name (I don't like him) tried to get me to work a double today, but Calvin told him that I needed to go home because I needed to rest. Seriously, I still worked every shift I was assigned even after getting out of the hospital. Tonight, I got a chance to rest (you ROCK, Calvin! (oh my gosh, I say that about so few of them, then again, I haven't been as rough on any set of them as this set)) and being off all day tomorrow will help.

I've also decided it's time to change my schedule. Whether this was a sign from God or just my own body complaining, I know I need to step down from double shifts. With any kind of luck, I can find time for my online peeps again. ^-6; <--*'tis deafened by excited cheers* Or art. Or prep for moving out. Or...

Heh. Week off the last week of June. I'm looking forward to being away from work. Don't get me wrong--I'm thankful to have a job, really I am. I'm just burned out on it. I need a break.

Lova ya, mean it, sleep good, and awaaaaaaay I go! *poof*

Thursday, May 27, 2004

So I was in the emergency room tonight...
Seriously, I was. For me.

I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, I just never thought it'd be sooner. My stomach was hurting majorly bad tonight, so bad that I couldn't do my job properly. I was even squirting tears of agony, it hurt so much. After a few servers kept asking if I was ok, I sorta-fainted on one of the back tables.

Suzi, who is relatively new, but one of those 5o year old, mother hen types (*happy grin* I love those types because they love me so much ^_^), waited for me to wake up again, then told me I needed to call my mom and go to the hospital. Which is exactly what happened.

I remember shivering violently (sounds dramatic, but really, my whole body was just shaking uncontrollably) and wondering why my ears were so hot. One of the male nurses got me a hot blanket. You know how when you're in a doctor's office when you're really sick and you just start feeling better just because you're in a doctor's office? Well, between that and the warm blanket, I started to feel better.

So I got a hospital bracelet thingy, watched other emergency room patients (mostly of the broken bone variety), had x-rays taken, blood too (I never realized how dark blood is!), and The Question constantly asked. Yes, folks, the theme for the night was: "Are you pregnant?"

*snickers lovingly to self as Jamal faints*

My servers were teasing me about that after I woke up from my half-faint (for some reason, having a stomach ache is equivalent to being pregnant. Whatever.). Mom even got in on it: "Ginny, is there something I need to know about? You can talk to me, you know. I would looooooove to be a grandmother, you know."
"For the 37th time, NO, I'm NOT!"
"Oh well..."

The tests proved me right, and the doctors finally concluded that I just ended up there because I was a nervous wreck. Joy. That's like the freakin' story of my life. >_> [sarcasm]What could I possibly have in my life that could make me a nervous wreck?[/sarcasm]

So, with any kind of love and understanding from management, they'll back off of me for a few days to let me recover. I have to admit, I've had more boring nights. ^^;

Take it from me, folks, worrying does nothing to help.

Today's "Today" Stuff: -on hold-

And you thought I was kidding when I said my freetime was being drained.

Anyways, I at least had a chance to play a game or two of cards with my little brother. And kicked his butt. ^^; But hey, we both got a kick out of it, and that counts.

My newest manager is insane and also, quite possibly, very ignorant. I blame it on the fact that this is his first time to be a manager--e-vah. (Stupid North'n'r. *dodges things flung at her* I LOVE YOU GUYS! *snicker, runs off) Or maybe the inability to listen when someone is answering your question is a manager thing. *growls darkly*

Oh, and get this--George proposed something today. "Hey, when you leave for the Depot in Sept, do you think you could still do a few shifts around here?"
"I thought you had to work at least three shifts to work here?" I asked. (If I'm working a 4o hour workweek soon, I'm not going to have much time to hold a second job, especially when I plan to go back to college.)
"Hey, I make the rules now."
He brought up a good point about how I could pick up a little side cash to spend on my free time. I told him honestly that I like the idea, but to wait and see how my new schedule unfolds first. He was okay with that.

Oh, and Ron (RONDOOOOOOO!) came in today. And left me a compliment. That sweet butthead. XD (Ginny now has an IOU on two Chilihead pins. Gimmegimmegimme! (Eh, I've literally got enough to go around my collar. Seriously.))

OK, off to the night shift. Whee....

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Today's Mood: Summer Laze
Today's Song: "I Need Some Sleep", Eels

Isn't it fun
paying bills first thing in the morning? *growls darkly*

But true fun comes out of
watching little webcomics climb up the webcomic ladder and make it big in the e-world. Case in point, Count Your Sheep. Keenspace just added CYS to their lineup.

Just in case you didn't know, Keenspace hosts webcomics (they deem worthy) for free. Especially special comics are offered on a pay-per-view basis (and while a majority of my comic links are Keenspace, none of them are pay-per-view. Be relieved.). To me, being on Keenspace is a big deal. I know if I could make it there...heh. *happy grin*

Meanwhile, a lot of other Keenspace comics are getting ready to shut down. ;_; "It's Walky", "Melonpool", and "Funny Farm" have already announced an ending/hiatus. Ah well.

No work tonight, YAY! *dances around where no one can see her*

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Today's Mood: Hanging in there
Today's Song: "Accidentally in Love", Counting Crows
Today's RGT: Wasps are evil. EEEEEEvil I tell you!
Today's Quote:
"So we have a number of ways of finding out what God wants us to do, and each of us must decide what the answer is in this wonderful country where we are free to believe as we choose, and where there are strict laws against assaulting people just because we don't like something they wrote." ~Dave Barry, who is normally a humorist, but take this seriously or funnylike. It's hard to tell.
Today's Quiz:
Dragon type Pokemon
OMG! Its a rare Dragon Type! You're sought after by
most trainers for your terrific demeanour and
great powers in the arena! Your a complete
battling machine with a very strong move base
and terrific stats! Feel the respect!

What type of Pokemon are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Just in case you thought Pokémon was dying down,
check out the first of the 4th generation.

Winding down for the night,
and I still have a bazillion things to do before I can sleep. (Oooo, sleeeeeep.)

Miss Sara, I got your card! And yes, I think it's funny that the day you sent that was the day I talked about The Lion King. Fortunately, it's about time to mail off my letter, so start looking for that in the next week or two, k? ^-^

And according to USA Today,
Shrek 2 pulled off $104.3 million this weekend. Good freaking dang. They (whoever "they" be) are predicting it walking off with $4oo million. Good freaking dang. And if it does that, it'll be considered among the top five movies of all time. GOOD FREA--ah you know the rest.
What I want to know is, top five as compared to what? Ever? This past century? decade? year? And how does this compare to Passion of the Christ, every single person that I tell this to asks. I was a little surprised no one was comparing it to The Lord of the Rings.
Can't say that I'm complaining, though. ^^; So much for the myth that sequels are evil (then again, there's been a rash lately of sequels behaving).

Meanwhile, at the old job place thingy,
my wonderful wonderful Heather will be getting ready to leave us in a week. Understandably, I'm upset. For the past four years, Heather's always been there, even after Ron got transferred, or Mom began to drive me up the wall, or when Jamal and I began to date, or Michael's wedding came up, or whatever else have you.
I can't even follow Heather to the new store because:
1-I'm going to a new job in Sept.
2-George has absolutely forbidden any transfers from our store. He fears it'll make him look bad.

While I wouldn't say she's my best friend, Heather's been like a big sister, listening and giving advice and vocally giving me a slap upside the head when I needed it. ...heh... She's my last "alumni", if you will. Once she's gone, I'll be the "oldest" person there. That's not settling too well with me.

Ok, Ginny reeeeeeeally needs her vacation. Just one more month to go. Or 28 days, really. I can make it. I just have to hold on.

Ack! *runs off to do stuff* And tomorrow, I do not work at night, so I can relax, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *is pleased, keeps running* Till tomorrow, crazy persons!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Today's Mood: Blissful

The first volume of "Alien Dice" will be out next month. I can't even BEGIN to describe how absolutely happy this makes me.

I've seen a Skull plushie! Skull plushies exist!!

Meanwhile, I'm still in the development stage of my own little story, and I think I've finally gotten the image of "Scourge" (for lack of a better word, since Dark-, Death-, and Skull- have been done to death) Fenrir, Fenris' corrupted anthro form. (Confused? Sorry, the details are still being sorted out (anotherwords, I'm keeping the concept hidden so no one else'll steal it ^^;)) Gremus, a temperamental cross between a dwarf and a halfling (don't ask), also has an anthro form, a mixture of an elephant, rhino, and a crocodile.

I'm just blurbing because the "Scourge" Fenrir is a vital part to the story and to have him finally shaping up makes me very happy. It means that I'm finally getting somewhere. ^_^

Gotta run. I promised to take my little bro to go see Shrek 2, and we leave in a bit.

*one last happy squeal*

Saturday, May 22, 2004

From bad to--
waaaaaait a minute, something isn't right here!

Yeah, so I served today. On my way to work, I blew my second tire in as many weeks. Take your hands, lay one set of fingers on top of the other (the thumbs should be touching each other--have one lay atop the other to get the full effect) and observe the loose oval you have formed. That's how large the gaping gap was on my tire today.

I just about cried.

I go into work, determined to be miserable, but days (or the Creator of the Universe) have a certain way of not letting you be miserable when you really really want to be. Not even when you get sat a table of 18 people.

Yes, I got an 18 top. And I totally loved it.

*hums "Twilight Theme"* Welcome to the Surreal Life.

So things went up from there. Got another big top, and several tables that loved me. Lil' Falley (a fellow server) was nice enough to change my tire (had to give Eric a break, ^^), and Mom took me over to get a new tire. I was all set to get a brand new set, but the tire store owner assured me I didn't need to. That's something, when they turn down money in your best interest.

Oh, but it gets better.
Mom wanted to go on the Dart Rail again. Suffice it to say, the thrill has started to wear off, but I went so I could spend some time with her.

On the way, we learned one passenger (dressed up like a cubical office type) was so drunk, he couldn't even dial his cellphone--he had to get another passenger to do it. Then, to the continued amusement of all, he kept hooting.

I picked up a much needed fan for my room at the place we went, then we hopped back on the rail. It was so full that I actually had to stand. I loved this. I've always wanted to stand while riding on the rail. Some nice people next to me kept offering their seat to me and Mom; Mom sat, but I didn't. We chatted, and I was just plain having fun.

We switched lines, and I accidentally ran over a guy's toe. I kept apologizing, and he smiled, admitting he was too busy reading the text scrolling screen on the other side of the wall. I peeking at it, the red letters saying something about "Expecting a new arrival?"
"Are you pregnant?" I blurted, half kidding.
"VirGINia!" Mom gaped. The man laughed.
"Not yet," he grinned.
"The night's still young," a kid called from across the aisle.

Too, too funny. The guy was a lot of fun to talk to--reminded me of one of my professors. His greatest joy was talking about his little daughter, who was graduating this summer.

So, yeah, today was a lot of fun when I wasn't expecting it to be. I feel more relaxed than I did. Yay. ^^

And tomorrow, I take my little brother and Mom to go see Shrek 2.

Today's Mood: Worn and anxious
Today's Song: "You Belong to Me", Jason Wade
Today's RGT: Last night, I was ordered to buy $6o worth of crayons--roughly between 2,ooo and 4,ooo. I can never show my face in that WalMart again. =^^=
Today's Quote:
"Jesus loves you--I'm just His favorite." (seen on a t-shirt)

'Course, in real life,
that quote is wrong (everybody is His favorite), but innocent gigglage isn't terribly awful...right?

I really really really
don't want to be a server today. That means I have to sell alcohol. I don't really remember how to ring it up, I don't know what kind of questions to ask, and I hate having to ask for ID and then the customers get all pissed at me. Well, y'know, 'cuse me for it being the law!

The trainers' meeting didn't go off nearly as bad as I thought, but it was still rather ugly. The ideas presented are good, but the way we seem to go about achieving those ideas seems really messed up. Plus, where the trainers would have authority, now we are simply yes-men. And I despise being a mindless yes-man.

Quite frankly, I'm at the point where I despise almost everything about my job. After the total mess of a day yesterday was, my only joy seems to come out of the happy customers (which are uncommon, but still there). I need this vacation that's coming up. I almost wish that the schedule would either not allow for it or for my vacation to be forgot about, so I could quit.

I wish, I wish...

*miserable sigh* Here's hoping TABC won't be about today. Else I'd probably land myself in jail.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Today's Mood: Worn Out
Today's Song: "Holding Out for a Hero"
Today's RGT: Malls and caffiene are a veeeeeeeeeery dangerous combination. Hee. XD
Today's Quote:
"He's wearing a thong!" -G.B., Shrek 2

Great googly moogly!
(which (in reference to this phrase), incidentally, appeared 2oo3 on a Australian website I visit--what, is this a "down under" thing? =^^=) I loved Shrek 2 (and there's very few sequels I would say that about)!

*squeals in happy glee* Puss was awesome! And the thong scene! And the part where Warning! You are seeing this warning because this sentence contains spoilers that you have not yet seen was the best, don't you think?! And just the general story overall--funny, touching, and all that. And yes, the critics and all my buddies who saw it yesterday are going ballistic happy over it. Very rarely do I go to the movie theater. And even more rarely will I see a movie in the theater more than once. This little sucker has warranted a second viewing from me. GO SEE. :p

Anyways, the song for today was played during the final climatic scene. It was remixed nicely to stretch over the entire length. When those first few notes played, I thought, "Gee, this song sounds awfully familiar..." Then once the song got going, plus all the eye-candy-ness going on, I was all over chills. I can't say much more, because there are spoilers all over the place. (It's disappointing they blew the one on Donkey in all the commercials, but one of the other major spoilers made it past, scott free.)

Stupid Job
Why am I worn out? Well, duuuuurr, but in case you need it in perspective, there are 14 shifts in a regular work week. I am now working during 1o of those 14.

I am freaking tired. And it's not helping that everyone outside of my work circle (and a few inside of it, too) are getting upset with my lack of free time. *cough*MOM*cough*

The last couple of days, I've felt really light headed and even dizzy. I've almost wished I'd faint at work, so they'd realize they're rather overdoing it. Or at least hire more people.

...mweh...I just want to be with my hero. *soft happy purr*

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Today's Mood: Angry
Today's Song/Music: "...To Die For" (the background music to the stampede scene from The Lion King)
Today's RGT: Does anyone know where to find origami paper? ^^;
Today's Quote: "Hiiiiii!, who are you?"

Gee, Ginny, whatever for?


So I went to my scheduling manager to ask for Monday nights off, since I just don't have the free time to do much of anything anymore. Not only did the s.m. say it wouldn't happen, the s.m. also told me that I'm gaining another shift on Sats. I am sufficiently PO'ed.

I've got apartments to look for, a car that is in desperate need of dealership care, and friends and family that are getting mightily (and with damn good reason) sore about me not being around much anymore. I understand that I will be working eight hours a day, but do you know what? I basically work eight hours a day already, just split into two sections (one in the morning and one at night). I had told management that I would help out as long as I could, but they must have forgotten somewhere along the way the "as long as I could" part. I don't recall going up to the store and begging to be chained to it for the rest of my natural born life. I know we are short staffed, but to have half our stations missing every shift, plus a server having to play ToGo as well as server at the same time--this is bull. We have never been this short staffed before in all my time being at the store.

Naturally, there's been a shift in my attitude up at work as a result. Since I know that I won't be there past Sept., I'm not as worried about losing my job and being homeless. This doesn't mean that I'm lazy--I'm still as hard working as ever. But I don't play lapdog anymore; I've already proven myself to the company, so there's no need. Plus, there's a lot of stress among the overworked servers and half the newbies we've been getting seem to have a major snark problem (the other half gives me hope, though). PLUS plus, I'm getting major burnout, but the vacation I was supposed to have the first week of June was pushed back a month.

I'm pretty unhappy, to say the least.

Ah, yes,
The Lion King. The only movie I saw three times at the theater. The movie that first inspired me to be an animator (don't laugh, 'tis true). Came out roughly the same time as Jurassic Park.

The stampede scene was pretty powerful. The gorgeous animation. The music and the vocal choir working together. The surround sound nearly deafening me with the thunderous storm of wildebeast hooves pounding the canyon floor. One thing I will absolutely never forget is how, right after the last of the wildebeast have run off, my ears were still ringing and pulsing with the sound of the pounding hooves. It really made me felt like I was there in the canyon, having just evaded the stampede. Too awesome.

"Change may be inevitable, but it's not always bad."

Monday, May 17, 2004

Today's Mood: Pleased
Today's Song: -TBA-
Today's RGT: Shock and amazement, there are worse actors out there than the VAs for "Resident Evil".
Today's Quote:
Evie: Do you swear?
Rick: Every damn day. (The Mummy)

So I already helped
shape the future this morning. Or a part of it, anyway. My local newspaper has a comic strip survey it's running until May 25. I went for it as soon as I finished the funnies. My current absolute faves include (in no real order): Get Fuzzy, Heart of the City, Curtis, Grand Avenue, and Pearls Before Swine.

I was amused when the survey ended with: "What comics do you read that are not currently in the newspaper?" Well, considering that all of them are webcomics and would not fit into a newspaper format, then I really can't answer that in a way that would help.

Glee. Comics are good. Ginny really wants to get her own going, at least get the story out or something. At least every Friday night, a little more of the story gets put down into writing, because I always have an empty hour on Friday on duty (ha on management! :p). Except for this Friday. Stupid Trainers' meeting.

And oh yes, whilst I was preparing for Mike and Lisa's wedding on Sat. at Jenna's house, she and I talked a lot. Apparentally, George is causing damaging culture shock at our store. I'll have more time to go into it later (read: more rantage), but I'm bothered by the part I involuntarily played. I don't need the servers to get mad at me for something I didn't do.

But then again, in a few months, it won't really matter what happens to the store, 'cause I'll be gone. With any kind of blessing from God. Or luck.
...I need to go rub Greg's bald head. Or Ron's. *innocent giggle*

Sunday, May 16, 2004

I don't have any
"Today's" stuff for you, so think of it as a break for today. Sabbath and all. ^_~

The wedding was nice; more comfortable than fancy. I'm soooo happy for Michael and Lisa--they looked the same as they did two years ago (except Mike's got this tiny little beard thingy going now). As soon as the pics develop, I'm going to post 'em somewhere. Getting prettied up (makeup, dress, and get this--curls!) I don't do every day, you know.

I know this'll sound cheesy, but my favorite part was when I introduced Mike and Jamal to each other, and Mike told Jamal to take care of me. *happy blush* I don't know why I liked that, I just do.
On the flip side, I saw a lot of my old congregation members, but...ah...after one of them said, "Hi!, who are you?", I was crushed. And looking around the place, I realized I didn't recognize a lot of the people, so we didn't stay more than hour or so.

And in Other News...
If they kill off Joyce, I will be most unhappy.

"Tomorrow's later and yesterday's behind us, so just enjoy today."

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Today's Mood: Excited
Today's Song: "Waiting for You", Rebecca St. James
Today's RGT: Very rarely will I wear a dress, or heels, or be called by my full real name, willingly; but on special occasions, it will happen.
Today's Quote:
"Donkey, you have the right to remain silent--you just lack the capacity to do so." (Shrek 2)

The Quote tis amusing
because a few days ago, I decided that my littler brother reminds me of the Donkey from Shrek. Or the Donkey reminds me of my littler brother. Either way, both have way too much energy, talk longer than I tend to listen, and have everlasting batteries plugged into their butts or something because they never seem to stop.

I don't feel like I'm losing Jenna
to Misty anymore. Misty and I spent a fun shift together yesterday morning, in which I somehow dubbed her "Cherry" (don't ask). During the evening shift, Jenna decided she wanted to change her name because this one guy that is stalking her came to the store last night. At first, she went with "Jessica", but decided against it, so I offered "JJ".

So, the Terrible Trio, eh? Thankfully, Misty has calmed down in her R-rated jokes, and Jenna has followed suit. They tease me that I'm too innocent (and they also complain that the innocent one is the only one with a guy right now), so I got slapped with the moniker "Angel". I'm not surprised. Not at all.

Michael and Lisa
are getting married today. Thus the excitement. And I'm taking pictures of myself dressed up (since doing that is rarely than the blue moon), and then I shall hunt down all my AIM peeps and show them my pictures. An excuse, a reason to be on AIM. Yay!

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." (Gen. 2:24)

May God bless them with all the years He has planned for them. ^-^

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Tell ya what,
it isn't the Friday the 13ths I dread so much as the Thursday ones. Like today.

*allows a moment for some to go, "Oooo, it is Thursday the 13th, isn't it?"*


OK, so this is what it comes down to: I did muchly for mine place of employment this day. Debbie called me in the middle of my morning routine to beg me for help. Yups, beg; poor Debbie sounded absolutely flummoxed. (Rock! I finally get to use that word!) She needed more mayo from another Chili's, and then she needed someone to stand in as a volunteer at the Byron Nelson PGA Golf Tour. The only reason I know that entire name is because Dad watches the PGAs every time they are on television.

I ran late for work getting the mayo. Then our store was completely smacked repeatedly with 2o+ person parties. Ron (who was volunteering at the PGA, being the golf freak that he is, heee) called us in the middle of the shift, demanding to know where our volunteer was. Debbie squeaked that George had to step down at the last minute for some unknown reason, and another server, who had been slotted to take George's place, had to fill in at the store. (We are so freakin' short staffed it's not even funny. This bull about a lack of jobs certainly isn't in effect over our way.) She was trying to get me out there as fast as possible, but we were slammed, weeded, slaughtered, all that store lingo for "we are freaking BUSY."

Meanwhile, I'm nervous. I need to look up what one calls a fear of driving on highways, because I definitely have that phobia. Seriously. Driving on all those interstate highways just paralyzes me with terror. I'll do anything to get out of driving on them.

...but it didn't work this time. ^^;

OK, so I have the instructions to the PGA tour, which happens to be a half hour drive (joy). On many interstates and switching of said interstates (double joy). And I have a flat tire (triple j--wait, say WHAT?!). Completely flat, metal rim of the hubcap touching the cement pavement flat.

I thought poor Debbie was going to go mental at that point.

Fortunately, a server fixes it, and I'm on my way. And yes, I get lost (another one of those quiet little phobias--getting lost in the middle of nowhere and not being able to find anyone to help me). And miss lunch. And nearly run out of gas. And make it to the PGA tour, playing stock girl, only to be sent home two hours later. Story of my life, spending more time driving to place of work than actually working.

The PGA tour wasn't too bad. I never saw Tiger Woods, but I know he was there, 'cause his name was on the scoreboard. And I got out of work--always a plus. ^^

It took two frecking hours to get home again. On my spare tire. (Which, incidentally, is still on my car at the moment. I need to get a new tire and an oil change--I managed to blow my recommended mileage out on the little trip out to the Tour.) I don't know how driving can tire one out, but I am tired. Exhausted. Ready to take a bubble bath.

Oooo, that actually sounds like a really good idea. Bubble bath, plus "Get Fuzzy" book. And maybe some doodling afterwards, if I feel up to it. ^_^

If ever I doubted whether I did enough for my company now....

I'm already running behind (and the day's just begun, ugh), but I couldn't resist this:
Today's Quote:
Rob: Let's just say that I have the benefit of hindsight.
Bucky: Well, congratulations to you and your magical butt.
(Get Fuzzy)

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Say hello to my little friend
my pet!

Feel free to play with Ela; just don't click on him too many times.
(thanks to DanL--danboydanboydanboyheeeeee!...heh, sorry, Dan ^^)

~Quotes that just had to be mentioned~

Bucky: So...I was thinking earlier--
Rob: *sarcastic* Really? Wow.
Satchel: 'Atta boy, Bucky!
(Get Fuzzy, one of the best strips evah)

"I'm forever going to associate Braidless Baka with Zell now, and Ginny with . . . well, okay, I already associated Ginny with Auron, but still." ~Des, on the subject of Final Fantasy: Survivor (yes, Ginny reads other people's blogs, so quick now with the sending of the emails/AIM messages to tell me where yours is at)

Fiona: Where are you going?!
Shrek: Well, I have to go save my ass.
(Shrek, dur, but I cannot freaking resist this one, hee)

The entire entity of Videogame Recaps is quote worthy. 'Nough said.


Ahem. ^^ Ginny'll think of more later as they come to her. Heck, Ginny'll maybe even start putting a "Today's (whatever)" up there. Till then, maybe Ginny'll quit referring to herself in the third person.

...and yet that is just so much fuuuuuun.

Random randomness
Ooo hoo hoo--I heard about a nasty mankiller croc tonight on this nature show Mom found. Named Gustave, estimated to be between 2o and 4o feet (they settled on 2o-something as the show went on), and too smart to be caught. Mom kept wondering why Steve Irwin never made it to Africa to help out.
Nature shows always inspire me to draw more. Eeeeee!--and yet I produced nothing. Bwee...;_;
George is behaving. If Debbie takes away any more of my schedule, I shall be most unhappy. We need more ToGo peoples.
"Bucky Katt's Big Book of Fun". Ginny shall take her leave to read more now.

Today's Mood: Appalled
Today's Song: "Unforgetful You" (Dan Haseltine and others)

"We've got to be
Children of peace..."
("My Will", dc Talk)

In regards
to the Berg incident, to all the innocents (regardless of nationality) killed needlessly, and to those used to publically humilate others, I can only lend my sorrow and regret.
War is but a small sliver of Hell, yet large enough for us fallible humans to be forever torn and scarred by it. People have used the free will God gave them to commit despicable acts, and I can only pray in my small, secure bedroom for some resolution.

This is not God's fault. This is the fault of people (again, regardless of nationality) who have gotten drunk off their power and gone nearly feral to prove themselves. There's not enough tears of anguish in the world to wash away the blood being spilt.

And worst of it is, this is nothing new. This has happened before and it will, most unfortunately, happen again until the world finally destroys itself.

*quietly bounces off soapbox*

Meanwhile, in the entertainment world,
Shrek 2, The Day After Tomorrow, Van Hellsing, and several others are popping out soon, if not already. Gamecube is getting the newest "Legend of Zelda" in 2oo5 and boy, did I ever squeal like a happy little schoolgirl when I saw the trailer (DES--you MUST see this--I command you, O Zelda Lore Master!!!); and yes, Auron's still slotted for KHs2, but there's no new word on FFX-3 just yet.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Jesus, Matthew 6:34

(And never ask Bucky to quote you a verse. ^_~)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Today's Mood: Perplexed
Today's Song: "I'm a Believer", Smash Mouth
Today's Random Ginny Thing (RGT): The worst kind of heat is the sticky kind. (*grumble* Say hello to Texas summers.)

My new GM
is very bizarre. Yesterday, he managed to be both dispicable and also bring up a point that's been bugging me for a while now. Let's do the bad first. :p

Each morning when we open, there are two doors to unlock--the front ones, and the ToGo one. For some reason, George remembers to unlock the front one, but he forgets the ToGo one a lot.
Cue to 2o minutes after we open. I've just had the 1oth person ask me if I know my ToGo is still locked, "because *whine* I couldn't get in, blah blah blah." (Oh my gosh, I just sounded like Brad just then...wah! Brad's gone! And Heather's leaving! And--sheesh, thanks for opening up the sadness! >:| LOL! Kidding! I'm dealing ok with all that and I'll tell you why in just a moment or five.)

So I go to George and ask him to unlock the ToGo Door. He looks at me, puzzled. "Don't you have your key?" I do, but um...since when did the bank key have anything to do with the door? Another 5 minutes and two locked out customers later, I ask George again to unlock the door. And I swear to my Auron statue this is what happened next:

"Go to your register."
I do.
"Now put the key in the lock." (Check.) "Now turn it."
I'm staring at him, wondering how the heck this is supposed to open the DOOOOOR. I turn the key at his insistance and it pops open.
"There, now your drawer is unlocked. Say, why didn't you tell me no one could get through the ToGo door?"
I just keep staring at him in complete disbelief.


It would have been funny if he hadn't been so damn condescending about it. If there's one of many things I despise in life, it's people being condescending to me--I don't give a rat's patootie how high on the corporate ladder they are (and that's why I'll never be high in the corporate ladder myself, that and because I don't want to be.).

He did redeem himself a bit later on, when he decided to revamp the training schedule. He's been coming to me for advice on all that, which I don't mind giving at all. You know how we've been shortstaffed a lot lately? Still are, and now half our training team is gone, for one reason or another. George is gearing up to get full-staffed in all parts of the store--major props for that, big guy--and he outlined his proposal. So some parts of the conversation were him needed advice, and others, him needing a yesman. Yesmen usually get in ground floor at the info level, so I don't mind it too much...

On my recommendation (though I'm rather relieved that George had already been planning it), two of the servers have been bumped up to trainer status. George went and told them that I had recommended them, so now they love me forever. *proud but embarrassed giggle* (It's all about me folks, BOOYA! Snerk.) And then George decided that our store is far too weak in ToGo business, so he wants to put all new trainees on at least one ToGo shift while they train; I've always wanted that. (Shannon always gently but firmly shot the idea down, proclaiming that as long as I was at the store, why did they need anyone else? Well, considering that I'm leaving...)

George finished up by saying that he needed a new Head Trainer and heavily hinted that I should be it. I've got a lot of silly little reason why I don't want to, but two very real reasons that make sense. #1-Since most training revolves around servers, it makes more sense for a server trainer to be the Head Trainer (ToGos is different from serving, trust me). #2-Regardless of how I feel about the store or the management team or the blue moon, I'm leaving in Sept at the latest. I've done what I've set out to do in Chili's, and I'm never going to be able to make enough money to move out (not even if I worked constant doubles all week).

Ginny's ready to move on. And she's been giving management a hard time so she won't get attached to them and miss them when she moves on. this point, I'll miss Debbie a lot. And Calvin and George some. The Lord's asking for me to be open to a heaping lot of patience right now and I'm only going along with it because I know He knows what He's doing.

But it won't keep me from whining. I'm still only human, after all. :p

"Want a little cheese to go with that whine?"

Monday, May 10, 2004

Today's Mood: *yawwwnn*--huh?
Today's Song: "Suteki Da Ne" (FFX)
Today's Random Ginny Thing: I swear to everything I hold dear that wasps are out to get me. That's why there's a giant nest right next to my window and now a new one right on the outside vent of my room.
Today's Quiz:
BILL! (Snake Charmer)

You're Bill! I love you! Anyways, you're skilled in the art of manipulation. You're very strong, talented, powerful, and witty. You don't seem to have any real sense of morality, and you only let your kindness show around a select handful of people (mostly Kiddo and B.B). You do have some regret for the horrible things you've done, but won't let it interefere with your life. You respect your opponents, and you generally believe in fair game.

Kill Bill: Which Deadly Viper Assassin Are You? (Vol. II spoilers... results with pics)

That's good, right? Ah...*blink blink* Haven't seen the movies yet. I bet Bill is sorta like MacBeth's character in "Gargoyles". Yeah, and "Suteki Da Ne" is real pretty to listen to, but the translation--at least the one I found--is bleck.

Whoa, Blogger has gotten a completely new look. I hope nothing's been messed with.

I really want to draw all my ficDigis. I really really want to get more of "Vita Via" out of my system. I really really reaaaaaaaaally just want a whole week off in which I can do nothing but art.

*traces bags under eyes and lets head thump on desk* Ugh... I just really need sleep.

And ha ha,
my job tried to call me in during church yesterday. Actually, not so much ha ha so much as that makes me mad. And futilely mad. New management doesn't know that it's forbidden to call me on a Sunday unless it's absolute dire.

And I know the one girl got fired, but they should of thought of everything she did before they fired her. I almost hope they'll fire me today for not picking up the phone, I really honestly do. Then I could get a job with a better schedule, and none of this curbside, callback, fired if you don't offer a margarita, thrown in jail if you do but don't take an Unicard, losing money and gas driving for longer than I work BS.

(Just a tad bit negative about that, heh.)

Unfortunately for me, they'll probably think before they try to fire me, dammit. <----Ah jeez, see? I'm cursing, I'm so peeved. I'll probably complain even more when I get my new full-time job in Sept (but without internet, you won't be able to hear me, ^_~), but surely it's better than what I'm slogging through now!

Customers stay the same. It's management that sucks. And one of my visions of Hell on Earth is me being a manager, so no, I refuse to ever be slung into that fake and manipulative position of power.

Smile! A new day means new challenges.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

I feel better than I did this morning. Yay for rant-age! *grin*

Today's Mood: Between moods
Today's Song: "Hero", Chad K.
Today's Random Ginny Thing: Wings are awesome. Matters not what kind they are.
Today's Quiz:
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Everything but the nose ring
is, to me, dead on. ^_^ One of my favorite things to do is to just stare at the art of others, see if I can form the image of how the art was created in my mind, and search for shapes and patterns. I especially love stuff with colors (hence the common comment on art mbs, "Cool, can you add color to it please please pleeeeeeeeease!"), and anything with cleanly drawn lines and subtle patterns.

I used to be so obsessed with realistic pictures; the more photographic, the better. I still like realism, but caricature art's been popping up as a lot of fun. I'm still trying to figure out what my style is with colored pastels... unfortunately, working a food place restricts be able to get nice 'n' messy with color, beh.

Hug your Mama or Mother-Figure
today. It's Mother's Day.

Like the kid with too much candy in his hand to get his hand out of the jar, but too stubborn to let any of the candy go
Whee hee, disclaimer time again: I'm doing some spiritual looking into myself here, which will probably equate to nothing more than a bunch of religious babbling to some of you, and cause you to skip this part. But I'm ok with that, really, because I wrote this for myself, a vent. Just because something is always written here doesn't mean you always have to read it, you know. *soft halfsmile*

Venting away now.

It's been over a year since last Feb. My life changed pretty radically; I could almost liken it to a paradigm shift. Things have definitely looked different on this new side of life. What happened was far from religious, and it forced me from the cocoon I didn't realize I was in. I'll never be quite sure if the timing was too late, too soon, or right on the mark.

At least then I felt like one person.

Here I am, more than 12 months later, and I feel as if I lead two lives: one religious, one other. And I don't like it at all. Acting one way in one setting and a completely different way elsewhere means that somewhere along the way, I'm being fake or covering a part of myself up for fear of offending someone.

One of my greatest fears in life is being abandoned (I guess it stems from the biological father bit--at least, that's what I like to blame it on). The thought of being left all alone because of something I did, something I didn't do, or for who I just eats at me. Sometimes I live life in such a way that will keep others nearby; I'll go nutso crazy to make them happy if it just means they'll stick around for one more day.

I hate that fear, with all the pure hate and loathing my gentle self can possibly generate. Simply hate it.

I hate it because I have to act like two different people. I don't want to. "Being accepted/tolerated" does not equal "being passive in personality". I want to be able to live as myself freely without inciting others to disdainfully sniff, "Oh jeez, she's one of those religious freaks" or "Video games? Aren't you a little old for video games?"

I want to be me, the Lord's little clumsy, goofy, loveable Gin. To be able to be comfortable with being different from everyone, comfortable to the point of being bold and not letting others tell me how to live. To refrain from bolting to some secluded corner, curling up and plugging my ears until the "mean people go away".

At random moments, people have told me that it's evident I'm religious, so I guess something's going right. I still want to feel like one whole person, to act the same way no matter where I am.

I don't want to be fake.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Still feeling rather worn out,
and the upcoming week is only going to get busier.

Sunday is Mama's Day, so I'll be at her beck and call all day (once she gets home from work, heh...).
Monday I'll look at more apartments (this'll be run #2) during my break, and then I train a new server that night.
Tuesday, what with new management, I won't be able to get out of my night shift. Ah well. I reeeeeeeeally need to go grocery shopping, so I guess I can do that then.
Weds., I take a breather (and do my puppet thing, whee! Awww, only three weeks of that left...).
Thursday, I have a suspicion they are going to pull the same crap they did this past week and stick me in ToGos instead of Expo during the night. Hopefully I can do Apartment Run #3 during my break.
Friday's my normal double.
Sat.'s Michael's wedding, and I've got to find some way to celebrate Mom's b-day that day. If not,
Next Sunday gets Mom B-day runover. She's already a bit sore that I didn't take any part of Friday off for it. Stupid stupid person that I am, I didn't plan ahead.

I'm debating if I want to go two-jobbedness during the summer so I can move out, or if I can at all possible wait it till Sept. for the full time job I'm getting. Being at home isn't as bad as being at work, and I just want out of my work enviroment so bad. I know I've said that before, but I mean it more than ever now.

*wearily drags self off to bed* Need...sleep. So much going on. @_@;

Ah uh...unless the Good Fairy of Free Computers or the Happy Elf of Massive Goof-Off Time visits me before/while/after I move out, then you can expect me to update here a lot less. I know--*runs from hail of pointy objects*--I've been on AIM a lot less (but I was on last night, I promise! ...where were all of you? (Except Sara. I saw Sara.)), but to have to give this up, too.

Oh won't somebody please think of the online comics?!?! *sniffles* I just realized what this means... *bawls comically*

Yeah, so once I finally move out, I will not have a computer. At least, not right off. And probably not for a loooong time, since my upcoming budget seems exceptionally tight (enough to bounce the stray penny I'll be lucky enough to have on me off of it).

Enough whining from me. ^_~ I luv mah readers (and unwitting evil minions, heh).

Today's Mood: Worn Out

OK, as far as I am concerned, I do not exist in the work world today. Hades, I'll even pretend I was fired or that I'm jobless or something. All I know is is that there is NO WAY I'm going into work today. I have freaking earned this weekend, after them throwing two heavy doubles in a row at me.

Freaking. Earned. It.

It's partytime. ^_^

Friday, May 07, 2004

So I told three close friends
at work about that weird freaky dream (*seen in Thurs. post). They all had a good laugh about it, and two suggested that it meant something. My mind instantly analyzed it and came up with what they were probably about to suggest, and sure enough, what I thought was what they said.

*squirms under the knowing look from DanL and a few others*

(Kidding. ^_^;;)

OK, so is God talking to me? This could be a total memory dump that means nothing. Or it could be He's talking. Or He could be using this total memory dump that means nothing to tell me something. Or I could just be a paranoid religious fanatic freak. Hee hee hee, I'm kidding about that last one. I may be paranoid, religious, fanatical, and freaky, but I doubt all four at once.

...wait. Brain hurty now. *wince* Heh.

I dunno. *massages temples* It's bringing up some questions again that I have been, for lack of a better word, ignoring. Pretending there's no answer until I get the answer I want. Waiting until everything maaaaagically fixes itself.

*ungainly snort of derision*

"I wrestle most days
To find ways
To do as I please...."
(Avalon, "Always Have, Always Will")

*insert appropriate swear of happiness here*
I just learned that Auron is to make an appearance in Kingdom Hearts 2. I... I can't breathe.
See? SEE?!?! (Uh, where'd his shades go?)

Oh my... Well fudge, what am I to do? The first KHs wasn't all that phenominal, but maybe they'll tweak it up and better. (Actually, I unlocked the "trailer" to KH2 at the end of KH and duuuuuuuude, it looks shweeeeeeeet. And some of the screenshots are retaining the dark look the "trailer" had in it. I'm getting excited again. ^.^)

...but what if they don't use Matt McKenzie (sp?) for his voice? What if they chibify him? Or give him some stupid role? Or--or--or--

*is thwapped first by Jamal, then many many others, too many to count* (Hee.)

Smile. And don't misinterpret that new Hi-C Sour Straw commercial. >_>;;;;;

*slight edit* Ack, KH2 isn't coming out till the very end of this year for America. Beh.... Ah well, a fun little bounce there for a few minutes, heeeee! ^^

Today's Song: "More to Life (There's Got to Be)", Stacie Orrico
Today's Mood: Exhausted
Today's Random Ginny Thing: (picked up somewhere along the way) My karma ran over your dogma; that was zen, this is tao.

I've only heard that song
once or twice, but I love the way it sounds. In my Debbie moments at work (when I random just start singing, and, by plushie fuzz, it's been happening more and more, ack!), this one keeps popping up. Or "Free". Or whatever's on the satellite radio.

Speaking of Debbie,
out of all the managers we have right now, she's ranking the least detested. Morale's been pretty miserable at the store lately, and Brad's revelling in the fact that he's escaping forever on Sunday. *miserable growl* Heather is also fleeing to the new store in early June. There's also many many servers who are talking about going to the new store, but Brian (Boss's Boss's Boss) has told Shannon that he cannot allow the current store to suffer by losing all its workers to the new one. (Even so, Heather keeps teasing that she's going to kidnap me and take me to the new store.)

See, Shannon was a good GM because he figured out (and indirectly told me) that I've got a knack for being able to judge a person's ability to work after seeing them only a few times. My opinion mattered. And now I got this evil giant teddy bear of a guy with a Bill Murray face talking down to all the core and prominent people; I feel like I've regressed all the way back to my rookie days. That is just wrong. Jenna talked to me yesterday and said that she knows she's a good server (one of the best, really), and yet she's afraid for her job. I feel the same way: I've been there four freaking years, and if I was doing something wrong, I'd be fired way before now. And yet I'm scared for my job, too. Well, scared is the wrong word. More like furious at the thought that people who don't understand how we work have the power to control our moneyflow.

I really don't think the transition was this bad when it was switched from James to Shannon. It's just that, seeing so many people wanting to jump ship... And I know people are attached to Shannon and Greg (I dunno about the attached range for me, but I know they get the stuff I expect out of them done).

Ooo...that's what it is. I don't feel like the new managers are respecting any of us. So, in return, it's hard to respect them back.

(Bare with my rantage. I'm working through this whole crappy event.)

I talked to Debbie last night, and casually mentioned that I'd love to go work at an art supply store. "Well, how are you going to do that?" she half-laughed. "You already work 1o shifts here."


She knows I'm an artist. I went on to tell her as much, and that I can't get much art done in charcoal and pastels (my favorite medium at the moment, since PhotoShop hates me so) because coming to work with multicolored dust under my nails is bad for health inspection. I don't remember if she agreed with me in the end, but I'm pretty sure she's understanding that I don't want to be at the store much longer (I already told Greg, Shannon, and George that I'd be gone by Sept., and I'm sticking by that.)

I like helping customers, but I'm sick of food service.
I need a change.
I need a steady income, not a risky one.

On the good side, Mom's also starting to let me make my own decisions. She still recommends that I go to Home Depot, but she put up (surprisingly) little fuss when I said I wanted to work at an art store. And she's accepting my talk about apartments graciously. YAY! (I got my first set of apartment info yesterday.'s finally happening. ^^)

ACK! I need to get to ...oh. It's only work. I remember when it used to be fun...

*monotone* Ack. I. need. to. get. to. work.

Behave! ^^

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Today's Song: "Jesus is the Rock", FWFriends
Today's Mood: Subdued
Today's Random Ginny Thing: Explain to me how a customer can say they want their ToGo order ready at 11:3o and show up at 11, demanding to know where it is.

I like that song
because we sang it last night at FWFriends (my puppet ministry) and it's catchy and fun to sing and yes, it's religious. *lopsided, lovingly patient smile* If I ever had the guts or fiery desire, I'd run off to the major puppet ministry company they have stationed in California. I forget the name of the company, but they send groups out all over the country.
Screw money. I just want to do something that makes me happy. I wish I knew how to go about being a professional puppeteer.

Most unrealistic, weirdest freaking dream ever
(And quite frankly, disclaimer time: I would never do this kind of stuff in real life.)

Another one of those pre-dreams where I was the star actress and never memorized my lines. Joy.

Then I'm coming home from Chili's and stop by my old church (why I would stop by my old church on the way home from Chili's when my old church is waaaaay out of the way is beyond me). It's still the same looking on the outside, but inside, it's totally different. An old grandfatherly type of fellow is the pastor now (and now, in the awake world, he seemed to remind me of stereotyped cult leaders you always see in those television movies). The rows of chairs are still there, but the glass wall behind them is removed, and there are several tables set out with food on them. And people at them. Eating. During service.

Yeah, I'm just randomly walking home, through a church that's out of my way, they are having service, and they are eating during service. What gives?

So I'm talking to this one guy and asking him about it. He's really nice but doesn't give me any answers, simply saying, "Service is starting, gotta go!" I look into the sanctuary and a young girl is about to baptized by Pastor Grandfather Cult into a vat of ranch. And my family is there.

That part is surprisingly because that would never happen anymore. For one, my younger older brother hasn't been going a lot lately. For another, because of a rude member during a Christmas Eve service, Mom refuses to go there anymore. (She claims that she decided that first, but I actually left that church first because I felt like the people I cared about the most were being fake and only being nice to me for my talents, not me. Fakeness and manipulation: double whammy on the "Ten Suggestions when Dealing with Ginny.")

The hymns they play are rather circus-y, and I walk through the congregation, confused. I somehow manage to stumble to the front before I can reach my family who is the back (sheesh, I have no sense of direction in my dreams, heh!) and Pastor G. C. smiles at me. "And who is the lucky one that shall join you in this ceremony of two becoming one."

Whoa-oh. Looks like I missed something major big time. Pastor G. C. was asking who wanted to be married during the service (and how does that work, anyway?!) and I wasn't listening when I stumbled into view. He had me stand next to this card table with bowls of dressing set up on it. Great.

So everyone's watching me expectantly (family's watching happily (RJ? happy? SEE?! This dream is so not for real! Heh.)) and I'm squirming, unsure how to get out of this but not wanting to let everyone down, because I've already screwed up the play and so many other things.

That's when the guy I talked to earlier suddenly rushes to the front. My brain's going about as fast as a snail stuck in molasses now, trying to understand what's going on. For one, this guy's supposed to be marrying one of the other ladies sitting in the congregation right now!!! in a few weeks. And I don't have rings. And... Well, great, Pastor G. C. just gave both of us these hideous costume jewelry rings. I'm so excited and nervous I drop mine in the bleu cheese bowl. Ew, I hate bleu cheese, so maybe I won't have to wear it now?

Guy picks it out of the bowl, holds it out, and shyly tells me he likes the Boneless Buffalo Wings from Chili's (now renting out space for advertisement in dreams, please call--). Kiss, taste of wing sauce, cheering from congregation, and I keep asking myself, oh my gosh, what the stuff is Jamal going to think when I come home and say I randomly got married to some other guy?

I run to the bathroom to clean the ring off, and there's the mother of the guy's fianceé, glaring madly at the mirror. Riiiiiiiight...and then I wake up.

Note: the guy has no real definition in the real world. Anotherwords, he didn't look like anyone I know, because his outer appearance kept changing.


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

My point exactly. WARNING. Contains the F-bomb. You cannot say you weren't warned, now.

I had another [sarcasm]wonderful[/sarcasm] day at work today. I've decided George is very fake. And that's a big negative on the "Ten Suggestions when Dealing with Ginny". He seems nice when with a group. Get him one on one, though, and he's pushing some sort of characteristic end that I can't identify, but it's clearly one I do not like. And I like Calvin, but it seems like he's turning into a mini-George. Both have made comments that I'm sure are supposed to be lighthearted, but they've unfortunately phrased their comments in slightly insulting ways, as if we servers don't know what we are doing.

*sigh* I miss Shannon, Greg, and Chad. At least I still have Debbie (and yay, she's in a good mood again, so wheeeeeee!)

I'm giving George leeway for the rough transition that we're going through with all the managers, but for crying out loud--!!! We had a decent, flexible server get fired the other day. When I heard what happened (and all of the server staff agrees on this), I thought it warranted a write-up, but not a firing offense. It's getting to where you can barely do anything without getting in trouble. (Eh, I'm just being grouchy.)

And then someone's car, which happened to be right next to mine in the parking lot, got broken into. That's the third time this year. I am not pleased. (This is not the management team's fault, but it's definitely a reason to want to work elsewhere.)

I know Mom wants me to work at Home Depot when it opens here in Sept. I can't wait that long, for work or for moving out. I'm burning out and growing more and more frustrated by the day. I need a new job, if only for a few months.

*growls lowly*

Today's Song: "Free", Ginny Owens (sorry, no relation to me. ^^)
Today's Mood: Content
Today's Random Ginny thing: Too much speed (as in moving from Point A to Point B) makes me sick; large crowds make me nervous; I'm terrified of heights. So there ain't no way you're getting me near a rollercoaster.

Today's Cinco de Mayo (Fifth of May). It's also Online Comic Awareness Day. So, um, be aware of them! Heh.

Zeta plushie...Skull plushie...Zeta plushie...Skull plushie...
Zeta plushie...Skull plushie...
Ginny's happy.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Today's Song: "Red Letters", dcTalk (though I could swear they sound like the Newsboys)
Today's Mood: Wanting to be independent
Today's Random Ginny thing: If I were in an air band, I'd be the air drummer. (Thanks to BBaka for this one.)

Meanwhile, in the comic world,
"Adventurers" is in the final boss area. So says the plot. (April Fool's joke showed it ending.)
"Alien Dice" still remains my favorite online comic.
"Catharsis" is on a month break.
"Chasing the Sunset" just got back from a two month break.
"Count Your Sheep" has just been accepted into Keenspace. Glee!
Don't ask me about "Framed"--I don't know a thing.
Monday's "Gene Catlow" took a (for them) harsh twist.
"Grand Blue Door" is celebrating their one year.
"It's Walky" is winding down and will end after the summer.
SKULL PLUSHIES! Need I say more? ^____________^
"RPG World" has guest comics.

"Get Fuzzy" is my at-the-moment favorite. And when was someone going to tell me about "Rose is Rose"?

...brain just blanked. I guess that's all you're going to get for now. '^' <---DUDE CUTE SMILIE I JUST MADE UP! *pats away on bare feet, pleased with self* It doesn't take much to make me happy, hee.

I'm trying to think of some little saying to end this on, but all I can think about is being a professional puppeteer. Hrhm...

Monday, May 03, 2004

"Once you pop, you can't stop Ginny."

Heh. All hail the Slogan Generator.

I have work rants quietly building up, but it's too close to bedtime. Just know that I want out. To a new job. Probably with the exact same problems. Eh.
Four years in one place is three years too many. Or something like that.

In the immortal words of adis!, "Now go to bed!"

Today's Song: "Always Have, Always Will", Avalon

The Ten Suggestions
when dealing with Ginny Lyn

(following by an explanation of each below)

1. I'm Christian. Deal or move on.
2. Be aware of sensitive subjects.
3. Be able to laugh freely and genuinely.
4. If you are going to do something new, at least try before giving up.
5. Don't be fake.
6. No smoking.
7. No swearing.
8. Don't be manipulative.
9. No suicide.
1o. Be able to love.

1. I'm Christian. Deal or move on.

There's something about saying, "Yeah, I'm a (insert religion label here)" that makes people curl up and freak quietly. They say there are two subjects not to talk about--religion and politics. I'm not afraid of talking about my religion. Be aware I'm not out to whack people over the head with the Bible until they convert. I'll be (nervously) happy to answer any questions you have, but I will not tolerate Christian bashing, whether blatant or veiled. Period.
It's funny that I have this one first, but at the same time it makes sense. Shallow people usually can't make it past this point. I admit, I've been shallow myself, but I'm (I think) maturing, getting better at listening to others with differing viewpoints (I don't blow up over the littlest things much anymore; I still get reserved and need time to think some things over, but it's not the same as going full force blast and screaming bloody murder). Listening doesn't always equal agreeing, but listening does equal learning. 'S fair. (OK, now I'm just blabbering, heh. ^^)

2. Be aware of sensitive subjects.
I like to laugh and talk about lots of things as much as the next person. If you know something's going to bother me, though, stay away from it. Unless it applies to number 5.

3. Be able to laugh freely and genuinely.
Yeah, the world sucks. Deal. Know how I do that? I find something that I can giggle innocently about. Laughing is actually healthy for you, too (something about circulating more oxygen into your body). As stressed out as I make myself, I find this is very true. At least let your mind go a few minutes without being bitter or worried.
"I have my own brand of insanity that helps me live in the world."

4. If you are going to do something new, at least try before giving up.
Know that if you tell me you're going to try something new, I'll ask about it the next time I see you (unless it pertains to #2). I should really take my own advice on this one.
"It's not a crime to try, only a shame to never try at all."

5. Don't be fake.
Tact is okay. But being fake and pretending to be one way when you or something that's going on is actually the complete opposite is, in my personal little mind and world, wrong. Being fake is like lying, for me. And I have very low tolerance, if any at all, for people who lie to me.

6. No smoking.
Smoking in itself isn't evil. Unhealthy, but not evil. It's just that secondhand smoke makes me really ill.

7. No swearing.
C'mon, seriously, if the f-word is a part of your 5-minute vernacular, then what are you going to say when you really get upset?

8. Don't be manipulative.
Goes along with being fake. Don't do it. Manipulating people means you don't think they are capable of catching on; in essence, you are acting like they are stupid. Manipulative people are a bunch of whiney, selfish brats. I have no tolerance for them.

9. No suicide.
Absolute zero tolerance. I fiercely believe that suicide is never the answer. I've been through two nasty experiences in my life where two people I know and love attempted, but thankfully, never succeeded. (I'll try to keep this out of rant land, but I feel strongly about this)
The hell I went through both times is something nobody should ever suffer. If you're having problems, don't be fake. For the sake of whatever you hold in high regard, talk. Don't leave your loved ones suffering in helpless agony over wondering why you didn't talk, and why they couldn't have done anything to help you. still hurts to this day that they attempted. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over that completely.

1o. Be able to love.
Mayhaps a strange one to end on, but I believe this. I know not everyone is going to like me. That's okay. And I'm not always going to like everyone. That's okay, as well. And it's my God-given ability to disagree with others. That too is okay. I've never disliked anyone strong enough to classify the feeling for them as hate.
And what is Man if he cannot love?

...whoa. That was deep. O_o;

Anyways, tada! The Ten Suggestions. When dealing with me. I wouldn't use them with everyone. More lighthearted fun tomorrow. ^_^

Bills, work, bank, store. Yeah, I see a common thread. >_>

Anyways, just letting you know I'm alive but I'm already running late this morning, so I'll update proper like later today.

Maybe. ^^;

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Just FYI...
...just because a parent says something doesn't mean it's true.
"Oh, well, tell ya what, next time we'll remember to get off two stations earlier so we won't do all this walking, mmm?"
*twitch twitch...thump*
If you need me, too bad. :p I'm dragging my tired, achey self to bed and sleep now.

(At least I got Micheal and Lisa their wedding gift, so it's not terribly too awful.)