Sunday, October 24, 2004

Love you +1

(And by the way, all you hormone-driven males, this post should clearly clarify that I'm unavailable, so stop asking already.)

Y'know, I was planning to do something mushy, like "All the love songs in the world can't begin to describe," but decided against it (doesn't deny the truthness of the sentence, though, and the ever classic "I Need You" by Leann Rimes). Or something technical like "When's the last time I spent more than a year on something? Job. OK, well, something I liked?" but it's too early in the morning to be technical. Soooooooo:

Remember that Hearts Day card--the one that was nearly blank on the front except for two words--seemingly so short, yet meaning so much? Yeah. *happy blush*

Happy 1st Anniversary, beloved, and may we be granted many more. +1.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the sweetest *sniff* thing *sniff* I've ever *sniff* heard! ;_;


10:58 PM  
Blogger Ginny said...

Awwww....*snuggles down into her new favorite shirt*

*tosses poor Ben a tissue* Ahem, as I was saying... ;)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... ^_^ Too wonderful for words.

11:16 PM  

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