"It’s been forty days and forty nights
Down the road of many trials
And I pray it’s only for a season
‘Cause in the wilderness and in the flood
You’re the one I’m thinking of
‘Cause I know You’ve brought me for a reason." ("Forty Days", Third Day)
Naw, I don't feel much like getting philosophical at this time of night. To tell the truth, I'm just about to drop. Work ran me ragged this morning, then ran me ragged again tonight.
Needless to say (and really, do I need to? Heh.), Debbie is in love with her Warrior Duster self. I've never seen a picture passed around so much. Or so much genuine, uncontained laughter. (I shall get Jamal to draw me a dustbunny, and adopt it, and call it mine, and keep it safe from Warrior Dusters, handheld vacuums, and other such dangers. (Would you believe that dustbunnies have actually been done? If the webcomic "Catharsis" doesn't ring a bell, then stand over there so that Debbie can proceed to whack you with her broom.)) I have a great lot of moments when I'm proud of my Jamsy, and would you look at that--D:WD used her Broom of DustBunny Doom (*has to take a moment to snicker outrageously into a pillow so as not to wake anyone*) to knock this one into one of the top ten, if not higher. *ist pleased*
Some random Manager in Training (MiT) named Patrick is actually our new manager for now. S'allright.
And Sara's letter would be done if I could just freaking wrap it up, heh. It's going on its merry little way with the bills tomorrow, though, so I need to hurry up.
Did you appreciate someone today?
Now if you'll excuse me, I need sleep. _._ -ZZzzzzz
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