Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Final Fantasy: Survivor
I'm still proud of myself. And it's only getting better. I've gotten a few people to help me with a few things, so my little--what is the word?--brain baby--no--well, if you know what I mean, go you.--so my little whatever it is is being taken care of. Yay!

Last Night's Dream
Well, I don't remember much, except there was a tornado in it.
And then I was at some sort of hotel apartment, and my own room was huge and there were all these small pools and waterslides built into the brick patio just outside my room. Shannon was there, O_o;;;, and I kept Looking at him, because I got the mental sense that this was the honeymoon room I was staying at and he had no business being there. Plus, I think I was dressed indecently, or something.
Then he's conferring with someone else, and it turns out they are supposed to make sure I stay in my room, because I'm really important and I'm in danger...
O_O;;; ?_?

Quizzy Goodness!

Which Lion King Character Are You?

Created by CrazyCoasterCo.

Odd. I remember taking this quiz a long time ago, and getting Young Simba. Ah well. ^.^

The Finding Nemo Character Selector Created by Dory

Awww...I wanted Gill (he's awesome!). On a different Finding Nemo quiz, I got Marlin. >_<

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


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