I don't recall much, but it was one of those dreams where I was at this amusement park and the dinosaurs were loose again. This time, it was all about the T-Rex.
I remember escaping from the apartments (?). I remember people I knew standing in line for something--on a wooden stairway, like at Six Flags--and I was riding on a pteradactyl. Silly as that sounds, I was flying in my dream--I always love those kind.
And then the T-Rex burst out from the forest and snapped at the dactyl. My dad was in the line and he was racing up to catch me--something I wouldn't have associated with him. Not to say that he wouldn't do that, it just seems...uncharacteristic.
I remember I was being (lovingly) teased about being a virgin at work again yesterday. I was talking to the servers about my art nature of staring at people to study them, and the subject turned to this one book I got for my birthday.
The Nude Figure: A Visual Reference for the Artist
I know you can tell where this is going already.
So one of the older matron servers pretends to condemn me, then asks if I have any favorites.
"I used to change my brothers' diapers--I know what it looks like!" I shot back. "...although..." (and I'm being perfectly honest here, this next part was pure artist talking) "...there is this one guy that is a very good model in there."
I talk about how everything's in black and white, showing highlights and shadows well. I talk about how all the models aren't perfect models, which is good.
Then I make a Freudian Slip.
"Going back to the one guy--he's my favorite 'cause he's just so well proportioned."
The minute those words slipped out I realized what I said and...well, died of embarrassment, lol. The servers were cracking up for minutes on end.
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