Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It's one of those rare times when online comics all seem to have something special going on at once.
Secret of Mana (which is actually sprite animation, but close enough, hee) hit 2oo today.
Adventurers! #999 is competing with Cher's farewell tour for the longest run evah.
Nick finally proposed to Ki (and unknowingly set an alternate dimension takeover in motion).
It's Walky! ends tomorrow.
Dude, last night I saw the black n white werewolf movie that had a clip featured in "Beethoven"
RPG World is about to hit 5oo!
Sluggy Freelance is awesome, and so are those "Bun Bun: Eater of Holidays" plushie (if you don't know the story behind that particular character, shame on you--it was an excellent story arc).
Dave Barry goes on hiatus in January for a year or two. Man....

(And psst! going back to a set of apartments I liked tomorrow, so moving time is growing ever closer.
And there's also a new webcomic I'm enjoying--I'll try to read all the archives and link it before I go on "hiatus" myself.)

Enjoy this new day of life!


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