Friday, June 18, 2004

I just put my application in for my new job. I was surprised to find out it actually opens next month versus Sept. I hope that doesn't hurt my hiring chances. Mom also forbade me to make any mention of her in my application. I swear to goodness, though, if that little part trips me up, I will never listen to her again. This whole job shpiel was her idea in the first place.

I'm just saying that in an irritated manner, because here I am, doing a lot of stuff on my own the past few weeks (where I'd normally ask Mom or Dad to help me), and you'd think they'd be proud. Instead, I get, "Geez, it's about time you did something right. I'd never thought you'd make it in the real world." Way to totally inspire your offspring. -____- Nowadays, it's more of a "I'm doing this to show you up, since you don't believe in me."

Funny thing is, in my first years of working as a ToGo, management figured out that if they gentle insulted my ego/pride, I tended to go overboard showing them that I can be more than they said. Naturally, it worked to their advantage and, yeah, I admit I became a better worker, but damn it, I despise people who do that. It may be the only way to bring me around sometimes, but I end up feeling stupid for not recognizing what I was capable of. And nobody likes to have their ego/pride screwed with.

Mom and Dad don't get any leeway, though. I mean, the two people I'd thought would be supportive...sheesh. And Mom can too be supportive--I don't care what she claims.

And people wonder why I have self-esteem issues. >.< Don't get me wrong--I love my family dearly, I really do; they are just driving me CRAZY. Mweh, I just need to move out and be a proper adult.

Last night,
I tried a cannoli for the first time. A little rich but yummy! And unfortunately, I didn't get any drawing done, but I know it'll get done today during my night shift. Heh.



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