Well fudge,
I KNEW I left another awesome person off of my top five list. Derek Stephen Prince. *slaps own forehead*
Rediscovered him in a very roundabout way. See, D.S.P. played several great characters in the Digimon series, DemiDevimon in S1, Ken (glee!) and Veemon in S2, Impmon (SQUEE!) in S3, and I lost track after that. (Heard he is in S4 as bit parts. Have only seen S5 in Japanese, so don't ask me where he is there.)
Meanwhile, I have been playing OdinSphere (which, by the way, I highly highly recommend). Turns out Oswald the Emo Shadow Knight is played by --Gleeful Squee!--Derek Stephen Prince. And Oswald is naturally turning into one of those "Pity me, for I am strong and yet so weak blah blah blah" charas that somehow always manage to make themselves badass looking regardless (think Auron).
So yes, I guess #5 needs to be revamped on my list to be a tie: Matt MacKenzie and Derek Stephen Prince. Heh.
Meanwhile again, whilst OdinSphere is not taking up my time, Pokemon Pearl is--I just made a theme team to compete in a friendly challenge that has been set up recently. Took me two hours last night to whittle down the choices, THEN decide their natures, characteristics, items to be held, bodies, and moves. Whew. It'll take a bit to obtain everything I need, but I'll finally have a chance to be a Dragon Tamer like I always wanted to be. (That was from Red, that little dream, but there was hardly any dragons back then, so I gave up on the dream for a bit.)
*wyvern ninja girl poof*