Saturday, October 16, 2004

When they said
promotions are easy to come by at my job, they weren't kidding. My boss approached me early yesterday morning and asked if I would consider being a corporate trainer.


I've only been there 4 weeks and they're asking me to...

*peers upwards* Y'know, Most Holy Father in Heaven, it really isn't nice to tease.

Chad promised it wouldn't be till after the new year. I'm a little iffy about the whole thing, because it would require me to go out of town a lot, and out of state on a rare occasion. ...wonder if it pays well? *shakes head* In any case, it's too early to make a decision.

*peers upward once more*



I've finally got a large chunk of my job down, and it really isn't that hard. Just a little boring when nothing's going on. And I can't doodle when there's nothing going on, because something might be going on just when I stop looking! Ugh. However, I was paying attention this week and pulled an extra $4o. My co-workers tell me that's rather good for a newbie. *beams* Now if I was just CERTIFIED, I could KEEP that $4o. *slight growl*

But I am certified tomorrow. YAY!

The only thing that's still bothering me about this job is what's BEEN bothering me ever since I took this job--my stomach. From day one, it's churned, and I thought it was nervousness. Nowadays, the nervousness is gone, but I still get ill right after I get back from lunch; whenever I get home, I don't care for eating, but I force myself to anyway, because if I don't, I'll starve. And there are some moments when I AM starving, but just as I start to eat, I get ill and don't want to eat anymore. But what'll make the hungry feeling go away, then?

Today, I kept running to the water fountain because my throat felt like it was burning. Still feels that way; I don't know what's going on.

On the plus side, I no longer have trouble falling to sleep. It's the waking up part that's getting difficult, heh.

The Marshmallon has you. ^_~


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