Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Frickin' Hilarious
"Dee dee..." (re: "da dum...")

(all hail hiatus status Dave Barry)

By the way--
--not only do you have to have a card around here to drink, I now have to have a card to serve you food. *grumbles*
Be nice to your food servers. After all, they have your food first. :p

Have a great day!

Friday, January 07, 2005

what a way to start off the new year. Scaring the crap out of everybody by being in the emergency room Tuesday. x_X

Whatever put me there midsummer of 'o4 came back to bite me, so now I'm biting back with medicine that makes me woozy--fuuuuuuun. Which meant I didn't get to work much this week. (I plan to go back tomorrow, however.) As for what it was? Appendicitis (sp?) was winning out until the last moment, when it turned out to be an infection. Which thankfully meant no operation.

Major kudos to my patient mom and my wonderful bf who stuck it out the whole Tues. night with me. Words just can't express how much that meant to me. Well, now that I got the major illness out of the way for the year, things can only get better!

Ditto kudos for all my online peeps who still care for me even after I've been absent from the Net for so very long. Hugs to Sara, Ben, Nerdsy, Shaun, Flora, Zero, and others who escape me at this moment. (Lousy pencillin makea memory go *swirl swirl*.)

Have the best kind of day and the most wonderful kind of year.