Saturday, July 22, 2006

*An oldie but goodie.*
*Also, Jamal's first appearance on this blog was Sept 28th, 2003, about the same time I dream-predicted my cousin getting married.*

(sung to the tune of "Favorite Things" from "The Sound of Music)

Kisses on noses and plushie blue Stitches
Random made up words and Internet nitches
Red goofy gunman whose bullets he zings
These are a few of my favorite things

Crimson old geezers and black evil kitties
Chocolates and gummies and these funny ditties
UPS guy--no, the boxes he brings!
These are a few of my favorite things

Warm fuzzy blankets, lightning and thunder
Fighting and tearing game monsters asunder
Translated manga, anime flings
These are a few of my favorite things

When the boss yells
When the heart fails
When I'm feeling sad
I just simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Who started it, anyway?
Des: Okay, back.
Ginny: YAY!
Ginny:*throws flowers about*
Des: What kind of flowers?
Ginny: um...ones you like?
Ginny: (that was weak, lol)
Des: What kind do I like?
Ginny:ones that designate your godliness as a Legend of Zelda Lore Master?
Ginny: what would you call those? O.o
Des: lol
Ginny: really?
Des: -_-
Ginny: first time I've heard of lol flowers
Des: I do actually have a favorite flower.
Ginny: ooo?
Des: It should be easy to figure out. Think about it for a bit.
Ginny: nope, can't think of anything
Des: What color do I always use?
Ginny: all I can think of is...wait, green...
Ginny: ivy...?
Ginny: um. um. um....?
Des: -_-
Des: ALWAYS use. I don't use green that often.
Ginny: ergh?
Ginny: Blue?
Des: ...
Ginny: *hides*
Ginny: lol
Des: What am I using right now?
Ginny: black
Des: o_O
Ginny: that's what it looks like
Des: It shows up as black for you?
Ginny: yups
Des: This is black. This is purple.
Ginny: I see black n black
Ginny: brb
Des: Do you have AIM set to only display one font/color?
Ginny: nooooo
Des: Strange. You can't see any different between those two?
Des: *difference
Ginny: very barely
Des: Looks to be clearly purple to me. My brother can't says it's not purple, that it's more black than purple.
Ginny: still extremely hard to tell
Des: How about this?
Ginny: ok, yes
Ginny: that I can tell
Des: You people are color blind. :-P
Ginny: this must be what you were using
Des: Yeah, that's it.
Ginny:or this one
Ginny: weido
Ginny: *weirdo :-P
Ginny: ok, purple
Ginny: lilac?
Ginny: you're a LILAC BOY? Ooooo!
Des: No. >_>
Ginny: no? ?_?
Des: No.
Ginny: what else is purple?
Des: If I told you, it wouldn't be guessing, now would it?
Ginny: O_O
Ginny: *does that AC shock face*
Ginny: grrr
Ginny: I can't think!!!
Des: lol
Ginny: *air drums to Otherworld, keeps thinking*
Des: Want a hint?
Ginny: yesh!
Ginny:*gets Wakka to put you in headlock*
Ginny: ready!
Des: They aren't blue.
Ginny: ._.
Ginny: *tells Wakka to take Desbreko to the Executioner with the Really Huge Shiny Sword*
Ginny: another hint would be really good, now, wouldn't it?
Ginny: :-P
Des: I can't believe you're not getting this, lol.
Ginny: *Wakka presents your still attached head to the E.w.t.R.H.S.S.*
Ginny: I won't lose my head over this,
Ginny: *groan*
Ginny: but you might. ^.^
Des: I think it's too late.
Ginny: ?_?
Ginny: I'm clueless
Des: Come on... What's another name for the color purple?
Ginny: *does that AC shock face again*
Ginny: OFF WITH HIS--violets?
Des: Amazing! :-P
Ginny: --HEAD!
Ginny: *chop*
Des: x_X
Ginny: E.w.t.R.H.S.S., aka Auron: Oops.
Ginny: ok, um, that's right
Ginny: we were strewing violets around you because of your return
Ginny: except
Ginny: you're sorta dead now O.o
Des: How nice...
Ginny:well, you started it!
Ginny:: :-
Ginny: :-P
Des: No I didn't! You're the one that started tossing flowers in the first place!
Ginny: *reattaches your head*
Ginny: well, if you didn't go around in a black purple font, this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place!
Ginny: ...or is that second place?
Ginny: or pre-first place?
Ginny: @_@
Des: It's the Ginny-is-overly-violent-with-the-chopping-off-of-heads place. >_>
Ginny: is that the first one?
Ginny: I don't think it should be.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Holy crap,
I never realized what whiny little pansies guys can be. Then again, I hope I never made anyone bitter like this. O_o;

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Twilight Princess Goodness

No offense, but if you don't like The Legend of Zelda series, you officially suck. :p

This video puts me in mind of Wind Waker, but the style has grown up. And I am falling in love with the series all over again. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

*contented ninja girl poof*

Monday, July 17, 2006

We Like YouTube

OK, so I'm fiddling around on YouTube today, and happily discovered that, among a bazillion--actually, let's say google, since that's a real number (it it, it is, look it up!)--so, among a google of videos, I discovered:
#1-I like the techno pop (yes, pop, shamefully, but ah well) song "Everytime We Touch".
#2-There are music videos of Auron. (Naturally, this increased my approval of this site a google-fold.)
#3-There was an anime-ated sequence of Sephiroth invading Nibelheim. It's known as "Last Order", and, being one of the quieter Sephy fans, this is actually a bigger deal to me than "Advent Children". I am researching into "Last Order" as we speak.

*giggles* Beloved introduced me to the site, and I'm sure he's somewhat regretting it. ^_~

*Edit* To his credit, I found a hilarious Real Final Fantasy Theme Song Volume One featuring Auron, Cloud, and Sephiroth. It spends way too much time on BishiSephy, so you can close it after the first few seconds into his part. (Most horrific use of the "Beer Song." >>)

*Edit2* "Last Order" was awesome. Nothing jaw dropping visually or story wise (except for the Masamune/Seph/Cloud standoff moment). It explained things. Finally, the Final Fantasy with the most incomplete and confusing back story line ever finally gets unraveled. (Well, that plus the one article I read on Triple Mako Dosage and How It Affects Spiky Blonde Guys.)

*Edit3! Ginny's having way too much fun with this!* Vash!
(Aw man, they don't have the original Nickelback AMV... Boo...) And methinks Wolfwood looks like my beloved. o.o (We should sue. ^_~)

*Edit4* Never mind, I found that missing AMV! YouTube f(rea)king ROX!!!

*Edit5 also known as "Me beating Jamal over the head with giant plushies because this site is eating all my free time and I'm STILL playing with it!"* I found a chibi Kakashi striptease set to "I'm Too Sexy". Beloved, you have no one to blame but yourself. ^_~

*fan-serviced ninja girl poof!*

Sunday, July 16, 2006

...are freakin' hilarious. Just a little while ago, I was upstairs, leaning over the banister. Candace, my parents' 8 week old Chow/Lab puppy, was directly beneath me on the first floor. I started calling her name, and *snerk HEE HEE HEE* she ran around in circles, looking positively lost. Every time she paused, I'd call again, and she'd run around in another circle. And then there was the puzzled head tilt at one point--*giggle*, so adorable, so much fun to tease.

*massages forehead* When I'm not having to housebreak her. Reminds me of when I was raising my brothers and had to potty train them. >_< 'S the only part of the job I dislike.

*pouts* And it's my manager Nick's last day. Stinks.

But I still have the computer! *glee!*

*fuzzy ninja girl poof!*

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Today interesting. My younger older brother is leaving semi-permanently to live in Minnesota. I have mixed feelings. And for the next ten days, my home life is changing drastically, as I am now babysitting two dogs (one an adorable yet rambunctous chow/lab puppy). @_o

Meanwhile, I'm clamoring through Oracle of Ages/Seasons, and shall finally get to Ganon. Zoo Tycoon is installed and ready (with dinosaurs, SQUEE!). And I'm still feeling really good about my 2nd place Magic draft win Tuesday (Sara, m'dear, I'm a newbie, so I could play nicely with you any day ^_^). *hugs her stuffed tiger*

Nothing much else to report. I finished Chobits and have started on Tsubasa. Read King's first two Gunslinger novels and started on The Soprano Socceress. Thought Superman Returns was okay, LOVED Dead Man's Chest.

And I now have the computer for the next ten days. I feel FABULOUS. ^_^

*un-rutted ninja girl poof!*