Saturday, January 31, 2004

*refuses to gargle*
I want to know who in the world came up with the ridiculous notion that gargling with
a. warm salt water (and ha ha, Love, you missed making me do so! :p (*instantly hides again*))
b. mouthwash
c. lukewarm orange juice or
d. some other funky combination that doesn't work any more than the others do
would help sore throats. Much less loss of vocalization.

Heh, it's so strange for me to rant here that my voice is gone. Being without my voice in IRL for the past 12 hours has driven me nearly insane (moreso that usual, so HA!), and yet to say so online is redudant, if not a moot (pun intended?) point. Voices aren't a necessity to forums, instant messaging (unless you're into the microphone stuff, which never seems to work for me), and emails; it's, I had a nifty analogy, but it sounded much more sensical in my head, so there it shall stay. ^^

I was hoping to stay home from work today, but could not call in, because one. my phone was dead and two. they wouldn't be able to hear me anyway.
I did go to work and poor Greg was flumoxed (and is that not just a nifty word); somehow, we're slipping back into short staffédness, and VP Murphy was also visiting stores, so Greg had to stretch to cover everything.
He couldn't let me go, and decided to put me in Expo. Expo. The one solitary job code that demands yelling as a primary skill. The irony is so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

I had a nifty little rant about Tuesday night with Ron and the inexplicable (not to mention first ever) write up that Debbie decided to hand me, but wretched Blogger ate it. I also had some awesome songs that have been bouncing around in my head, but I just don't know which one to post right now. Urgha.

"Whatsa matter, Ginny, can't talk? Hmmmm....that means you're dumb, doesn't it." ~~smart alecky Greg

You are Yellow
What color are you? (Anime Pictures)

brought to you by Quizilla

I'm pretty sure this one showed up in this blog already but it's all good. ^_^

Monday, January 26, 2004

Random dramatic thoughts
I've had this feeling since late last night that I've done something wrong, that I've let somebody down.
Hard to pinpoint what: I've broken my fifth promise to Jenna in only two weeks, I haven't updated FFS in more time than that, I really need to take my money to the bank, pay my bills, and do other such stuff. There are people who've asked me to do drawings for them, stressed managers who need me to pick up, and a car that seriously needs to be taken in for its maintenance. Not to mention the family that I love but want ever so much to move away from.
And I'm stuck here feeling sorry for myself for some indeterminable reason. Maybe the feeling's one of all the above meshed together. Maybe I really have hurt someone without realizing it.
...and maybe I'm just being far too hard on myself. -_- I'm such an expert at that, so it's difficult to tell.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Quiz quiz quiz!

What Anime Art Style Are You?

First I got an error message for my result, then this:
Nihilist Bear
Nihilist Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are ANATHROS! Designed by sword designer
extraordinare Kit Rae, Anathros as one freakin'
cool looking sword. It's not only medieval
looking, but it's light and quick. Congrats!

What sword are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
(2 for 2, Flora. ^_~)

Smooth and dark, you are potent and bitchy yet seductive and irresistible
Congratulations! You're a black velvet!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Never had one of those before...don't intend to, either. (3 for 3, Flora!)

Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
Had a different color the last time I took it...or was that a different quiz?

click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!
How sensitive are you??

So back off! Heh.

click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!
How creative are you?

That I'm taking to heart.

You have your share of quirks and funny habits,
but if you don't voice those thoughts your 'other side' is putting in your head, you can usually pass yourself off as a normal person.
You tend to be an average person, but that doesn't mean you have to follow what the majority of the people think all the time.


click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!
Yummyness. and with that I remain done for now.

E heh heeeeeeeeeeeeeh...

Friday, January 23, 2004

Chris is a new guy up at work. Sometimes I can't tell if he is speaking the truth or not, but according to him, he's already lost several jobs, been homeless for a good while, and become engaged to a young lady (who already has twins), both in their early twenties. Seems an awful lot to go through.

And he's one of those strange sorts I always seem to get along with so well--he's got that bitingly sarcastic attitude tinged with just enough geniune humanness that has you teetering between slapping him and laughing with him.

Monday, he showed up, and he looked happier than I had ever seen him. When I asked, he said that his fianceé was expecting. He was going to be a father; any happier, and I swear he was going to start dancing on the bar.

Imagine my surprise when I came into work Tuesday morning and found him huddled in one of the booths, on the verge of tears. Chris isn't the type to cry, so I gently inquired again. Voice cracking, he told me he wasn't going to be a father after all. Before I could speak, he rushed on to say that his fianceé was getting an abortion; she didn't want the child, and she didn't need his consent to have her choice. I saw the joy leak slowly from his eyes.

It hurt then, and it hurts now. I haven't the faintest idea what to tell Chris, and he just seems to get more and more miserable with each day. The day it actually happens, I predict he won't show up for work.

Having been the potential target for such an act (my, my, dramatics today), you can see why I'm against it--I'm just thankful my mother was also against it, even if she and her brother were the only ones. And I know circumstances dictate the ability to raise children well, but...well, don't do something if you can't handle the "consequences", as it were.

I promise myself that when I finally do have children (O_O, scary thought, heh!), I will have them willingly, I will have their natural father with them, and they will grow up "normal", or abnormal--not from a divorced family. I just don't want them to grow up and through the crap that I've heard about and that I've been through.

Hang in there, Chris...

Thursday, January 22, 2004

*Laughs innocently* For the love of a personality quiz...^_^
Mmmm, looks like you're a donut!
What Snack Food are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Define facetious. No, no, let's go with asinine.
Someone's gonna be made to suffer long and slow for this one....*balls a fist, anime vein bulges* And here I was about to proclaim my love for online quizzes, too.
Seems it is now a conditional love. O_<
But then, when was I last in a long, drawn out discussion about societal dysfunction due to incongruous ideals of defined conformity and lax individuality? There's people who can actually make something of a discussion like that, and then there's people who just want to rehash the issue to extend its life expectancy, solely for the purpose of looking intelligent, regardless of any potential resolutions.
Seriously, yawn. Life's too short to spend pleasing everyone else.

Uh oh, feel a rant coming on. *scoots off to bed*

Amusing Moments

"I know all abooooooooout you!" (FFX-2, Rikku using Scan as a Gun Mage)

So my manager Greg calls up today. He's one of my favorites. We have this running joke that he's got this huge, undeserved ego whilst I am a sloppy, stealing, lazy non-worker (neither is true, naturally, but it's so much fun to tease each other!).
One of the first things he says (after I ask how he is): "You're at work and Iiiiiii'm not, nyah-nyah nyah-nyah nyaaaaaaaaah nyah!"
I, equally mature, reply with: "Not listening, not listening, la la laaaaaaaa!"
Well, that starts it all. He plunges into how "great and wonderful and responsible (he) is," while I need to "get to work".
Finally, after a good minute of this, I ask him what he really needs.
"Well, you see, I'm calling to ask Debbie if I left my wallet up there."


"Hello? Ginny, you still there?"
I couldn't answer, I was laughing so hard.
"The great and wonderful and responsible one left his wallet here?" (Cue more uncontrollable laughter.)
"Hey! geez, you got me there."
Too classic. Too, too classic.

Other Stuff
Terrie's still in the hospital.

The thief's still running around, but management agreed that I shouldn't have to pay the missing money. It's weird--I pulled Shannon aside, ready to get all hot and bothered and spit fire about the issue, and he both calms me down and resolves the issue in the first sentence of our discussion. It's a testament to his management skills.

Latoya says she can't stand working at the store I was planning to transfer to, plus, management's been bending over backwards like crazy to keep me happy, sooooo...I guess I don't need to go anytime soon. ^^;
Eh, I'd still prefer a full time job. Need to hurry up on the college front. >_>

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

It's only a matter of time now...
Well, had yet another incident at work today that has me seriously considering transfer. I mean, my joke about that in my last post (re: "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...") wasn't all that serious, but now...

I've talked about how we've been short staffed for a while now. Now we are down to three managers, every last one of them edgy and irritated like all the servers, except moreso (with good reason, granted). Half the good people keep transferring, and my "joking" about transferring myself probably hasn't helped much--I should really keep my mouth shut about that. I rather opened a can of worms, today, however.

It actually started yesterday, when Kelly needed to leave to visit her sister, Terrie, in the hospital. Terrie used to work with us, then transferred. Well, management agreed to let Kelly move around, so she could leave earlier, but they couldn't let her go for the day. And she hadn't had a day off in weeks.

I know we're short staffed, and I know that there wasn't much we could do in that situation. But why not? I've never seen us this short staffed before. It brings to mind the time I had a serious family issue occur last year, and, remarkably, Ron let me have off my entire Friday double. If that had happened this year, would I have been able to? Or would I have had to find someone to cover me? Keeping in mind I was in no state, emotional or otherwise, to do more than to (try to) deal with the emergency at hand.

I felt so sympathetic for Kelly when the hospital called her again to tell her Terrie had another stroke this morning. That hit me especially hard, so I could only imagine how Kelly could be taking it right now. Management instantly agreed to let her go, ASAP.

Am I saying that management is inconsiderate and heartless? Far from it. Again, I know we are short staffed and everyone's being stretched beyond their limits. These are just bad situations that manage to crop up, and we're coping the best we can. Part of that is that there is lack of communication, which has been a bugger of an irritation. There is one problem that seems to be the root of all the rest of them--lack of staff.

The good staff is walking out, so in desperation, management grabs whoever is breathing off the street and throws them on the floor. Unfortunately, some of those people are just not qualified to serve, and the store as a whole suffers, financially and just generally in the area of well being. Some are good, but need stiffening up; only problem is, in an attempt to keep our heads above water, minor issues (and a few major ones) are allowed to slide where a termination would be in order. The "fear of God" just isn't in the newer staff. And all that has led to the newest problem: theft.

Apparentally, someone's been picking cash payments off the tables as of late. That's bad for the server, because every penny comes out of his or her own pocket. It's happened before, sadly. However, it has never happened to drawer people. Drawer people being people (like me) who start out with $15o at the beginning of the shift and turn every last cent in, plus whatever sales were gained during the course of the shift. The extra sales are put into a blue bag and given to the manager at the end of the day.

Yesterday, I counted like usual. I double counted like usual. Then, not like usual, I recounted everything again, being mindful of wanting to be accurate yesterday. Turns out it was (ironically) for naught. Management told me this morning I was short $2o yesterday.


Management went on to say that the bartender was also short $2o, that everyone else was short some sort of amount, and that Kelly let a $25 giftcard walk without payment. That is just way too bizarre for words. One or two of us, I might understand, but everyone?! And Kelly never lets anyone walk--that just doesn't make sense.

I swore up and down that I was even. It would have shown up yesterday if I were short. I can even recall in my mind's eye how the cash sales were--2os and ones. Management queried me on handing out a $25 giftcard to anyone, to which I also denoted a negative. I have to pay back the missing $2o.

I've only had one bill go legitimately missing before. All other times, the payments had either been misplaced or caught in the back of the drawer. But I know that I did not lose that $2o, and I want so much to fight for the right to prove it wasn't me. One incident that tipped me off was what Kelly told me today. Turns out someone had left a blue bag on a table in one of the sections the other day. Well, that was the exact same section that management had been in when I turned my blue bag in for the day. I have this hunch that management forgot about it, someone snitched a $2o (remember that it was all 2os and ones that day) and bolted. Kelly actually had to take the bag to management and say, "Look, you left this out on a table." If it was my bag, I shudder to think what would have happened if someone had taken the whole thing--it was busy yesterday, and I had pulled a decent amount of money. I was not about to pay money that was lost because of someone else's fault. That's like the bank saying, "Oh, we dropped a bag of your money out the window on our way to the vault, so you need to pay us for that."

No. Hell no.

Pissed? Damn straight I am. (Cursing and everything, how very unGinny of me. XP) Been POed all day about this, and still am. This is putting me further into brokeness. And it's not my fault--which is completely unfair to me.

I don't want to say it's management's fault, but I can't find any other reason (not that I'm living in the Land of Reason at the moment--I'm sure there's an explanation, but I'm seeing far too much red right now to look for one). I'm already desperately broke as it is, and I am not going to lose money to cover someone else's inability to handle their responsibility. Not to mention how this affects my reputation.

If this is another server (and some suspect it could be one of the newbies), then it's just horrible. Like Kelly said, if they needed money enough, why not just ask? Put your pride down for a little bit, versus causing all this aggravating suspicion (sp) and problems among the servers. To say nothing of the lawfulness of it all (I caught a server writing in a tip where he shouldn't have--management wanted to fire him, but couldn't, because we are so short staffed). And I don't even want to think about the possibility of it being one of the managers. I refuse to.

I probably didn't deal with this situation in the best way today--I was so furious at being accused of losing money and being held accountable for it that I ranted for a good part of the shift, then loudly declared (in front of management, no less, way to go me >_>) if this kept up, I was transferring. I shouldn't have done that. Shannon will be dealing with me soon enough, I wager. Gaw...

So yeah, seriously thinking about going to that store closer to me. Full staff, new customers, TIPS (that'd be nice, heh). Yeah, there'd probably be problems there, but eh...why haven't I done it before? Because there's no one else willing or able to take my shifts. That'd shortstaff management even more, and piss them off, hurting me in the long run if I ever wanted a recommendation from any of them. Eh, I think it's time to talk to management about this.

Or just get another job entirely. Being a food server for nearly four years is something...I'm just frazzing tired of it.

OK, God, I asked for a sign about jobness. I take it this is it?

FFX-2 Stats
Gunmage-21%; Silver Bullet: 2/2o (Abilities Learned: Fire Breath, Seed Cannon, Absorb, Bad Breath)
Alchemist-2%; Potion: o/1o
Samurai-6%; Spare Change: o/2o
Dark Knight-N/A
Berserker-3%; Cripple: 1/2o
Songstress-94%; need Magical Dances, Vol. I and II (MP Mambo, Magical Masque: o/2o)
Black Mage-1o%; Focus: 2/1o
White Mage-1oo%
Lady Luck-N/A
Thief (equipped)-5o%; Item Hunter: 12/6o
Floral Fallal-1oo%
Right Pistil-1oo%
Left Pistil-1oo%

Gunner-5%; Potshot: 5/2o
Gunmage-9o%; learning abilities (Abilities Learned: Fire Breath, Seed Cannon, Absorb, Bad Breath, Heaven's Cataract, Blaster)
Alchemist-2%; Potion: o/1o
Warrior-6%; Sentinel: 2/2o
Samurai-6%; Spare Change: o/2o
Dark Knight-N/A
Berserker-71%; Evade and Counter: 198/4oo
Songstress-2%; Perfect Pitch: o/1o
Black Mage (equipped)-73%; Thundaga: 14/1oo
White Mage-1oo%
Lady Luck-N/A
Machina Muzzle-92%; need Machine Reactor (Break HP Limit, o/2o)
Smasher-R-92%; need Machine Reactor (Break HP Limit, o/2o)
Crusher-L-92%; need Machine Reactor (Break HP Limit, o/2o)

Gunner-5%; Potshot: 5/2o
Gunmage-9o%; learning abilities (Abilities Learned: Fire Breath, Seed Cannon, Bad Breath, Heaven's Cataract, Blaster)
Alchemist-32%; X Potion: 117/16o
Warrior (equipped)-68%; Excalibur: 8/12o
Dark Knight-N/A
Berserker-3%; Cripple: o/2o
Songstress-2%; Perfect Pitch: o/1o
Black Mage-1oo%
White Mage-3%; Vigor: o/2o
Lady Luck-N/A
Thief-3%; First Strike: o/4o
Full Throttle-86%; need Victor Primoris and Corpus Invictus (Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit: o/2o)
Dextral Wing-82%; need Victor Primoris and Corpus Invictus (Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit: o/2o)
Sinistral Wing-82%; need Victor Primoris and Corpus Invictus (Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit: o/2o)

Robert would be proud. ^_^ And now you know what Ginny does with her spare time these days. O_o;

Saturday, January 17, 2004

You are FIREFLY!
You are FIREFLY! An adventuerous little pony with a
"Take no crap" additude. You
trademark move is the double inside out loop,
and your just an all around awesome little

What old skool my little pony are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Boy, if that isn't ever the biggest load of--wait, wait, no, lemme try that again. This quiz was SO off.
*whimpers* That's something Latoya used to say. *lip quiver*
That does it--I'm looking into transfer info by next month.

Huh, I think I actually have one of those ponies that look like that. Or I used to. Wonder if it'd be worth anything to collectors if I found it? Pink one with fuzz, yellow hair, and...well, forgot what her little symbol was, but I loved her wings. Still love 'em, so small and useless, but decorative, heh.

La la la, shouldn't be up so late, but I just can't stop doodling, ARGH! *snerk*

Friday, January 16, 2004

Laters, Squishy
Well, tonight was Chad's (manager) last night at our store. While I was not as attached to him as, say, Ron or James, I still liked him a lot, so losing him sorta hurt. He was handing out ChiliHead pins left and right, heh...and then he promised that if I ever needed anything, like a letter of recommendation, he'd be more than willing.
Fuzzy Head, that's FANtastic, that's motivating, don't you DARE snap my ToGo key again--burn it back together and lock the key in the drawer by accident. *snerk* Ambigiously Gay Duo, laser surgery to be permanantly bald, and married to a lady twice his age.
*bittersweet half-smile* I'll miss that miniscule garbage disposal.

I'm seriously considering transferring to the Chili's nearest to me (5 minute drive versus 25 minutes), or just getting a full time job elsewhere. My store is falling apart at the seams, and I don't want to be around when it finally collapses. Latoya (another awesome friend who just transferred this week) assured me that management couldn't refuse my transfer, no matter what the circumstances, so...
Mweh. Much praying on this matter. I just can't make heads or tails of it. Or maybe I just don't want to see the answer just yet.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Song of Today (Ginny Blurb at end)
("I Have Been There", Mark Schultz)
In a room without a view, a new mother smiles and holds
The tiny fingers of her brand new baby girl.
Her husband takes her by the hand, so unsure about the future,
Have no money, can they make it in this world?
And they pray, "Lord, all we have to give is love."
Then they heard a gentle voice, like an echo from above,

"I have been there. I know what fear is all about.
Yes, I have been there and I'm standing with you now.
I have been there
And I came to build the bridge, so this road could lead you Home.
Oh, I have been there."

He's been a pastor, twenty years
But tonight he sits alone and broken hearted in the corner of the church
He tried to change a fallen world
With his words and with his wisdom but it seems like it is only getting worse
And he cries, "Oh Lord, I just don't understand."
Then he felt the hand of grace, and he heard a voice that said

"I have been there, I know what pain is all about
Yes, I have been there, and I'm standing with you now
I have been there, and I came to build a bridge
So this road could lead you Home
Oh, I have been there."

An older man up on a hill
Holding flowers but he can't hold back the tears,
So he has come to say goodbye.
He thinks about the life she lived,
Hhinks about how hard it's been to live without her
Sixty years right by his side
And he cries, "Oh Lord, I loved her till the end,"
And he heard a gentle voice, say, "You'll see her once again!"

"I have been there
I know what sorrow's all about
Yes, I have been there, and I'm standing with you now
I have been there, and I came to build a bridge
So this road could lead her Home, the road could lead her Home
Oh, I have been there, You know I overcame the cross, yes, I have been there
So her life would not be lost
Oh, I have been there, and I came to build
A bridge so this road could lead you Home
The road could lead you Home

Oh I have been there
Yes I have been there."

I love this song. I never get tired of it. Not only is it pretty to listen to, but it has some real truths. I also happen to know that Mark makes his songs from personal experience or stories others have told him.

There's something truly fascinating about love. And before you start rolling your eyes, going, "Geez, here she goes again," then...*blanks out* Well, just stop, anyway. ^_^;
No one told you you had to read, so you can stop if you want to. o_O ^^

OK, so love. That emotion that totally emcompasses you, makes you feel special, important, like you matter, like you know you would do anything for anyone, or that one special someone.

The first time I felt love (yes, this part is religious, no, you don't have to read it but yes, you have to accept that it's a part of me) was when I was baptized. To know that the Creator of the world cares enough about me to love me, to take care of me, to know that all He wants in return is my love is's...I just can't comprehend it sometimes, really. (*grins at Dan (and hopefully, Shaun, wherever he is (drakehho19 ya goober!!! (and Flora too))*)

This brings to mind my favorite necklace, which now has three pendants on it. The middle one is my cross. Golden color, rather worn looking, but still there. Sitting to its left (my right) is a fire opal (these things are gorgeous, you gotta see one sometime) that my mom gave me for a birthday a year or two ago. On the other side of the cross is a small silver dragon that I added in the last week. The chain is long enough that all three pendants dangle just over my heart.

See where this is going? The Cross represents Christ, the fire opal my mother, and the dragon Jamal (heh, I know he'd appreciate that ^^). The three things dearest to my heart. The three people who've shown me an incredible amount of love.

*blushes* This is sorta getting embarrassing, but...well, got me why I'm typing all this up. O.o I just am.

...well, now I went and forgot why I was typing all this up. Erhm...huh. Well, off to play Theo the Faith Retriever (I love kids, but I love playing as puppets even more! ^___________^). Maybe I'll think of what the whole point of this was a little later on.

Other Stuff
They broke ground on the newest Chili's in the area yesterday. If all goes well, it should open by mid-summer, and I'll transfer there. Or get a real, full time job. ;p

And I just found out that Chad's last day is on Saturday. I had to swear not to tell anyone, but now I understand why Shannon's been stalking around, all PO'ed lately. Not fair to take it out on the rest of us, though! That's going to bring us down to 3 managers, and we're already short staffed as it is! Yeesh, my store's sinking, and I want so much to jump ship.

Monday, January 12, 2004

Which Neglected Mario Character Are You?

My favorite question asked which of the words listed put the most fear into my heart. Very first choice was Mario. Heh, guess what I picked? ;-P

Just something that popped into my head last night...

I look up to Heaven for answers
I strain ears for wails from below
Their silence is more defeaning
Their lost words more useless
Nothing to be said?
Or am I just not listening
the right way?

I want anwers again, ones bursting full of information that will set my mind at ease, that will assure me everything's going to be ok. My obsession with perfection is trying to take control of everything again, and I have still got to realize I'm just a human, not God.

He'll take care of it.

And just because it isn't done my way doesn't mean that He hasn't taken care of it.
Because sometimes, He's working for the good of others, of those who are more desperately in need of having it "their way".

I met a girl yesterday that, if what she had described happened to me, was completely down on her luck. I'm sure she feels pretty miserable. I was in no position to help her with what she needed and all I can do at this point is pray.
That's enough, sometimes.

I wonder how hard I pray. I admit that sometimes I slack, and I shouldn't. I do know that there are times when my soul is just aching as I pray (I can see Dan nodding right now at this ^_^), and I feel so in tune with God. But I know that I can't pray other people into God's favor. I can't pray and think that it's going to manipulate Him into doing my will, because I rarely ever see the Big Picture.

By the way, if you are reading this, rest assured I pray for you.

And now, off to work (after I've been off from work for a week, heh).

Friday, January 09, 2004

I blame Mistress Baka for this one ^_^

I did it in 41 seconds.
I deserved a C!!
Take the How Dexterous Are You? Quiz!!

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.

BINGO! That one hit it right on the head. Heh. ^_^

And my latest Trigun Cel Shade Image (which isn't really a Cel, now that I've had a proper discussion about it and blah blah blah and did you REALLY think I'd let you get away with going a day without me putting more Vashy up? You DID? Well, sheesh, lemme break out Auron and Sephiroth an--


Thursday, January 08, 2004

Be Afraid (Des), Be Very Afraid had a video there that was of Trigun set to this horrible Legend of Zelda song...which...I shudder to admit...I believe I've heard before. Add the cornyness of the Trigun images added to it and I wasn't quite sure whether to cry, laugh, burn the file in effigy, or show Des and watch him cry/laugh/burn the file in effigy.

Be afraid, Des. Be very afraid.

Be in awe

I'm so shameless. And so proud. I've been working a long, hard time to get the grasp of cel shading, and I'm almost there. This one still looks a tad shaky, but it's cool. Called "Nice Shot". A cookie for anyone who can guess what Trigun episode this was.

And then worry about me

OK, so I casually drink once a month, maybe twice. I don't ever plan to get that drunk, don't think I ever have. I get tipsy, and I've gotten pretty ill only once--*ignores lectures and shouts of "ah HAH!"*--and I won't do that second one again. This was a lot of fun to make.

I really need to work on my FFS comic for tomorrow. Ergh.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Did you get that? :)
Aim name is drakehho19 now
Aim name is drakehho19 now
Aim name is drakehho19 now

Phew. That's it for me tonight. ^^;

E hee hee...
Just spent the past hour tracking down Trigun music videos. I swear, I have an embarrassing lack of a life. ^.^;;; is not nearly as reliable as everyone makes it out to be, and more's the pity. Of the few music videos I was able to make work, I found a T2 Trailer mockup, a Kid Rock (Cowboy), a "Wild Wild West" parody, and a Five Second Song. Five Second Song was my favorite.

/"This song
Is only five seconds long!"/

"Huh? HEY, is that all the time I get?!" ~~whiney Vash


My ever favorite by FAR is "How You Remind Me", found randomly when I plugged in "Trigun music video" on Yahoo. The link's on my blog somewhere in the archives, and at the moment, too lazy and too tired to grab it.

Meanwhile, I'm a tad grumpy because I'm waiting for my webhost to retrieve my FTP upload info for FFS: the Comic. I'm all ready to go, but I'm getting held up. *sigh*

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Ginny Blurb at end

This song's for Sara

...don't ask me why. ^^; (Maybe I'm looking for an excuse to plop that very good song back on my blog again, bwa ha!)

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as
A poor man stealing
Tired of living like a blind man
I'm sick of sight without
A sense of feeling
And this is how you remind me

This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you
A heart worth breaking
And I've been wrong
I've been down
Into the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Are we having fun yet?

Yet, yet, yet, no no
Yet, yet, yet, no no

It's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and
I swear I still do
And it must have been so bad
'Cos living with me must have
Damn near killed you

And this is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you
A heart worth breaking
And I've been wrong
I've been down
Into the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Are we having fun yet?

Yet, yet, yet, no no
Yet, yet, yet, no no
Yet, yet, yet, no no
Yet, yet, yet, no no

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as
A poor man stealing
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me

This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you
A heart worth breaking
And I've been wrong
I've been down
Into the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Are we having fun yet?

Yet, yet
Are we having fun yet?
Yet, yet
Are we having fun yet?
Yet, yet
Are we having fun yet?
Yet, yet
No, no, no

And this one's for ME! *grin*
You just have to hear what this one sounds like--it's wild and indescribable!

Isabelle is a belly dancer
with a kleptomaniac's restraint
tried stealing Helena's hand basket,
made a fast getaway,
but McQueen she ain't
at the courtroom Joshua judges her
ruthlessly on account of Ruth walking
out on him
in the Big House Isabelle is a-telling all
to the chaplain who's become her friend

she says: I don't know why you care
I don't know what's out there
I don't know where or how
just take me to your leader now
take me to your leader now

Justin is adjustin' to the odor from
Theodore's Evergreen Incense
but aroma therapy don't make him any
younger than Oliver's All Liver Supplements
his late mate Merrilee merrily said
immortality can't be bought in a jar
this just in: Justin's had enough of cure-
alls, gonna quiz the neighbor kid with the
fish on his car

he says: I don't know why you care
I don't know what's out there
I don't know how it's done
just take me to your leader, son

I see you've got the joy
I've seen you live it, boy
It's real, it's free, it's fun,
so take me to your leader , son

They don't know why we care
They don't know what's out there
They don't know how it's done
Let's Take `Em To Our Leader's Son

They see we've got the joy
They see us live it, oi
it's real, it's free, it's fun,
Let's Take `Em To Our Leader's Son

Just in case you missed it...
...Ginny's still at drakehho19 until she moves out in a few months. So get those classically strange moments in whilst you can! :)

Monday, January 05, 2004

Editted some online comic links. Dumped "Suburban Jungle", added "Framed!"

Jog over to "Chasing the Sunset" and see the impact I had there. ^_^

~Thanks to BBaka for the RotK quote~
Sam: It's like in the old stories Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end - because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing - this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those are the stories that stayed with you - that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going... because they were holding onto something.
Frodo: What're we holding onto, Sam?
Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for.

I'd explore further on this, but I believe it speaks for itself.