Sunday, September 28, 2003

Y'know, I'm going to have a high and mighty fit pretty soon here if my scanner doesn't start working again. It decided to go on the fritz early yesterday afternoon, and this naturally has me in a state of consternation because I need to be able to scan my comics in!

Oh well, at least I'm being far too distracted by my commission right now to care enough. Superman is shaping up quite nicely; right now, I have his arms, with muscles defined, and most of his cape. I also have part of the moon in the background, but it needs super major work done to it right now. I'm still not sure how I will do the background just yet, but we'll get there.

The image so far is impressing me, and if I can be impressed, then I know Shannon will be, too. By the time I finish it, I may not want to give it up. X-D


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