Sunday, October 22, 2006

Celebrate Three Years!


OK, first off, two warnings before y'all click the link:
#1- Girly Lovey Song
#2- Tidus/Yuna kissy scene. Have your sulferic acid ready.

Other than that, I love you, my Beloved!

*heart-spangled ninja girl poof*

Finally, an update!
Yeah, so due to all sorts of circumstances beyond my control (including, and mostly due to, training to be a manager), I haven't been able to update in *peers at last date* ....ah, a really, really long time.

If you haven't already, convert to Now. I demand it.

So, I'm looking at this keyboard (which was worn out like crazy by my programming brother), and I notice that letters have been re-written on the "empty" keys. That amuses me to no end.

And that made me want to look up Digimon Season 3 stuff on youtube. (I really don't know why, either.) And, for my fellow Digimaniacs, let me just say, I dealt with the unfairness of the Japanese getting the awesome intro. I mean, c'mon, home country and all that...

...but now the Arabic kids get a cooler one than us?!?

*ist thwapped by Beloved* I'm sorry, but I am really jealous.

(Prolly for all of three seconds. Then I'll forget all about this. I think I'm just awed that there was an Arabic version--which just shows that, (abysmally) constant card crap aside, Season 3 was the best. You can't deny it, because I won't let any of you. (*fiercely loyal to her S3*))

Oh, and I have been brought up to speed to "Numa Numa". No link needed, because, as I've been told, anyone with a Net connection knows about this song. Which translates as not me. Catchy song. Been FMV'ed like crazy.

As soon as I/Beloved get the chance, our "24 Hour Comic" comic (24 pages in 24 hours, and loooook, I just enlisted my Beloved's help *grin*) shall be up on the Net. We work quite well together, methinks.

And, and "Fables"--I like! And I finished "Chobits". And started "Tsubasa". And am awaiting both "Okami" and "FFXII".

There! way too much update, and out of time. Till next time!

*Digimon Ninja girl POOF!*