Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Retook that StarFox Advs Quiz from earlier
New result.
You're Falco Lombardi!
You can't stand sitting around aboard Great Fox,
doing nothing. So you hunt for an adventure!
But you're still more than willing to help your
friends when they're in danger, while looking
cool in the meantime.

Which Star Fox Adventures character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I swore I'd get this game. I did. I hate to admit it, but I'm enjoying this one a lot more than I did WindWaker. *hides whilst Hell freezes over*

By the way...
...if you're a miserable, humorless, devoid of joy, arrogant machine who has no concept of human emotions, don't sit at my station. You need to go find your heart first. You have one, just go find it.
(I had a very nasty table last night.)
Oh yes, keep up the nice tips, everyone. ^^ AND BE NICE TO YOUR TO-GO PERSON.
There, think I'm done now. ^^

Friday, December 26, 2003

Oh the memories!
Heh, I was reading through some of my earliest entries for this blog--interesting, I must say--and I just thought I'd drop all the results from the quizzes I took back then right here. Why?
*shrug?* 'Cause caffiene is evil? ^^;

You are a katana! You are sharp, fast, and easy to
control. sometimes you are too short but you
make up for it with your grace and elegance.

What kind of sword are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

WHOO! I love katanas, ever since I started playing Final Fantasy. *gets dreamy about Sephiroth's Masamune* Wait, take that back--Crono had the first katana I ever knew about. *gets dreamy about Crono's Rainbow*

What's Your Outlook on Life?

brought to you by Quizilla

That had to be one of the funniest story quizzes I have ever taken. ^_^
Favorite question and answered (modified):
"It's decided that you'll all go to the Grand Canyon."
" -WHAT?! WHO THE *beep* DECIDED THAT?!!!! "

You're Tricky!
Playful, but annoying, you tend to get in trouble a
lot. But when saved, you prove useful.

Which Star Fox Adventures character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

*thinks she should get this game now*

Hey Einstein I'm on your side!
You're Falco Lombardi!

Which Star Fox character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Falco's cool. Heh, I use him occasionally on the Smash MeleƩ game instead of Pikachu. *still thinks she should go get the Adventures game now*

The Way You Are

brought to you by Quizilla

Heh. I find that amusing. Hear me giggle. Heh. =^^=
I find that amusing because it is so true. Again, heh.


(females)what is one of your past lives? (results contain pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

I...wha? *blink* Um, go me?
Heh, once again, I got the "you are unknown" answer. That happened long ago in that Digimon quiz I took, too.
*insert paranoid, self-something-or-other rant here*
Heh. That just makes me laugh.
OK, no, really, this is a reflection of innocence and--
*blink again*
I'm deciphering...a quiz answer.
*sloooow blink*
Um, going this way now! ^^
*runs off*

Gee whiz, tell Mommy to stop babying you so much
and get out of the house once in a while. You
are the typical nerd. Congradulations, the
other kids walk all over you and make fun of
you, but you'll show them someday when you
develop the latest line of anti-depressants
that they will need when they are 35.

What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ha ha, too true! This is actually the way I thought during HS. O.o

ICE is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Middle-aged. You'll die from something unexpected,
just when your kids are going to college or
something great is happening. Cause Unknown.

At what age will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla


I took a "What kind of Porno film would you be in?" quiz. I'm NOT putting the image up, but rest assured, yours truly was told to go voice Sat. morning cartoons, because I was too innocent. ^^;

Just because I'm innocent doesn't mean I'm naive.

day dreamer
You live in a fantasy world of mythical creatures
and magic....take a moment to ask yourself why
you are an escapist but then just enjoy your
vivid imagination!

Whats your motto for life? (with pics)(now finished)
brought to you by Quizilla

Duh, that's what video games are for. ^_~

What wings are you?
Dragon Wings

What Kind of Wings are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

That was completely unexpected. o.O

What wings are you?
Colorful Wings

What Kind of Wings are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Retook--there's my other result. O.o Heh.
"Playful simplicity". I like that.

Fast forwarding to Dec 26 (from July), and now you know where the name of my blog came from. ^_~

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

What's your Battle-Cry?

this quiz was made by Aroihkin of PlanetKulitron

Hee hee hee...I'll have to remember that one. Sounds rather Auron-ish. Also sounds like a major bluffer of a line. I could never get into a real fight. ^^;

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Other Random Stuff
Training a new girl in ToGos tomorrow and Saturday. Oy, I don't like waking up so early! >_< And no one's giving me any pity, either. :-P Bunch of stone hearted goobers. ^^

For my LotRs manager, I gave her a Christmas card with this inscribed in it:
"One manager to rule them all
And in the restaraunt bind them."
Needless to say, she loved it. X)

Oh yes, I'll prolly regret this ^_~ but since my computer has been completely reformatted, I had to get a brand new AIM account (no, I don't remember my password). Come find me at drakehho19 now.

In Memory of John Neirman
Here's to hoping Christmas in Heaven is more than you dreamed

I remember reading in another one of my online journals from half a year back about how most online peeps only post poems or lyrics that speak of how terrible the world is.
Truthful? Yes.
Depressing? Really.
I've been through more than most people would care to admit occurs in the world. I, out of most of you, should be plastering words of death and bitter sarcasm all over this blog in bold, italic, and really huge letters.

Heh. Yeah, right.

Mom was commenting on this very subject earlier today. And I had one of those moments where I just spoke before I thought:
"If you don't have hope, then what's left in life?"


I already know one of my blog readers is shaking their head at my endlessly optimistic and possibly even delusional attitude. You'll forgive me if I blow a raspberry at you and giggle kindly. ^_^

Sure, sometimes life rushes by so fast that it takes a while to catch one's breath. Sometimes that "a while" is so long that it hurts, and if even longer still, results in one becoming numb to everything. But is that the fault of life...or the fault of one?

Yes, life can royally screw you over, and it will continue to do so if you remain passive to its whims. But you don't have to sit and take it forever.

If there's one thing I believe above all else (sans God), it is that no person should ever have the ability to negatively manipulate another. I refuse to do it, and I can't stand to watch others do so. I have always wanted to believe that I can be who I want to be without someone else telling me how I have to be, because, that way, if I can understand myself in my fullness without being told whether I am right or not, proper or not, or how to understand myself, then I can love myself that much more.

Erhm, think I just confused myself with that last paragraph. @_@

I have hope. I am glad to have hope. I am not in denial for having hope. It prompts my smiles, tickles my laughter out of me, and lets me enjoy life freely, without worrying about whether I'm living properly.

I have hope.


Monday, December 22, 2003

What's in a Name?
Your name of Ginny contains many fine qualities: musical and artistic ability, good business judgment, and a sense of responsibility for the welfare of others. This makes you warm-hearted and understanding in your response to the needs and interests of those around you. You are always ready to help those in less fortunate circumstances. Your insistence on becoming involved in the affairs of others can cause them to regard you as interfering, even though you are only trying to help. A weakness lies in the fact that you are deeply affected through your feeling for others and could suffer through worry and disturbed thoughts over matters that you can do nothing about.

That's so accurate that it's almost scary. I'm not sure what this Kabalarian stuff is, but go take a look here.

And now Ginny reeeeeeeeeeeally needs to sleep. I'm supposed to be up early to train tomorrow. Urgha.

Quite good, actually. ^^ I haven't felt this happy in...well, quite a long time. It's been an awfully long year, but it's ending right.
I'd say more, but I'm not much of the public mushy-gushy type. =^_^=

Computer Update
Everything's gone.
This does not bode well. Ah well, at least I still have my internet...for now. O.o;;; Mayhaps this be good practice for when I move out of my parents' house.

AIM's gone, PhotoShop7 is gone (twitch), every single thing I ever scanned or saved on the computer is GONE (mad twitchy twitchy twitch). And every time I try to bring the computer back up to the point that it was at last time, it dies. So yeah, I'd be upset if this wasn't the hundreth (sic?) time this has happened!!!


Sunday, December 21, 2003

Computer's dead. Have patience with me.

(BTW, Happy Birthday, Love!)

You are Mitsurugi -

Both mysterious and attractive, you captivate people with the fact that you seem to be
good at everything! Spending quiet moments with a friend and talking about what life means to you is your ideal situation. You don't like to stand out very much and you seem to be more old-fashioned
than modern, but when you do take the spotlight -- you command the floor!

Which Soul Calibur character are you?

this quiz was made by david park

Thursday, December 18, 2003


I found out this morning that I'm still not spiritually mature. I was blaming God, screaming at Him, demanding to know why He was punishing me. What had I done to incur the wrath of God?

It's interesting...I read in Sam's Blog about how she was amazed at my absolute faith. Oh, I know God's out there. But...I seem to be having problems right now.

I don't cry. Not normally. But it's been a mess of waterworks all day today. I feel so emotionally, spiritually drained. I just want to run to my church, hide in one of the dusty corners, and rock back and forth, hands over my ears. That'll do me about as much good as dancing on the chairs in a hula dress, wearing a sports foam hand on my head.

I still don't get why people have to act the way they do, especially when there's no reason for it. And I asked that of God over and over again. All He would say is that someone has to learn a lesson. Is it me? Is it the one hurting me? I don't know.

Why do people have to hurt each other? What good does it do? It doesn't. And I realize this more so because I'm in the midst of it. Being hurt for no reason. I hate it. I just want to run. But running won't do any good...things will only stay the same, if not get worse.

What, then, do I do, God? Speak to me, please.

...please, God, I'm begging you. Speak to me.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

I want to get away
I want to fly away

Monday, December 15, 2003

Little Fandom Happiness, heh

Excellent music video that captures the feeling of Trigun. It's set to "How You Remind Me" by Nickelback, I'm told. Lots spoilers in the video, so if you haven't seen the show yet or in its entirity, I suggest staying away from this till you do.

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
Tired of living like a blind man
I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
for handing you a heart worth breaking
and I've been wrong, i've been down,
to the bottom of every bottle
these five words in my head
scream "are we having fun yet?"

yet, yet, yet, no, no
yet, yet, yet, no, no

it's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
And it must have been so bad
Cause living with me must have damn near killed you

And this is how, you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how, you remind me
Of what I really am

And today's Newboys song...
...that just wouldn't leave my head. I kept playing this one several times over in the car today. ^_^

Tears have fallen
water beads (what a beat)
Wipe the floor
with my regrets
In the crevice
tiny seeds
Spring to life
from pardoned debts
And all I have is, all I have

Praises on my tongue
From my heart
For our God who became flesh
For us all
Unto you
I will sing my praises
Sing forever

In the quiet
I lament
Every nail,
my sin did buy
And I wonder
why you spent
Lavish blood on
such as I
When all I have is, all I have

Praises on my tongue
From my heart
For our God who became flesh
For us all
Unto you
I will ever sing my praises
I will sing forever

Oh, for a thousand
Tongues to sing
To sing aloud
Sing aloud
Oh, to the Glory
Of my God and King
To sing aloud
Sing aloud

I seem to like songs that talk about regret and forgiveness. Heck, I like my stories that way, too. *twitch* Must be a tragic childhood past thing, lol. ^_~

Inspired by a fellow MessageBoard Member
(sung to the tune of "Favorite Things" from "The Sound of Music)

Kisses on noses and plushie blue Stitches
Random made up words and Internet nitches
Red goofy gunman whose bullets he zings
These are a few of my favorite things

Crimson old geezers and black evil kitties
Chocolates and gummies and these funny ditties
UPS guy--no, the boxes he brings!
These are a few of my favorite things

Warm fuzzy blankets, lightning and thunder
Fighting and tearing game monsters asunder
Translated manga, anime flings
These are a few of my favorite things

When the boss yells
When the heart fails
When I'm feeling sad
I just simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Snerk, verb, noun a sound akin to a snort or giggle, or rather, a combination of the two. Generally uttered under one's breath or through the nose, but with an affectionate rather than derogatory manner.

Thwap, verb to hit one upside the head (usually with a Rod or a stick or other such implement). (See fwap, smack, slap.)

"See what you get for premediated thwappage...?!" she snerked.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying life and everything wrong with crushing someone else's joy. Remember that, live and let live.

And when the time comes when you don't think about anything,
when worries are far away, responsibilities can lay in wait for a few more minutes,
when you can enjoy simply being without the burden of wondering why you're being...
truly, that is joy.

Ginny is getting a full week off from work in a few weeks! YESH!!!


I still don't get why what happens happens.

I like to believe that nothing is all 1oo% one person's fault. Psychology can cite reasoning theories because of childhood, or mental defect, or other such things that slip through tangible fingers. Reasons that only exist within the vessel of each person, that can never be shown to any other person. And for that reason, we each live in our own world. No two are the same. And no common bridge can be found between them all, because the material from one is not found in the other.

I've seen the strangest, widest range of human emotion in the last few weeks and I'm still trying to process half of it, and understand the other half of it. People I haven't spoken to in weeks, months even, have appeared from the woodwork (both online and IRL) to speak with me again. I've seen blood relatives bring me to the neighboring regions of Hell and close friends I didn't even know half a year ago accepted as siblings almost instantly. I've stood witness to hard work, failure, and being stretched far beyond my limits.

It's the stretching that hurts.

My Pastor once said that, in order to be able to able to understand His works better, God must stretch His children's hearts and minds. We have to drop the small cardboard tube we pretended was a telescope and open our eyes to a wider view of the world.

Even if it means seeing stuff we didn't want to see.

Maybe I speak of maturity. Maybe it's loss of innocence and death of naivete again. Maybe I'm just rambling...heh.

There's a funny little ache in my heart right now. I'm wanting so much to solve everything that is bothering me, and the problem is, I can't. I'm not God. I don't have His ability nor His wisdom to change things to match what I want, because what I want isn't always what is best for the general good. Being a perfectionist and a bit of a control freak at times, you can tell why this may bother me.

Ah well. My heart is stretched, my mind is open. May my spirit grow as well.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Mitch-ness (aka, thanks Mitch, you got me writing again, heh)

"You were always smiling, real friendly like, but the way you smiled was so empty it hurt to watch you." (Wolfwood, Trigun)

"We're not God. Not only are our powers limited, we sometimes are driven to become the devil himself." (Wolfwood again, also Trigun (so as to avoid nasty legal battles, heh))

You know, it's funny. On the one hand, it's amusing for others to laugh at my newest little "obsession", and it's amusing to watch others being amused.
On the other hand, I've got good reason to...well, not obsess, heh, but to understand the characters, where they are coming from.

It's always been hard to understand why my own view of the world isn't the one shared by everyone else. Why, even though society says to be an individual, people still attack what they don't agree with or understand. I've got that problem, same as anyone. I've been victim to that, as well.

And so it's been a practice of mine to hide behind goofiness. Don't get me wrong--I really am happy and goofy most of the time.
Yeah, most of it.
But life is very sobering, and it's quick to remind you in case you forget.

I was telling that to Mitch last night, more or less. We both concluded that intelligence is a heavy burden and that it takes maturity to carry it. Ignorance is bliss, a light load, and yet, it makes intelligence all the heavier when the two are swapped out. And with that comes a loss of innocence.

Heh, that reminds me of that essay I wrote back in high school on "The Prince of Tides"....loss of innocence. (And no, I really don't recommend that book. Not only is it 6oo+ pages, it's quite graphic. The irony of it is that the entire book pretty much focuses on not ignoring what happened in the past...and yet this little reader is suppressing what she read. Amusing indeed. ^^;)

I'm constantly experiencing...well, maybe not a loss of innocence so much as a death of being naive. I continue to stare at the world in a quiet shock and bewilderment, wondering why the world acts this way. My faith knows the cold facts well, but still, that doesn't soothe my heart when it cries out at the anguish and suffering others put themselves through. And somehow, I try to carry some of that sorrow, that intelligence for others. Maybe to keep them from forgetting? Or to keep myself from forgetting? Or am I allowing them to forget, but not myself?

Sometimes I sit in bed at night, staring out the window at the stars, which glisten almost coldly, out of reach. Somehow above the petty things we define as emotion. And yet the very things that seem so petty also makes life so worth it, no matter how much it hurts.

Is it worse to have your heart broken from loss, or to avoid being caught in the chance that your heart may be broken some day? I wondered that a lot when I was younger. Still do. I thought hiding away from everyone, keeping them at arm's length would soften the blow for me. I only recently learned in the past year that I wasn't so much afraid of being hurt so much as being afraid of hurting others. I cared so much for others that I didn't want to put them through that. And so I carried their burden of intelligence, making them think I was in bliss all the while.

And yet, sometimes, their own burdens of intelligence intrude into my mists of ignorance, and I see that I hadn't been carrying much, if anything at all. And when that mist of ignorance is broken like that, the burden of intelligence crashes down all the harder. It's just very...heavy. It reminds me that I am not God, but simply, merely, a frail human being trying to live life among the petty things.

Speaking of heavy....sheesh, Mitch, inspiration boy. Heh--you can all thank him (but really, also myself) for that. He got me to thinking last night.

Note: This is not a rant of a depressed person, simply a musing one. Take it as such or I shall send my Red Guards after you! ^_~

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Song of a newly made Trigun Fan
Wow this was a hard quiz! I can't believe you got
all of them right. YOU MAKE VASH SO PROUD! Well
I'm glad I'm not the only person who knows
about Trigun! "LOVE AND
PEACE!"...hehehe had to do it! Hey if you
know more than me PROVE MY TEST WRONG!

The ULTIMATE Trigun Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

*blinks* I did it. And on the first shot. Whoa.

Pfft, wasn't that hard.
Vash: Pssst, you did just watch the entire series just now.
Quiet, you. Go back to the FFX-2 Chocobos.
Vash: *bawls comically* My Chocobos ran away again! That Clasko shall PAY! I really liked Fluffy, too...

The ending was really anticlimatical. I feel gypped.
Or maybe it's because it didn't end the way I thought it would.

Friday, December 05, 2003

I had a customer come in today. Took one look at the cross I was wearing, then stared down her nose at me (funny coming from someone a good half foot shorter than me) and nastily remarked:
"How can you possibly believe in God?"
What surprised me was that I didn't going into a passionate rage like I usually do about my faith. I simply matched her eye for eye, and calmly replied, "How can you not?"
I realize now I could've lost my job for backtalking to a customer, but she did nothing but slink off to the bar.
Nothing quite like a person who's itching to fight getting the wind knocked out of them.

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Lots of GOOD Randomness
The second part was actually written first, but I wanted to throw some cheerful stuff in, too. ^^;
Greg's coming back today!
My scanner is working so FFS is back, YAY!
I'm going to watch some more Trigun tonight!
And if you get a chance to hear the music that is played during the opening credits of FFX-2 (no clue what it is called right now), do so. It's pretty.

Lots of Randomness
Sitting here with oj n sorta warm choco waffles
With a scratchy throat that won't go away
Craving the star studded mocha
staring at a car payment about to be late.
Cor...there goes my loan, I suspect....;_;

What, you expected a poemic song? Naw, randomness. Already frazzled and I've only woken up half an hour ago. If I can say this is holiday stress, then I just have to hold out till after ChrisTmas. If not, then...mwergh, I gotta figure out what's wrong with me.

I just don't get it, really. Life's been really awesome for me as of late. But also as of late, I seem to be getting clumsier and more spazmatic (for the first time in my life, I just had to sign for a mistake I made on my checks. Twice.). And being my own worst critic, I see everything I do "wrong", and I harp on myself constantly. It's's an ugly cycle, and I have no reason to be in it. I @_@; Thankfully, I am no longer lost in loneliness--that has got to be one of the worst feelings in the world. But I'm still being critical of myself (which Debbie commented on just yesterday).

Mayhaps another good reason to move out? A change of home pace could do a world of wonder for me.