The nets have been cast,
now we wait for the fish to be caught in them.
Jenna and I talked for a good while about apartments today, such as:
--where (wherever my next job ends up being, since there's about three different--and far apart--potential cities).
--how much (gonna go efficency till my car is paid off (in 8 months), then go to a normal sized apartment. This also leads into managing a budget, to which she advised, "Unless it's an absolute necessity, go without till your budget's under control.")
--are rabbits exotic pets (she's going to research on how her apartments define rabbits, and I will have to make sure I ask wherever I end up staying if rabbits are allowed. I hope so. I'm getting back in the mood to get one, but I need to wait until my budget is settled.).
--and the "why" has been done over and over and over again. Ginny loves her family but Ginny needs. her. SPACE. *ahem*
The first key to all this is getting that pesky full time job I need so much. We are still waiting. It's going to happen. I refuse to rot at my current place of employment, really, I do. And because of that, the determination has erased any fear I have of interviews, which is a great thing in itself.
I have to tell ya, though, once it's all settled and down, I predict that I still will be without Net for awhile, but when my new budget's settled, I'm make sure to make that one of my top priorities. Um...depending on whether I haven't gone crazy by then (heh) or depending on whether I'll need it as much by then.
*is wet-puppy-eyes stared at by everyone*
Geez, ok ok! Heh. Let's see where I'm at when I get there. ^.^
Sleep good. Tomorrow's another day of promise.
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