Thursday, October 28, 2004

No, this doesn't tell you Ginny's preference
I figured, what with all the tense attitudes and hot heads running around, we all needed a good laugh. (I wonder if Dave Barry knows about this one yet.)

Hope you saw
the lunar eclipse last night. Dude, dude, and DUUUUUUUUUUUDE. So cool when it turned red.

And it's a small world after all
I have been seeing a lot of old friends ever since I took my job at Fry's. What I was NOT expecting was to see my very first mentor after a seven year absence. All hail Don Klusman--he was the first friendly face when I first began to go to church, and he's always helped me along in life without ever telling me, "You have to do it EXACTLY THIS WAY." Shorter than I rememeber, but then again, I was only 9 when I first met him. Even at the age of 5o+, he's adopting a foster child. Too awesome.

Now I'm just waiting to see Gundy suddenly appear. XD My other mentor. Man, I miss that goober.

Meanwhile, most of my co-workers and I are getting pretty close (given the non-fraternizing policy, it's only natural). Susan's the religious mother hen, Luvenia keeps the pecking order, Maria is very sweet, Jackie spunky, and Anita in between; Charles is disappearing, Jimmy'sokay, Ronald's a helpful ass but still a solid friend, Darriel's a little out there, and Steve is probably my best work friend (do I need to mention that my beloved does not need to feel jealous at all? My beloved is my unmatchable favorite. *kiss*).

Given that our job's on the boring side when nothing is going on, we tend to talk to each other a lot. I know what I can say around who and when, and my favorite people are those that I can talk the easiest around (mostly Maria and Steve). Like today--Maria is sharing everything she's learning about employment as a whole, while Steve somehow coaxed me into singing a MercyMe song (second time this has happened to me at my job (first was at Chili's, with a Stacie Orrico song, and 5 girls), but it's nice to have people who know the songs you know, you know?) It came back to bite him--he went home sick with a migraine, heeeeeeee.

I'm still very negative toward my money situation, my inability to move out--and my check today didn't help matters. If I can wrap my Associate degree up and wrap it up quick, I'm going to run off to find a better paying job. Mweh.

Friends are a blessing from God--do not take them for granted.
Love you all and good night.


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