Sunday, February 17, 2008

Guess who just discovered "Professor Layton and the Curious Village"? (And all thanks to a "Parade" magazine, no doubt. >_>)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Stranger than fiction, all right

GinZilla19: OOOO, what's secret option C?
GDE Locke: Dress up as a woman and run around your neighborhood shouting I'm your transgender shemalefriend.

*pre-birthday ninja girl poof*

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Meanwhile, on the gaming front...
Seems that FFXII was just the beginning. Or middle, as it were. See, Ivalice was introduced as a locale back in Final Fantasy Tactics; my own personal introduction to it was in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (which, by the way, <3). I'm sure you've heard about Revenant Wings by this point (Nov, SQUEE!!!). But what about FFTA2: Sealed Grimoire? That is a direct sequel to FFTA. YAY! Sad part is, no release date yet. :(
AND, on top of all that, they are re-releasing FFT on the PSP, with Balthier as a chara. (I already have the original for PSOne, but found the story boring. Mayhaps Batears-inclusion will rally my attention better this time. ^_^)

So yeah, "triology". This totally shoots the classic "Square never makes a FF sequel" rule to hell.

Also currently in the process of obtaining a 1oo% on Okami.
Also got a 194 combo on DDRSuperNOVA last week. Would love to get the music on CDs sometime. If anyone's got any info on that....?

Also need to beat OdinSphere. You know, this always happens right as I about to finish a game--I just stop playing. Because I don't want it to end, perhaps. I'm on the Apocalypse chapter, though, so I NEED to finish it. ...after Okami. Hee.

*holly-wanded ninja fangirl poof*

Thursday, August 09, 2007

And I totally stole that from HERE

so this icon is NOT mine it belongs to lupinne I was just too lazy to go through the proper channnels to obtain this.
Sorry lupinne! ^^;

Doesn't that just beat all?

OK, so I don't know what Ginny Weasley's wand was made of, but check this:

Your Score: 12", Holly, Dragon

You scored 47 wisdom, 33 bravery, 15 emotional, and 16 martyrdom!

Holly is a powerful protective wood that good for use against evil, but it also represents dreams and fertility. Your dragon's heartstring core makes your wand very effective in hexes.

Link: The Harry Potter Wand Test written by sputnik on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Basically, I'm Ginny--the Bat-Bogey Hex girl. The baby maker of a great and well loved man. (inside joke thereabouts) And you know what I would looooove to say to that?

(Tiny voice: Cool!)
Louder voice: PFFFFFFFFTTTT!!!

I also unearthed the fact that Sean Bean got the role of the bad guy in "Goldeneye" only because Alan Rickman refused it. I don't know whether to be pleased or puzzled. See, that was the first movie I saw Sean Bean in--really liked that one, too. But another potential AR movie? Hrhm....

And I have FINALLY got my muse working upon my charas for October's 24HourComic competition. Now to storyboard the story out (oh redundancies ^_^) and....

*wizard drawing ninja girl POOF!*

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Pott--oh, you know the rest (non spoiler post)

So I just finished Book 7 a few hours ago and... wow. Wow wow wow. Good golly Ms. "Not my daughter you bitch!" Molly (Weasley, lol!!). J.K.R. should be pleased.

So, after sifting through my list of Who Dies? contributed to by my friends and loved ones, I find it amusing that almost everyone was wrong. Then again, I admit I was at the point that I felt anyone would be dying. (BTW, the whole "2 people die" thing? Not true. There's a massive body count in this book because this book has a war going on.)

*looks to her friends Jen and Julia* I wonder how they'll take that one death... :( It shocked me.

I'm pleased in that all my theories turned out right. Some people are saying that this last book was too predictable, but hey, when you're on the last lap, the course is going to look a little familiar. ^_^; I also admit I got misty-eyed during "The Prince's Tale" chapter. Explained a facet I never saw before--and now I have to re-read the books with that particular part in mind.

Nice Epilogue. A little short and random (people say that Rowling wrote the Epi a few years back). And ....A. S. P. *sniffle* That was truly, truly touching. I am very eager to see the last two movies now.

*magical ninja girl poof*

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Well fudge,
I KNEW I left another awesome person off of my top five list. Derek Stephen Prince. *slaps own forehead*

Rediscovered him in a very roundabout way. See, D.S.P. played several great characters in the Digimon series, DemiDevimon in S1, Ken (glee!) and Veemon in S2, Impmon (SQUEE!) in S3, and I lost track after that. (Heard he is in S4 as bit parts. Have only seen S5 in Japanese, so don't ask me where he is there.)

Meanwhile, I have been playing OdinSphere (which, by the way, I highly highly recommend). Turns out Oswald the Emo Shadow Knight is played by --Gleeful Squee!--Derek Stephen Prince. And Oswald is naturally turning into one of those "Pity me, for I am strong and yet so weak blah blah blah" charas that somehow always manage to make themselves badass looking regardless (think Auron).

So yes, I guess #5 needs to be revamped on my list to be a tie: Matt MacKenzie and Derek Stephen Prince. Heh.

Meanwhile again, whilst OdinSphere is not taking up my time, Pokemon Pearl is--I just made a theme team to compete in a friendly challenge that has been set up recently. Took me two hours last night to whittle down the choices, THEN decide their natures, characteristics, items to be held, bodies, and moves. Whew. It'll take a bit to obtain everything I need, but I'll finally have a chance to be a Dragon Tamer like I always wanted to be. (That was from Red, that little dream, but there was hardly any dragons back then, so I gave up on the dream for a bit.)

*wyvern ninja girl poof*

Sunday, June 10, 2007

It has come to my attention
that I left off a very important Runner Up on my Runners Up list.

Sean Bean.

*is unshackled*

I apologize for the oversight and it will not happen again.


Sorry about that delay...
Seems Blogger and I have had some difficulties (namely in that I couldn't remember my name or password--this comes from not having my own computer).

AN-e-way, last night at work, the party girl cliche decided to ask all the other girls at work who their top five cute guys that work at our store were. I'm sure they were attempting this to obtain some premium gossip (the gossip mill has run dry as of late, it seems), but were disappointed to find few, if any girls, chose five. The most anyone could come up with is three; I couldn't come up with any, given that I am severly biased toward my own Beloved. Besides that, none of the guys at work are all that attractive. I tend to base attractiveness both on looks AND personality; a bad one turns a hawt guy quite ugly. Many girls agreed with me.

However, I will admit that I began to think of my own top five list. A special list. So here is my

Top Five List of Guys with Great Voices:

1- Beloved. Biased. 'Nough said.

2- Keith David. I caught him on a show called "Walking the Bible" this morning reading the Bible. I was entranced by his performance of Goliath when I was younger--especially when he did that sigh/growl of his. Mmmm. I could listen to him read the phone book. All. Day. Long.

3- Kelsey Grammer. What? So I like guys that sing well. I was pretty surprised and impressed when I learned that he's the guy that "scats" over the "Frasier" credits. Plus--Sideshow Bob. 'Nough said. (Originally, he was number 4, but as I wrote this part, the S.B. part bumped him up to number 3.)

4- Bing Crosby. Big ears, but gorgeous voice. The first time I heard him was in my brother's Disney version of "Legend of Sleepy Hollow"--that scene when he practices with the town's ladies choir and he goes, "Boo, boo, boo, BOOOO, boo." Not like a ghost--more like a choir director singing wordless notes. That scene just melted me. =^_^=

5- Matt MacKenzie. AKA Auron. Another given.

Runner Up: Tim Curry (ooo, he so woulda made the list had Matt MacKenzie not been there--just that evil laugh--hee!!!). Tony Jay. Rob Paulsen. Maurice LaMarche (sp?).

So, see guys? Looks are most definitely not everything. As long as you got bass in your voice, you are good. *content dreamy purr*

*content dreamy ninja girl poof*